Chapter 8

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⬻〚In Which A Trial Must Be Held〛⤖

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Hunter sat in his cell alone for three long weeks. He didn't think about escaping. He knew this would happen eventually. He let fate come. He hated himself for all the people he killed, people he tortured, and of course for raping and assaulting Coral James. He really did love her more than anything he ever had but, he had messed it all up. He had hit her a lot and yelled at her for pointless things. He felt like absolute shit. He didn't know why he killed Ali. He didn't know why he wanted Coral so badly. He didn't know why he had hurt her in the first place it ruined everything. He would do anything to start over. Anything to say sorry.

Daniel and Coral had gotten much closer over the three weeks before the trial. After Coral said she wanted to end her life, Daniel made sure she was happy and didn't have anything she could use to hurt herself. His mom finally met Coral and they got along well. This made Daniel happy, seeing as the two people who loved him so much got along so well. Coral got happier over the weeks and grew less and less depressed. She was still getting over her father's death and whatnot, but she was doing much better. That was unit the trial was held.

Johnny had gotten worse over the weeks. He grew more and more depressed seeing as Ali was dead and Coral wanted nothing to do with him. He had run away and was staying in random hotels bringing girls with him almost every night. He made sure not to get any pregnant so he didn't have to commit. He had quit school and karate at this point and his life was falling apart. The day of the trail was coming and he wasn't ready.

(Hear me out real quick, the case is in no one's point of view and it will be written differently. But I also don't know much about how court cases are done and handled, so bear with me and if I mess something up I apologize.)

⎔Case: Korawitz Against LaRusso, James, and Lawrance⎔

⎔Korawitz Charges: Rape, assault, harassment, and numerous murders.⎔

Hunter sat on his side of the courtroom ready to accept his fate. He didn't mind a death sentence he just wanted out of his life.

Coral was shaking uncontrollably while Daniel tried to calm her down. 

Johnny just sat, staring into space.

Coral was called to the stand first.

"Hello, Ms.James." The judge said with a nice smile.

Coral smiled back nervously.

"What is your relationship too Mr.Korawitz?"

"We dated for about two years. I found out I was moving and broke things off. During our time of dating, I was hit numerous times and yelled at constantly for tons of things. He wasn't intoxicated very much though."

"Interesting. Relationship with Mr.LaRusso?"

"He is my boyfriend of two months. I met him when I moved, seeing as our apartments are right next to each other. When we are not together we talk to each other through morse code. He is my rock and comforts me 25/8."

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