Chapter 1: Moving Back Into the Closet

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A/N: Updates will be a little bit willy-nilly and all over the place, but I'll try to be consistent! FYI Ford is so far in the closet he's in Narnia, Stan's bi and no one knows, and Fidds is like, half in half out of the closet, friends know but family doesn't, and Rick is pan, as per cannon. Alrighty let's hop on the GAY TRAIN, TOOT TOOOOOOOOOOT!

Ford POV

                   "STAN!" I yelled to my twin, "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND HELP ME!" Stan glared at me and rolled his eyes, handing the girl he was talking to something and coming to my car to help lift boxes. In all honesty, she kinda gave me shallow and I-have-40-guys-phone-numbers-and-what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it vibes. I looked to my brother and in a sarcastic tone asked him, "So when are you invited to Becky's dorm to help her study the male anatomy?" He scoffed,

"Well at least I got invited to Jessica's dorm to study the male what ever you said." I rolled my eyes and hoisted a box into my arms, blocking my vision.

"DoyouhavethemapStanley?" I asked, the box was full of books, I could tell.

"Yeah, do ya need some help, Sixer?" Stan asked before bursting into a fit a giggles

"ThisisnojokingmatterStanley, weneedtogettomydormandstartunpacking." I was already gasping for air. Stan flattened a piece of paper and began leading me into the swarm of college students, grasping the front of the box...

Fiddleford POV

                  I flattened my comforter, and plopped down on my bed, wondering what my second year of college would entail. I sighed and flopped onto my back, I'd already been told my roommate would be a freshman, not that I minded. It might be nice, talking to someone who hasn't been poisoned by the toxicity of the frats and crushed by the rigorous studying sessions, not to mention the fact I could start on a clean slate. A lot of my friends last year found out I was gay and outed me, so my social situation was less than perfect. 

                   A sandy-blond lock of hair fell in front of my face, I blew it out with a single tiny gust of air. Then, I heard voices behind the door, one was rough and loud, and the other was smoother and a little quieter. I hopped off of my bed and opened the door, and two guys came rushing in. They were both the same height, but one had glasses and was just a little skinnier, while the other had some acne scars scattered across his face and was beefier. The guys had the same hair and eye color as well, they were probably siblings. The one with glasses was holding a box, which he ran and tossed onto his bed and fell onto the floor. The other one held his hand out and introduced himself, "Stan Pines," he gestured to his brother I assumed, and introduced him as well, "That's my nerdy brother, Ford I'm pretty sure he's gonna stay there for a while, so I'm gonna get more boxes."

 "W-wait, which one of yous is gonna be my roommate?" I asked frantically, Stan once again gestured to Ford, and then walked out. I ran to catch up to Stan and insisted on helping him with the rest of Ford's boxes, which he just said, "Okay"...

Ford POV

               I must have fallen asleep on the floor of my dorm, because I woke up a pair of feet swinging off just above the floor and two voices chatting. One I recognized as my brother's, but the other was unfamiliar to me. It was high pitched and southern . Mmm southern gentlemen, I thought to myself. My brother noticed me stirring and kicked me in the side and laughed, "I thought we'd lost ya there, Poindexter!" I groaned and peeled myself off of the shag carpet, rubbing my eyes. 

"You know what, Stan?" I said groggily, turning to face my twin, "Screw you." And flicked him right between the eyes. He yelped and slapped my arm away from his face, I turned to face my roommate, he was tiny and had sandy blonde hair. His blue eyes were wide with fear, I adjusted my glasses and stuck my hand out to introduce myself, "It seems you've met my infinitely obnoxious brother, Stanley," To which Stan yelled "THAT'S ME!" I continued, "I'm Stanford, call me Ford." My tiny roommate grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Your brother introduced you a few hours ago. I'm Fiddleford, call me Fidds." Wait, it'd been asleep for HOURS? I turned to face my brother once more, drawing my fist back, ready to beast the living shit out of my twin. Stan yelped once more and leaped off of my bed, running into the dorm bathroom and locking the door, damn him for keeping up with those boxing lessons. I groaned and sat on my bed, fluffing up my hair. Fidds had backed up and had his knees to his chest, eyes once again wide with fear.

"So," I started, "Do you have any siblings?" Fidds nodded and adjusted his glasses, which for some reason I hadn't noticed before.

"Yeah, I have three older brother, two older sisters, and a younger one of each, so that's seven I reckon." My jaw must be hitting the floor, SEVEN?! I could hardly survive my two brothers!  How did this guy live?!

 "How did you survive?" I asked a little to loudly. Fidds scratched the back of his neck and stared at the floor,

"Oh, ya know, hiding in my closet with a stack of books that reached the ceilin', I guess that's how I got so smart."

"Damn, I can hardly handle my brothers, and one can't even talk!" I laughed a little, this felt more natural than every other conversation I'd ever had, maybe I'd made a friend...

IDK Just a Fiddauthor story ((discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now