Your kidding right?

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"Sensei if this is your attempt at a joke it's not funny," Kai said coldly. Sensei did not look like he was joking but looked as stone faced as when Jay tried to bribe his way out of sunrise exercises.

"You have both been captured once. Until we know if it's safe or not your both going into hiding in separate locations." Wu states. Kai and Cole look to each other, that could take months. "Sensei it's not fair to separate them like this," Lloyd steps in. Wu raises a eyebrow at this.

"Well it's either separate them or kill one of them and I do not wish to inflict the latter," Wu said totally serious. "Sensei please they're has to be something better," Cole tries desperately.

"I agree they're both important parts of our team. Without one the rest would fall," Zane said. Wu sighs and drank his tea. "I understand your reasoning Zane, but with the fang blades they were separated because they were dangerous if together. It's the safest option for everyone." Wu said. "We only got caught because you got caught," Kai defends. "We are totally capable," he adds.

"You got caught because you were both distracted and should've been ready for a attack," Wu said getting frustrated with the arguing. "We were not distracted!" Cole exclaims.

"You were both making out in the med bay," Wu said bluntly and the two ninja in question both blushed deep shades of Kai's gi. Holding in a snicker at the twos embarrassment Jay spoke up. "Where would they even go that's safe enough?" He asks.

"I think it best that is kept a secret for their safety," Wu said calmly. "That makes it sound like this is already decided!" Cole exclaims. "Yeah we are not-" Kai starts before Wu blew golden dust in their faces and they fell to the ground unconscious.

The rest look at Wu in surprise. "It was needed. Now if you please I'm going to take them to the locations." Wu said. "When can they come back?" Nya asks. "When the threat is no longer a threat. You will have no communication with them or each other. It's for there safety and it's not permanent unless the threat isn't dealt with," Wu said bluntly.

He poured some travellers tea and pushed Cole through it and the ninja peaked in to see it was Chen's old mansion that was abandoned after the tournament. Skylor was their and waved her hand in a friendly greeting. "Don't worry he'll be safe and happy here. As long as he doesn't eat everything first," She said then picked Cole up easily having absorbed his super strength. The portal closes and Wu opens up the next one and pushed Kai in and the ninja saw it was Hiroshi's labyrinth that was turned into a high tech holding facility for artifacts of great power.

Some good nindroid were there and Borg. "Thank you for your generosity Borg I hope he won't be to much of a handful," Wu said and Borg waved it off. "It's no trouble," Borg said and the portal closed.

Wu turned back to the rest. "Stop the snakes and we can have them back," Wu said and walked off.

Two weeks later

Cole was going stir crazy at this point. Nothing exciting ever happened and he missed the team especially his boyfriend. As Cole sat on the bed Skylor gave him (which wasn't rock this time) he wonders what his love was doing right now.


"You sure this one will be worth it?" Kai asks Borg. As a thanks and because he had nothing better to do Kai agreed to test out every new security system Borg came up with. So far he had gotten through all of them without using his powers and he could tell Borg was getting frustrated. Not with him but with his machines failures but the man loved a challenge.

"Yes I'm certain!" Borg calls from the speakers. He was behind a protective glass window for his safety. Kai shrugs and got into a fighting stance. When the beep to go went off he booked it and took out the security system but used his powers this time so it was getting harder. That was good enough for Borg and he considered it a win.

It was pretty easy Kai just imagines Wu's face and then it becomes a snap. He missed the others and Cole and Borg wasn't letting him talk to anyone outside the labyrinth. He didn't blame Borg but sometimes he felt as if he was just another artifact to be kept in a lock room for all of eternity.

Cole I hope your having fun


"This is a bust," Jay pouts. The magma snakes had been reeking havoc all over Ninjago and it was driving everyone crazy trying to catch them. It didn't help that they were two best fighters short and there was no sign of Scorch anywhere.

It was highly troublesome and worrying the heck out of everyone. "We need to get this over with! Sky called saying Cole's broken two machines because he used them for weight lifting and otherwise not come out of his room." Nya complains flopping down on the couch. "And Borg called saying the only thing keeping Kai from burning the place down is testing his new security protocols. Otherwise he doesn't talk and is pouting." Zane adds.

"Where is Scorch? He hasn't been seen since the first attack and all the others the snakes are barely putting up a fight," Lloyd said. It's a few moments of thinking before a idea hits Zane.

"What if they aren't attacking? What if they're distracting?" He wonders outloud. Everyone looks at him as he continues. "What if the reason we can't find Scorch is because he sent his goons to distract us while he went after Cole and Kai?" Zane suggests. "But how would he know where they are? They don't even know where the other is," Jay said. They thought for a moment before a loud alarm went off.

"Ninja come in! Scorch is attacking the labyrinth!" Borg shouted as the ninja answered. "What!? How did they find him?" Nya asks. "It's his staff I scanned it and it seems to be a rod for elemental energy. The security team is dealing with it and Kai's in the safest volt," Borg explains before a loud explosion was heard and Borg went pale looking off screen.

"Umm scratch that you should come here now," Borg said before the line went dead. The ninja didn't waist a beat summoning their dragons and booking it to the labyrinth.

When they got their the place was barely standing and no surprise Kai was taken. The workers and Borg were all okay though with only a couple bruises and scratches. "I'm sorry we tried," Borg apologizes. "It's fine you did your best. We need to go protect Cole they won't hurt Kai if they need them both the best we can do is protect Cole," Lloyd said and they nodded summoning their dragons and heading to Cole's location.

To say Cole was mad when seeing the others was a understatement. He was furious at being taken out of commission when he didn't have any injuries. And to hear they lost Kai well let's just say he almost sunk the island he was so mad. "YOU LOST HIM?!" Cole exclaims.

Everyone was recovering from that earthquake Cole made when they answered. "We thought he would be safe," Lloyd said. "Well he isn't and you lost my boyfriend!" Cole exclaims at them. "Hey he's my brother that tops it," Nya states which wasn't the smartest move. "If you cared about him you wouldn't have lost him!" Cole said in a dangerous voice.

"Oh yeah? Well how about-?" Nya starts. "Guys! Focus man down end of the world," Skylor butts in. Lloyd sends a silent prayer of thanks to Skylor before continuing. "She's right Jay and Zane are staying here as extra help while me and Nya find Kai," Lloyd said.

"So I'm still side lined? No way I got a better idea," Cole said. "And what's that?" Lloyd asks.

"They have Kai so why not let them have me? We use myself as bait find my boyfriend and take the enemy by surprise," Cole said.

"That's risky," Lloyd considers. "I'll make myself bait if you say no," Cole said deadly serious. "Fine," Lloyd groans and Cole let's out a whoop of joy.

"This is going to end badly isn't it?" Jay asks Zane. "That's what the odds point to," Zane agrees.

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