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It had been a week since the arrival of the lava tribe and Wu was scouring through all serpentine texts trying to find what the lava tribe might need for his two pupils.

Kai and Cole were mostly just bored doing training and other stuff for entertainment never really being left alone which cut into their kissing time.

"You know we could just ask the other nicer serpentine." Zane suggests. Wu takes a moment to process that thinking. Why didn't I think of that? But he straightened up and turned back to Zane. "Yes that's a good idea Zane you and the rest shall go to the serpentine and ask them." Wu said. "Does that include us?" Kai asks from the doorway. "No you and Cole are still staying here." Wu said and Kai groans.

Later with the serpentine

"Do you think they might actually know what's going on with crazy?" Jay asks referring to Scorch. The others shrug as they walked through the tunnels that eventually lead to the serpentine. They were about to knock on the door when they felt sharp spears on their backs. "Ssssate your businesss." A hypnobrai hisses at the ninjas as they slowly turned around. "We're Just here for some information nothing else." Lloyd said. The snakes look at each other than part to let someone through.

King Scale's slithers to the front of the line hissing down at the ninjas flicking his tail. "My people made a vow not to get involved with your mattersss." Scales said flicking his forked tounge.

"We only want to know why Scorch of some lava tribe no one has ever heard of is after my brother and Cole." Nya said. Scales eyes wide in shock and fear before going back to a unreadable look. "Follow me." Scales said slithering off. The ninja followed him as he lead them into a library with the Venomari general was reading a book. "We wish for you to tell us the story of Scorch." Scales said and the Venomari looked up from his book and to the ninja. "It's a tragic tale." He warns. "We need to know it." Lloyd said desperately. The general sighs as he slithered over and grabbed a book from a shelf and opened it. It was dusty and Jay started coughing at the dust as the general began with the story.

Years ago before the war the lava tribe attacked the other tribes in a attempt of complete domination of all. The tribes united and fought them back and banished them to the sea of sand. During the war the serpentine found a ritual that would give the lava tribe complete control over all of Ninjago. They saw it as a prophecy for there people. Two separate elements shall come as one and create a power to destroy all. For when completed whoever controls the beast that is made will have the power to conquer all . All it needed was the masters of fire and earth one with hair as black as coal and another with eyes bright as fire. They found the masters specific to the details as children, mere infants. The leader took advantage of the war and told the secret weaknesses of all serpentine. When he came back for the children the masters refused to give them the children. So they took the children in the night. The night they would go ahead with the ritual the masters came and took them back banishing the lava tribe. If the ritual is ever to be completed Scorch will have the power to destroy entire armies with just a thought.

"So that's why Scorch didn't take Ray and Sam. Ray has brown eyes whereas Kai has firery amber eyes." Lloyd said. "And Sam has gray brown hair whereas Cole has black hair." Zane adds. "But what is the power exactly?" Jay asks. "Your two friends would be like batteries. Scorch would take their power and combine it making Lava. He would be able to cause eruptions anywhere even in the frozen waste lands." The Venomari general said. "I remember reading something on this if two elemental masters combine power they can create a new power. Like fire and ice combining would give us control over water." Zane said. "Then let's go tell Wu." Lloyd said. As if on cue though his phone rang and he answers it to a frantic Wu. "We've been attacked! They took them!" Wu yells into the phone and everyone present goes pale.

A few minutes before like half a hour

"I can take the bandages off myself." Cole said stubbornly. "So you want me to leave while you slowly peel them off your skin?" Kai asks sarcastically. "No." Cole sighs. "That's what I thought." Kai said smugly as he rips off the bandages and Cole holds back a scream of pain. He rubs his torso then looks around. "How long till the others get back?" Cole asks. "Another hour at least." Kai answers. "And Wu's meditating." Cole adds with a suggestive grin. "We might as well make the most of the alone time." Kai said returning the grin.

The two ninjas lean in and start passionately kissing the other with their tounges roaming in the others mouth. They pull away for air before they continued as Cole fell back on the bed with Kai's full body weight on him. "You know we really should tell the others eventually." Kai said when they broke off for oxygen. Cole's face was a little hesitant.

"But what would the others say? What would dad say?" Cole said nervously. Kai gently grabbed his chin so Cole would look into his eyes amber staring back at forest green. "I won't tell anyone until we are both ready." Kai said and Cole was once again reminded of the great boyfriend he had. The moment was ruined when a sudden kick to Kai's gut knocked him off Cole and he fell to the floor groaning in pain. Cole got up and saw black snaked soldiers at the door way. He jumped from the bed and broke into spinjitzu as Kai got back up right behind him.

When they stopped spinning they found the snakes on the ground unconscious. "Where's Wu?" Cole asks and they shared a worried look. They both ran to the deck to find it filled with Lava snakes and Wu with a sword to the throat. "Come peacefully and we might spare his life." Scorch said referring to Wu.

"Don't do it!" Wu shouts at them. The two ninja look at each other. "No deal." Cole said. Scorch hisses and suddenly Cole feels a searing pain in his left leg. He looks up at the snake who just hit him with the blunt of its sword. He hears a thump behind him to see Kai on the ground unconscious with a dart in his neck.

Scorch smiles as the snakes pick up the two ninja and tied them up. "Goodbye Wu." Scorch said before pushing him over the side. "MASTER!" Cole screams before getting a gag in his mouth. "Now off we go." Scorch said as Cole was thrown in a cage next to Kai.

Little did they know Wu had used his staff to hold onto a stray piece of wood. "Oh father help us." Wu whispers as he climbs back up.

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