Chapter Six

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Tom, the oddest thing happened in detention tonight....


Near the end of it, I heard a voice in the walls... a cold, acidic, kind of hissy voice. Lockhart didn't react at all -- I could hear it over his annoying prattle about his fame, so he should have heard it, too. Do you know what kind of creature could speak like that?

...I have no idea. There is a possibility that someone cursed you, but Lockhart would have at least been affected. I suggest looking at the creature section in the library.

Will do. Oh, and I got Draco to send the letter to Gringotts.

Really? How?

I offered to help Slytherin win the House Cup.

I'm not surprised he agreed to help you. And since you're going to have the Hat sort you into Slytherin...

...I'm really helping my own House win the Cup. I'll probably have the blood test papers tomorrow after lunch. Thanks for your help, by the way.

It was my pleasure.

Do tell me when you get information on what the voice was.

Of course. I'm kind of exhausted, it's a bit late. I'll write you tomorrow?

Of course. Goodnight, Harry.

Goodnight, Tom.

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