Full power

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Kai woke up to a dimly lit dungeon with his ankles and wrists bound. He looks to his side to see Cole who was relieved to see Kai awake. "What happened?" Kai asks. "The snakes caught us off guard and shot you with a sleeping dart.." Cole answers.

"Well well look who finally woke up." Scorch said entering the cell. The two ninjas struggle against their binds. "Here to gloat like everyone else?" Kai snaps. "Just here to ask some questionssss," Scorch said innocently. "And what's that?" Cole asks suspiciously. "How is your mother?" Scorch asks. Cole sends him a glare so fierce the snake flinched. "So she didn't't make it? Oh well just curious," Scorch said. "What the hell you want with us? We're just like every other elemental master," Kai asks. Scorch chuckles and looked at the two with a grin.

"Even as mere infants you both displayed your powers. That doesn't happen to future elemental children until at least teenage years. Yes not as powerful as now but still impressive. I plan on using that power to rule this land with a iron fist enslaving all humans. You two are the key to that," Scorch said smiling

"Original you want to rule the land." Cole said dryly. "Somebody should copyright it by now," Kai adds with a dead pan expression. "Ignoring that," Scorch growls. "I just need you two to be good slaves and tell me if you can do spinjitzu?" Scorch asks.

Kai and Cole look at each other then back at Scorch. "No idea what your talking about," Cole said in a neutral expression. "And I didn't hear a please," Kai said with a smug grin. "Calling us slaves doesn't help either," Cole added. Scorch growls and wrapped his tail around Cole squeezing him as Cole gasps for breath.

"Tell me if you can do it!" Scorch demands of Kai who was struggling hard in his chains. "No let him go!" Kai yells. Scorch squeezes tighter and Cole begins going a little blue. "Tell me or I break his wind pipe," Scorch threatens.

"No!" Kai yells. He had never been so scared or mad in his life. Sure they were in life or death battles daily, but Kai had no idea what this ritual needed from them exactly. Maybe they needed there lives and why the heck did they ask them if they could do spinjitzu? Kai felt something in him something strong and it was fury. This snake had shown up, got his boyfriend stabbed, kept them on house arrest, kidnapped them, broke Cole's leg, apparently gave him his scar even though it did look cool, mentioned Cole's mother which was a touchy subject, called them slaves, and now he was choking him demanding to know a martial art.

Oh he was beyond pissed. "Let.Him.go," Kai grits out. "Or what? You have no powers while wearing vengestone," Scorch said. Kai took a deep hot breath and blew FIRE out of his mouth he didn't even know he could do that. Scorch jumps out of the way of the flames dropping Cole who fell to the ground sucking in breath like it was a cake. Kai rushes over to him and makes sure he could breath properly.

"Put a gag on the red one," Scorch orders. Two guards came in a put a metal collar like chain around Kai's mouth completely covering the bottom half of his face. "I knew you were powerful but I did not expect this," Scorch said thoughtfully.

Kai glares as Cole's breathing became even again. "Come guards we need to have everything ready to summon the beast," Scorch orders slithering out. "What beast?" Cole asks. Scorch looks back and smiles before disappearing out the cage leaving the two alone.

Cole looked at Kai who had worry clear in his eyes. "It's okay I'm okay but what happened? Your wearing vengestone or was I hallucinating from lack of oxygen?" Cole asks. Kai thought for a moment before writing it on the dirt ground.

I was mad that he was hurting you I didn't even know I could spit fire.

Cole's eyes soften and he hugged Kai comfortingly. "Well that's good to know, but spinjitzu? Beast? What's he planning with us?" Cole asks looking at Kai.

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