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"Cole I love you to the ends of the realm but for FSM's sake pick a flavour." Kai said impatiently. The couple had entered a mostly deserted bakery so no one else was waiting in line but Kai was getting impatient. There were at least fifteen different flavours and it wasn't the trouble that they wouldn't have enough it was that Cole was having trouble picking a flavour.

"But I just don't know what to get. There's strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, pistachio. Should I go with the classics or try something new?" Cole said to mostly himself as he looked at the lines of cakes.

Kai sighed and walked over to a table and sat down hoping he wouldn't hold up a line if one started to form. "Just don't get the pistachio I think Jay might be allergic." Kai advices and Cole nods his head showing he heard. Kai would usually complain a lot more by now but he found it cute how serious Cole was about something as innocent as a sweet treat. His phone buzzes and he gets it out and looks at the text sent by Lloyd.

Green bean

Get to the bounty right now Wu has something to tell us

"Cole! Wu needs us so you got five minutes." Kai said as he texted Lloyd a reply. "Fine I'll take the chocolate." Cole said and the baker nods as Cole got out his wallet and paid for the cake.

Once they got back outside they began heading back to the bounty when they heard screaming and people running away in fear. They turned around and saw a whole bunch of new type of serpentine walking down the street causing random destruction. "I'll call Wu." Kai said getting out his phone. He let it ring for a few moments before Lloyd picked up because Wu didn't have a phone. Might be a old person thing.

"Hey Lloyd there's a bunch of new type of serpentine snakes causing destruction me and Cole are gonna teach them some manners." Kai said with a eager grin. "What!? What do they look like? Don't engage." Lloyd orders in a stern voice.

"They look like they have lava scales and mainly are using spears." Kai answers. "Do not engage them." Lloyd said again more sternly. "Lloyd says don't engage them." Kai said to Cole. He was very suprised to find his boyfriend was currently wiping what was left of the chocolate cake they had just bought. "Remind me to time you next time you eat cake." Kai said impressed. "Don't worry Lloyd we got this." Cole said confidently as the snakes got closer. "But don't-." Lloyd starts.

"Sorry chhhh bad signal chhh." Kai said before hanging up the phone. "I'm going to let you take the lead here." Kai said to Cole. "No kiss for good luck?" Cole jokes. "Depending on how you do." Kai shrugs with a cocky grin.

Cole walks up to the snakes choosing to try the diplomatic approach. "Why are you attacking the city?" Cole called out getting the attention of the snakes. They stop and looked at him before letting their leader make his way to the front. He had a serpentine general's staff that was black metal instead of gold and a glowing red jewel. He had a long tail that looked longer than that of a anacondrai. "I am Scorch leader of the lava serpents. My people are here to collect our payment." He announces with a hiss. "And what was that?" Cole asks.

"None of your concern." Scorch hisses. "Rude." Kai mutters. Suddenly Scorch's staff vibrates and Scorch looks from it to the two boys before smiling. "Capture them alive." He orders the snakes who began to attack the two startled ninja.

They met in combat and began fighting using their elements to their advantage. Kai made a wall of fire that dismayed the snakes but they just hissed and jumped through the fire ignoring the burns it gave them. Cole made a rock wall that they just climbed over.

"My how you have both grown how'sss the eye you whiny baby?" Scorch asks with a hiss. "Who you calling a whiny baby? I'll make you cry like a baby." Kai grits out drawing his sword. "Well you cried a lot when I cut your eye." Scorch said and Kai pauses touching his scarred eye. He ignores it as a snake comes up behind him and he knocks it back with a quick move of spinjitzu.

"What about you rock head? How's your mother doing?" Scorch asks with a sinister smile. Cole stops for a second too process what Scorch just said. Bad call, a snake knocks him over and points a spear to his throat. Cole made a swift motion but still feels the blade cut his stomach as he disarms the snake by kicking his legs out from under it. They fight hard but begin to be over whelmed by the sheer amount of snakes. At one point Kai finally notices that Cole was bleeding like a lot. Cole fell over clutching his stomach and Kai went on defence so the slimy snakes wouldn't lay a finger on his boyfriend.

"We shall have what was promised!" Scorch yells as Kai began to get overwhelmed. "Don't count on it." Lloyd said appearing on his green motorcycle with the others. "Took you long enough." Kai yells at them. Scorch's eyes narrowed as the ninja began taking out his soldiers. "Retreat!" He orders and the snakes obey as they retreated. The ninja were about to go after them when Kai called out. "We need bandages!" As he helped up Cole who was clutching his stomach. He becomes their main focus as they helped him onto the ride back and onto the bounty. It wasn't as bad as it first looked all he needed was to be disinfected and wrapped with bandages. "I'm fine I can do it myself." Cole insists. "No you can't now hold still." Kai said as Cole laid down on a bed. He took his shirt off as Kai disinfected the wound and Cole tried not to cry in pain in front of his team. While Kai was wrapping bandages around his waist that was when he chose to start asking questions.

"Who was that guy? Why did he seem to know us?" Cole asks. Wu sighs. "A long time ago during the serpentine war we needed to try and find the weakness of a serpentine if we had any hope of winning. The lava tribe told us the secret of the flutes in exchange for the assistance of the elemental masters. We agreed and won the war but when Scorch the leader came back for his end of the bargain we refused to give it to him." Wu explains.

"Why? I thought elemental masters helped everyone back then." Jay asks. "Because, he wanted the masters of earth and fire but not the current masters. He said his people wanted to keep Kai and Cole when they were only a few months old . Of course we all refused this, who knows what they wanted with a couple of infants, much less children of elemental children and he vowed he would be back. Then one morning I had Ray and Sam (that's the name I'm using for Cole's grandfather) storming the monastery saying that both Kai and Cole had been kidnapped in the night. We left to retrieve you both and during the retrieval Scorch gave Kai his scarred eye. We locked them away with the other serpentine tribes. It was never known what they were planning on using you for." Wu said. They took that in and looked to each other.

"What makes us so special that they couldn't get dad or Sam to do it?" Kai asks as he finished wrapped Cole's bandage.

"That we don't know, but what we do know is that they are after you both again." Wu said with a grim expression. "Well I'm not letting anything happen to this hot head." Cole said with a gesture to Kai. "And nothing will happen to you dirt clod." Kai said back.

"And I will make sure of that too until this threat has been dealt with you both are not allowed to be off the bounty for any reason. Including missions ." Wu said in all seriousness. "WHAT! Sensei" Cole said in a pleading tone.

"This is not up for discussion you two will not be allowed to leave the bounty at all." Wu said more sternly and sharply. "But we're ninja we can handle ourselves." Kai argues before being whacked on the head by sensei Wu. "No buts this is not up for discussion." Wu said and from the tone in his voice there was no changing his mind. The couple looks to the rest of the team and they just shrugged.

"Oh come on!" They both said in union.

Short again I know I'll work on it

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