We're not in peace anymore

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A white light is all I can see around me. I try to open my eyes, and now I can see the shade of something, maybe a person. But I can't remember what happened, and where I am. My mind is exploding, and the last thing I can remember is when he kissed me...fuck.
I start see more light and colors and also start to felling sick again. What if he betrayed me...
Noup, that's not possible. I refuse to believe that another Calore did it. I can't. I mean, that's a stupid idea too, Cal have been side by side with us for more than 1 year and it's now when he betrayes us? When he needs Montfort and Scarlet Guard's help to rebuilt and recover Archeron?
He wouldn't do that.

Finnaly I recover my vision and I start to recognize the shadow I saw before. Sara Skonos is next to me, carefully healing some wounds in my arm. She notices that I'm awake and smiles, without takinh her eyes and hands from my arm.

- Good morning Mare. - Julian Jacos is behind her, sitting in a chair and reading a book. I turn my head to the other side to see the rest of the infarmary. In the bed next to mine I recognize Cal, still aslepp but alive and certainly not betraying me. I sigh and see 4 soldiers in the rest of the bed, all awake and without much damage, so I turn my head back to Sara and Julian.

- What the hell happened? - I ask looking at Julian. He was about to start to say something, but suddenly I fell sick again, the emptiness in my stomach travels upwards and I turn on my side to throw up, where I alredy had a bucket for that. While I lye my head back on the bed, I hear Julian and Sara exchanging words quickly.

(- See what I was saying? - Sara says.)

(- I know. You need to talk with her.)

(- I will. Let her get some rest first.)

I look at them. - What are you talking about? - Sara looks at Julian for a second and then he gets up from the chair.

- First you wanted to know what happened, right? - He sits on my bed - Well, aparently the Lakelands are back, Mare. We don't know if they'll bring hundreds of soldiers like the last time but they already have espies in the city. We think they tried to capture and controll you and Cal. Also...we think they used a newblood from their country. With powers that until now, we didn't know any newblood had.

I can't believe we're going through this again. - What do you mean? What powers do you think he has?

- We still don't know but...we believe he is a whisper. But stronger. He used his powers to controll you and Cal, so you attacked us. - My heart stopped in the word whisper. I start to remember all the things whispers did in my life, especially Elara Merandus. I think about that newblood they are using, and if he's doing this by his choice or if he's being forced, like how I was a few months ago. I start to lose control of my breath.

- Mare, we're ok now, please take a deep breath and calm down. - Sara Skonos finished healing my arm and is siting in front of me. - Julian, maybe you can finnish talking with her later? She needs some rest now to be tottaly healed before the reunion. - Don't stress her more - she gives him a strange look that I don't understand, and he nods before start walking to the door. - What matters now is that we captured him. I'll clarify everything later, but now you need to rest. And Sara needs to talk with you. - he goes away and I sigh, focusing my attention on Cal.

- How is he? - I ask to Sara.

- He's fine, don't worry. He is now taking some rest, thing that you should do to.

- But Julian said you wanted to talk with me? What is it?

- Nothing that can't wait. - she gives me a smile.


I sleep for about an hour before waking up with more nauseas. I try to ignore that and get up of the bed, looking for someone. Cal is not here anymore but I notice someone left a note in the table next to my bed.
I take the paper and see a short message there

Julian told me what happened.
I didn't wanted to wake you, so Sara said I'll see you in the reunion
at 19pm.

I put the paper in my pocket and start looking for Sara. The infirmary it's almost empty, except for a soldier in one of the beds. She's next to him.

- You wanted to talk with me? - She's healing a cut in the soldier's face.

- Yes, I'm almost done with Tennent Mason. Wait in your bed, I'll be right there.

- Do I really need to...

- Yes Mare. - She uses a severe tone, thing that I never heard from Sara. I sit in my bed and wait a while before she comes to me. Tennent Mason left the infirmary, probably completly healed too.

She starts to taking some medical material while talks to me. - Have you been felling sick lately? With nauseas or something related?

I think about all the times I felt sick in the past week and even now I'm feeling the same way. Besides the 2 times I throw up, on the jet and here. - Yes, I've been having nausea for almost a week. Why?

- When was the last time you had your period, swettie?

- Why are you asking me thi... - Oh god. I realize what she's saying - Uhm...two months ago, I think?

Sara looks at me with some curious eyes and sits on the bed - When I was healing a cut in your belly, I felt something different.
I think you're pregnant, Mare. At least 2 months.

I have no reaction. How could this happen? I mean, that night with Cal in Harbor Bay...Don't freak out mare, it's okay. I mean, a war with the Lakelanders, a newblood that has the powers of a whisper but stronger and now I discover I'm pregnant, all at the same time? This week couldn't be better.

- Are you sure?

- I don't know Mare, but I'm like 80% sure that you're pregnant. I can make you an ultrassound if you want to.

- Uhm...thank you Sara but... I need to get some fresh air first. I still don't know what I'm going to do... - I say still shocked

- Swettie, look at me. - I look at her - This is a good thing, ok? Maybe not in the right time, but you can handle everything, am I right? You're Mare Barrow. - She smiles to me, trying to calm me down. - I'll be here for you, if you need.

- Thank you Sara. - I return the smile and leave the infirmary, still confused.

I think about how my belly was getting a little bigger in the past few weeks, and how I thought it was about all food that I was asking for my mom to make. That makes me laugh, and I calm down a little. Food cravings. How stupid I am sometimes.

But then I think about Cal. I'm having a baby with him.
After everything we've been through, that one night before the war suddenly changes everything.
I don't know if I'm ready to tell him this.



I can't breathe.

Just knowing that I was controlled by a whisper again, that I could killed someone again, is taking out all my breath. But it's not the right time to be affected by that.

We're in one of the dining rooms of the palace, that now is used by the city guard besides Scarlet Guard and Montfort. It's exacly 19pm when someone knocks the door.

— Come in, Mare. I'm glad you're recovered too. — Davison says this while looking at the big doors in the back of the room, and I automatically look at her too. She comes to the table and sits next to me and Eve. She smiles to her saying "I'm okay" and focus her attention on Davison. — I still don't know very well what hapenned, so please, can you summarize it for all, Davison? — While talking she looks for my hand under the table and take it, squeezing tight.

— Of course, Mare. Lakelands attacked Archeron again. A silent attack. That means there's already spies in the city so basically...we're not in peace anymore.

Third chapter! I'm really liking the way this story is getting to, and I hope you're too!
Comment what would you like to happen next, I would love to interact with you guys ❤
With love, Marta <3

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