This isn't a chapter, it's me explaining some shit

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Look, I'm bored, you're bored, can I just say some shit? First off, thank you for reading my story this is my favorite one, although it isn't to popular. Second, I wrote this the way I did because I relate to Rick on a fucking EmOtIoNaL level, so naturally I shoved him into the story. The reason I relate to him the way I do is because he made me realize who I am, I started watching the show with my Dad a few years back and it's become something we both love, he loved it for the hilarity of it, I loved it because I finally had some kindred souls. Morty, the insecure teenager who just goes with the flow of everything, good or bad, because he doesn't have a choice. And Rick, the old bastard is the smartest man and in the universe, and frankly, pan. My universe is my family whom I love, but are a bunch of dumbasses at times, and a little toxic at times as well, but that's not what I'm focusing on in this, whatever the fuck it is, rant, PSA, etc. But anyways, my family has tried to cover up my parents mistakes and my past, but it's who I am, and what shaped me, I was hardly affected my Rick and Morty when I first started the show, I think I was nine or ten, that was almost half a decade ago.

I'm getting off track with this again, my bad. But to continue, my relationship with Rick has grown over the years, he was one of the driving factors in me discovering myself truly, if you know what I mean. Basically, he made my realize that I'm pan, and no, I don't like Rick that way, he's fucking seventy years old, that's gross. He was always so open with his love interests, male, female, or otherwise, while few and far between, he was never ashamed, while I had to be ashamed of my first girl crush, one of my best friends. (I am a girl, just to clarify) Later that same year, I had my first crush on someone who didn't abide by gender rules, so I was pretty damn confused. Why the hell do I like girls, boys, and everything in-between? I looked too much at who my crushes had been physically for this explanation before I heard the term, pansexual. I then realized they were all very similar personality wise, optimistic, kind, loyal, good friends, and caring. I still talk to both of those wonderful people today, I don't want to reveal names for their sake, but those two have stayed by my side and accompanied my along my journey, along the Smiths and Rick. Fuck Jerry though, can't forget that.

Anyways, thanks for reading this and my story it's like my pirates of the pancreas, if you didn't, that's fine too, I just wanted to get some feelings out, since I can't really talk to my family. The reason why is because my grandparents are here, while I'm lucky enough to have both sets living and healthy during this time, they aren't exactly LGBTQA+ supportive, and it's not like I can talk to anyone with them not around. Dad has some old opinions, Mom thinks I need to see a professional about me "thinking" I like girls and "there's no such thing as pansexual, there are only two genders," but my stepmom, who I can't name for her sake, has supported me throughout my self-discovery, which I don't thank her enough for, FUCK I'M CRYING AHHHHH.

It's time for me to sign off for now, but please remember, I don't care about your race, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, or anything else, but if you can't talk to anyone, leave a comment and I'll be your chaotic pan sister, and if anyone tries to hurt you, in any way, I'LL KILL WITH MY BARE GODDAMN HANDS WITH GRANDPA RICK SANCHEZ AND UNCLE BRENDON URIE BY MY SIDE! 

Now it's time for a pan joke: What do you call a pansexual guy name Nick who works at a CD shop? PAN NICK AT THE DISC CO!

Now it's time for a pan joke: What do you call a pansexual guy name Nick who works at a CD shop? PAN NICK AT THE DISC CO!

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