chapter: five

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tips n tricks
I want to dedicate this page to fun tips that have helped me lose weight in an easier process.

1) Drink coffee or tea, coffee in the morning helps cleanse your body and boosts your metabolism, it's great for disgusting food. If you don't like coffee, then try a cup of tea and you can add 1 tbsp honey or 2 tbsp honey in your coffee instead of creamer because it's more calories and sugars.
2) Drink warm lemon water before bed, it helps hydrate your body while you're asleep and get rid of unwanted toxins.
3) Drink lots of water, water helps prevent overeating because sometimes you aren't hungry just thirsty.
4) Eat light food after 8 pm, for example, try to eat fruits or vegetables.
5) Eat lots of fiber, fiber is often found in fruits and helps boost your metabolism.
6) Don't watch when you're eating, instead listen to music. When your attention is on YouTube or Netflix, you tend to not pay attention to how much you're consuming. It increases your chances of overeating.
7) Replace unhealthy snacks with wholesome ones, you can look for examples on Pinterest.

8) Be patient, don't give up and aim for progress, not perfection

9)  Eat filling food, good protein, healthy fat, and carbs.

10) Learn not to be hard on yourself, when you crush your motivation just by a small mistake it can take a while to get back up instead continue and tell yourself "I know I messed up but It's part of the journey, I will learn to heal and love myself"

10) Learn not to be hard on yourself, when you crush your motivation just by a small mistake it can take a while to get back up instead continue and tell yourself "I know I messed up but It's part of the journey, I will learn to heal and love myself"

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