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Kai and Cole were stone and a snake was about to eat the ninja. It didn't look good for them as it circled. "Who are they?" The snake asks. Scorch was taken aback not expecting the snake to question him.

"They are the ninja they tried to stop us," Scorch replies. The snake turned to the ninja and to them it didn't look like a monster it looked like a creature with intelligent thought. "Why try to sssstop them?" It asks. "The master of fire is my brother! And I consider the master earth my brother too!" Nya screams. "They've been suffering because of this snake!" Lloyd said.

The magma snake turns to Scorch then saw the stone statues of Kai and Cole. It saw how they leaned against each other and how they seemed at peace being together. "What'sssss taking so long? Just kill them!" Scorch demands. The snake turned to Scorch and hisses. It wrapped Scorch in its tail and flung the snake into the wall taking everyone off guard.

It then slithers over to Kai and Cole circling them and wrapping them like a snake would her eggs. It glows for about a minute before unwrapping itself and the ninja were relieved to see Kai and Cole okay moving and not made of stone. "How long were we out?" Kai asked. "Is cake still a thing?" Cole asked and anyone who didn't know him would think he was joking, but no he was deadly serious.

"WHAT? YOUR MEANT TO SERVE ME! AND DESTROY ALL OF THE HUMANS!" Scorch yells before paling at what he said. His followers gathered around him all hissing. "You ssssaid the snake was for protection not destruction," one hisses. "Umm yes that's what I meant," Scorch said not very convincingly. "Wait? You did this all because you were promised safety?" Jay asked. "You would do it for your own knowing your future children will grow up ssssafe," a different snake said and they couldn't argue with that.

"I see only ashes in your heart only this power can be controlled by the ones who share unity," The giant snake said than turned to Kai and Cole who were still chained. It slithers over and bows to them. "What is it you demand?" The snake asked. Everyone was taken off guard before Kai spoke. "Could you get the chains off?" He asks. The snake used its tail and broke the chains and the two got up. "So anything we ask you will do?" Cole asked. "As long as it is something both agree on," the snake said. "Get rid of Scorch for us?" Kai requests. Cole nodded in approval and the snake does so for them. It picked Scorch up in its jaw and threw him out of the hole in the roof. Scorch screamed as he was thrown.

All the other snakes looked disappointed now. "We're will we go?" One asked. "We have no home for our children," Another said. Kai and Cole looked at each other and thought the same thing. "What's your thoughts on the other tribes?" They both asked at the same time.

Back at the bounty

"Well looks like everything turned out pretty good," Cole said as he was on the couch snuggling Kai like a teddy bear. "Yeah Scale's was happy with the new additions and the giant snake guardian protecting their part of the sewers," Jay comments. "I'm gonna be honest I thought you would make it go on cake runs," Nya said with a giggle. "Who said I didn't do that?" Cole asks finishing a slice of cake that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Well I'm glad everything turned out fine in the end," Lloyd said. "Speak for yourself I still have rocks in my ears," Kai complains hitting the side of his head and bit of dust did come out of his ears.

"Well other than that everyone benefits from this," Wu said leaning back in his chair.

The end I know it could have been better but I honestly just wanted to get it over with and I didn't know what else to write

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