Past deals

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Disclaimer I don't own Ninjago first Wattpad fic.

"Please?" Cole begs.

"No." Kai answers back reading his book.

"But it's going to be a quick trip and everyone loves cake." Cole begs again.

Kai looked up at his secret lover with a expression of irritation and amusement wondering why he bothered arguing with Cole when he was craving a cake. It was like arguing with a wall especially when Cole gave him pouty eyes and was on his knees, he melted like ice cream which Cole knew full well.

Kai rolls his eyes and puts his book down. "Only if I get a slice and you don't tell Nya or sensei." Kai said and Cole let's out a whoop. "I love you so much you won't regret it." Cole said with a hug. "Whatever rock head." Kai said as he got up. They walked out to the bakery leaving the a note for Zane who was in the other room sleeping or charging however you chose to look at it.

~Zane's dream~

"You promissed ussss the children." A black snake with glowing red eyes hisses at a old man. The man was definitely a younger Wu which was still old just not as old. Behind Wu stood two other men that Zane vaguely recognized as the former masters of fire and earth. Kai's father was there with a stern expression in his battle uniform that Zane had seen in pictures his two kids had showed him once. Cole's grandfather was there too. It was known that the elemental gene of earth went right to Cole and not his mother because she didn't want to be a fighter. He was also wearing armour and looked a bit like Cole only a little older also wearing a stern expression. They were in a old arena it was night but there were torches lit that gave plenty of illumination.

"We promised you the elemental alliance wouldn't lock you up like the others. Your people are lucky we haven't locked you all up for trying to kill them. Now hand over the children they are just a few months old." Wu said. "If I remember correctly my people were promised we could have the masters of fire of earth's children in exchange for staying out of the serpentine war and being on your sideu." The black serpentine said. It had a tail like a general would have with a black serpentine staff that had a glowing red jewel in the mouth of it. "The deal was that if you gave us the weakness of the serpentine and that we would help you if needed, not take my son!" Ray yells lighting his hand on fire. "But we need them it shouldn't matter what happensss to them as long as the infants sssserve their purpose."the black snake hisses at them.

"My daughter is ill you should at least have the common decency to let her have my grandson." Cole's grandfather growls at the snake. "If you don't safely return them then you shall regret this.You have no right to kidnap innocent infants much less elemental children." Wu said sternly. "My people shall make you puny humans grovel at the knees of us all. With your children the magma snakes will rise." The black snake said. "You will not harm my son Scorch." Ray said with fury burning in his eyes. Scorch let's out a angry hiss and twelve armed snakes with black scales that made it look like their skin was lava came out with swords and spears. "Give us the children now Scorch or you shall suffer the consequences." Wu said as the two elemental masters got out their own weapons. "Move and they die." Scorch said.

They were about to move forward when they heard two cries echoing in through the cold night. They all looked behind Scorch to see two snake soldiers, each carrying a red and a black bundle of cloth. In them were babies who couldn't be more than a few months old both squirming and crying. Scorch slithered over to the one in the red bundle and lifts a sharp clawed hand. "KAI!" Ray yells in worry. "Don't move your wife is expecting isn't she? We can always take that child instead and hope for the best." Scorch said as he places his finger on the top of the baby. Ray takes a protective step forward but a piercing cry makes him stop as Scorch dragged his finger down the eye of the face not to hard but enough to draw blood or harm the eye. "That is enough!" Wu yells getting out a flute. He started playing a melody and all the serpentine scream and clutch their ears. All of them fall to the ground unconscious except the two holding the babies. The two elemental masters ran over and took the children from them holding them tightly.

"It's okay Cole grandpa is right here." Cole's grandfather said as he calmed down a baby Cole. Wu looked at the baby Kai who had calmed down in his father's hold. "The eye itself is untouched but it will leave a scar." Wu said solemly. "Maya's going to kill me. How could I let this happen to my little fire starter?" Ray asks outloud as he clutched the baby's tiny fist. "They shall be banished for what they attempted but the important thing is that the children are safe. They won't have to do what was intended for them." Wu said soothingly at the two masters.

The scene fades and Zane see's a new image. It was under ground and there was a loud banging before a door broke open. Inside was Scorch behind him a whole tome with a army of lava snakes all roaring for blood. Scorch turns to his people. "WE WILL HAVE WHAT IS OWED TO US!" Scorch shouts and the army cheers.


Zane wakes up with a gasp and ran out of his room and barged in on Wu meditating. Wu looked up startled as Zane entered with a scared expression. "Master I had a vision. I saw black snakes with lava scales and the former masters of earth and fire and baby Kai and Cole. Scorch I saw scorch he's back." Zane said.

Wu face palms and gets up as quick as he could walking into the living room with Zane following. When they enter they find Lloyd and Jay playing a video game while Nya was reading a book on how to fix a mech. "Where's Kai and Cole?" Wu asks sternly. "Cole had a sweet tooth so they went out to grab some sweets." Jay answers not looking up from the screen. Wu walks over and unplugged the tv and the screen went dark. "I was about to beat him!" Lloyd said and Nya looks up from her book. "Master is something wrong?" Nya asks. "A enemy I thought no more has returned for what he feels like he's owed." Wu said gravelly and Zane knew what he was talking about. "What is it he thinks he's owed?" Jay asks.

"Not what but who."

Short I know but first Wattpad fanfic hope you enjoy

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