Chapter 6: Rick is Irresponsible

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 Stan POV

                    Because Rick is Rick, and Fidds is Fidds, I'm living with Rick. Don't really remember moving in, maybe that's the sign I should take down the amount of parties I go to, meh. Anyways, Rick is working on something and I should probably head off to work, since I gotta pay rent and shit.

                  I flopped out of bed and trudged into the kitchen, for some reason Rick lives in one of the nicest damn apartments in town. I don't think he even has a job, it's not really my business though.

                   I threw open the fridge and groaned at the results, ginger ale, bagels, and oranges, who buys bagels with no cream cheese? I quickly decided to skip breakfast and just go to work.

Ford POV

                  11am, 4th class of the day done. 2 more hours until I can go see Ricks' new invention, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Ford, chill out, I told myself. A deep inhale nd deeper exhale and I reset.

Ok maybe I don't.

"You okay Ford?" Fidds southern drawl snatches me back to reality, and forces me to hide my face behind my hand



"Okay? I'm gonna run back to the dorm to grab somethin', then I'm headin' over to Ricks. Why don't you skip out on your last few classes? They've been stressin' you out."

Normally I wouldn't skip class if the world was ending, but. Fidds is giving me the eyes, so I sighed and agreed.

Fidds is very, care free. I envy that more than anyone will ever know. Fidds is also tye smartest person I know, he could match Telsa, maybe even Di Vinci! Einstein just rode off of his wifes' help, which is a real dick move. (A/N: This is true! A lot of Albert Einstein's papers his wife assisted and she never ONCE got credit for her intelligence, she was friends with Marie Curie for fucks sake!) Not that Fidds would do anything like that to me, argggg. Why would I think about that? He said I was attractive ONCE, one time, get that through your thick skull, Stanford!

Rick POV

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. There's a fucking rip in time, on my desk, how am I supposed to get that shit off? Also my hand is stuck in said rip. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. I hope Fidds is on his way, if not my molecular structure may be torn apart, or I might time travel.

Fidds POV

                    Something didn't feel right,

"Ford, speed up." The brunet gave a suspicious look but pressed on the gas pedal a little more,

"Is something wrong Fidds?" He asked in a concerned tone, but kept his eyes on the road

"No," I said firmly.

 Slight Timeskip bc I'm lazy

           I knocked once, twice paused and knocked once more, knocked twice again, paused before knocking two times repeating that once, then knocked three times. (A/N this is literatly morse code for fidds, I thought it was funny)

"Come in!" Rick shouted from inside his apartment, sounding slightly panicked, which was unusual for him. I let myself and Ford into Ricks' living room, I quickly made way to Ricks room to lecture him on leaving his front door unlocked, and found Rick trying his hand out of some sort of portal.

"Fidds! Thank god you're here! Help me get-out-of this, thing!" He panted,

"Uhh, let me get Stanferd, maybe he an' Stan can help-" I said with an uneasy tone, I'm not very strong, so I knew I couldn't help.

"Is everything alri- Oh my god! Rick we have to get you out! Stan! Come here!" Ford squeaked, obviously panicked.

                The twins rushed in and tried pulling Rick out of the now not-so-tiny tiny portal that had engulfed the right side of his body, but failed and got sucked in themselves.

"C'mon Fidds! You gotta get us out!" Stan screeched, I ran my hands through my hair, scared out of my mind, but I knew I needed to help get them out, who knows where the portal leads?! I grabbed Stan by the hand and tried yanking him out, but tumbled into...

A/N: That took way to long, sorry about that guys! Some other stuff was getting popular so I focused on that, but so is this again, it won't happen again I'm so sorry!

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