The Protectiveness of Best Friends

140 7 69

Setting- Post-Prince Caspian

Warning- drinking, strong language/mature topics

"You seem worried." Peter remarked as his little brother flew into his dorm, after nearly taking the door off its hinges.

"What are your best friend's intentions with my best friend?"

Peter looked bewildered.

"What?" He asked, sounding utterly blank. "Look, Ed, it's not far from Easter break, and we have exams right after, so I need to study-"

Just as he started to reach for a book, Edmund strode over and snatched it away.

"No." He said, breathing hard- he'd come running all the way from The Bench. "What you need to do is tell me why I just heard from Sanya that Colin asked her to go with him into town this weekend."

"I didn't know that they even spent time together." Peter shrugged, taking out a notebook. "I'm not Col's keeper, I don't know what you want me to do."

"As I said, find out his intentions!" Edmund was ready to tear his hair out in frustration. There he had been, strolling down, ready to hear Sanya's annoyance over schoolwork and her glowing review over whatever she'd recently read, when suddenly she had practically skipped towards him and said, 'Colin asked me out!'

"What are you getting so hot and bothered for, anyway? Shouldn't you be prepping for your match in two days? It's the last of the season!"

"I could hardly care about sports." Edmund rolled his eyes and fell onto Peter's bed. "I care because she's my best friend, Pete. I've known her for ages- and apparently, she's had lots of crushes, but this is the only one I know about, so it's important."

"Oh calm down, Ed." Peter sighed, looking at his brother, who was staring at the ceiling. "Col's a nice guy, I'm sure he won't break Sanya's heart or anything melodramatic."

"Yes, but- she only turned fourteen in January, and Colin's seventeen-"

"He's not marrying, or having relations with her, Ed. Are you even sure if it's a date or just a friendly outing?"

"I know Nya-Sanya- if she wasn't sure it's a date-date, she'd have told me that at the very beginning. She's more self-deprecating than I am." Edmund half-laughed, turning over to his side.

Peter was reminded of the line 'he's more myself than I am' suddenly, and he put the thought far away, because it was from a romance novel and he didn't read romance novels.

"I'll talk to Col." He said, just to get his brother to leave him alone. "You- I don't know what you do in your free time, so go do whatever and I'll talk to him when he comes back from the Prefect meeting."

Edmund grinned and got off the bed. He suddenly felt lighter. He was sure Peter would talk Colin out of this ridiculous idea- Sanya would be hurt, sure, but he would be there to comfort her and she'd find someone better.

"Thanks, Pete. Goodbye." He said, before closing the door with much less force than he had opened it with.

Peter sighed, and finally managed to start studying the book his brother had unceremoniously snatched from him.


Colin and Peter had met during their first year of school, and had bonded over how similar they were- in looks, not personality. Both had blond hair which flopped to one side- Peter had recently cut it short while Colin's was swept to the side- and were tall, and their faces even looked slightly similar. The main difference was that Colin was paler and had green eyes, as opposed to Peter's blue. Personality wise, they were rather different. Peter took things very much seriously, and was thoughtful about the future- and despite his vow to stop being violent, he was still a hothead and had problems with authority which wasn't his own. Colin was calm and cool, no matter what, and of a joking and amiable demeanour- he rarely took things seriously or to heart. Despite this, he was responsible and was always obedient towards the teachers who had named him Prefect.

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