Johnny 💔 and Dallas

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"Johnny..." I stir in my sleep. "Dally..." I mumble and turn in my sleep. Bang! Bang! So many gunshots go off in my head. "Dally! No!" I yell, Dally falls down the hill and rolls over on his back. My nightmare switches to Johnny. "Ahhh!" Johnny screams and Dally goes in to save him while I attend to Pony who's passed out on the ground.

As I'm trying to make sure Pony is alright I hear the church collapse behind me and turn around so fast that I almost hurt my neck. "JOHNNY! DALLY!" I yell and try to run in the church but the man that tried to stop Pony and Johnny holds me back. "Stop! Let me go!" I cry. "No, you can't." He tells me, I turn around and face him. "I have to! My brother and my boyfriend are in there!" I tell him as tears run down my face. That's when the police, firemen, and ambulance arrive and they get to work.

The police question the adults while the firemen start putting out the fire and some paramedics pick up Pony. A police officer comes up to me and the man holding me back, "Is anyone in there?" He asks the man. He goes to say something but I do first. "Yes! My brother and boyfriend!" I inform him and have 2 firemen go in there to get them. I try to stay there to make sure they get Johnny and Dally but they drag me away and to a paramedic to check on me. I'm fine though! I didn't go in!.

Then the police officers ask me questions, just basic ones. I only answer a few because I'm too worried about Johnny, Dally, and Pony. After that, the ambulances take Pony, Johnny, and Dally to the hospital while the police take me there. The fire was starting to go down and the school children were going back, the adults look pretty shaken up about what happened.

Eventually, we arrive at the hospital. Pony's awake by then and sitting in the waiting room, already smoking a cigarette, I go and sit beside him and he smiles at me. Johnny and Dally pass by laying on the rolling beds. Johnny goes by first and he's unconscious, my eyes begin watering and I cover my mouth with my hand while standing up. Then Dally passes by and he's awake and says to Pony, "if you ever pull a stunt like that again I'll kill you." And then he sees me and smiles. "Dally, " I say and walk along with him until while crying until they stop me and tell me to go in the waiting room.

I go back and Pony tries blowing a smoke ring, Johnny was always great at that. Then my nightmare goes to Johnny and I being alone in his hospital room. "Can we have a minute alone?" He asks Pony and Two, they and exits the room. I stand beside him and we look at each other in the mirror placed below him. "Hi, baby, " I try smiling. He smiles a little, "hi."

"How are you feeling?" I ask him. He moves a little then winces in pain. "Better now that you're here." He's such a sweetheart. "Aw, Johnny." I blush a little. "Y/n, you know I love you right?" He looks at me through the mirror. "Of course, I love you too." He sighs a little. "Johnny, " we make eye contact through our reflections, "what's wrong?" He looks away and as if he's going to cry. "I don't wanna die now, 16 years ain't long enough." He tells me.

"You aren't going to die," I tell him, he can't be talking like that. "I don't know, I, " he pauses, "I feel like I'm getting weaker every hour. I don't think I'll make it." My eyes start watering as they have been ever since he and Dal were placed in the hospital. "Please, baby, don't talk like that. You just need to rest for a little, close your eyes for an hour or so." I suggest. "That's what I'm afraid of, I'll close my eyes for too long." His voice breaks a little at the end. "Johnny, " my voice is shaky, "I promise you that you won't die." "How's Dally?" He asks me. "He's fine, he should be out soon," I tell him and the door opens.

A nurse comes in, "Johnny, your mother's here to see you." She says. "I don't wanna see her." He tells him. "It's your mother, she's here to see you." If only the nurse knew how badly his mother treats him. "I said, I don't wanna see her. She probably just wants to come down and tell me all about the trouble I've caused. Why don't you tell her to just leave me a-" he gets so juiced up that he pasts out at the end of his sentence. "I-is he alright, ma'am?" I question, trying to get a better look at Johnny.

Two and Pony come in with a book and see the worry on my face and notice Johnny is quiet. They look and see his eyes closed. Two-Bit immediately asks if he's okay and the nurse says he is and we need to leave. "Okay, well make sure he gets this book, " he says and hands her Gone with the Wind. Then we leave and my nightmare transitions to when Johnny dies.

"J-Johnny?" I whisper. I'm not doing anything, standing beside a wall while I watch myself during that time crying and at the end of his bed. "Ponyboy, " he says, barely above a whisper, Pony lowers his head so he can hear him, "Stay gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold." He tells him and that's it. Dally and I just look at each other, I'm crying and whimpering. Dally looks back at Johnny's lifeless body. He squeezes his arm a little, "Johnny, come on, " he says then let's go. "Johnny, " I start crying while standing at the wall.

"So, this is what you get, huh? This is what you get for helping people?" Dal takes a breath. "You punk, " he says. "Dal, don't-" I try to tell him but he continues. "Come on, Johnny don't die. Come on." He mumbles and grabs his arm again. "Come on, Johnny don't die on me now." He says again. Ponyboy just stares at Johnny, his mouth moving but nothing comes out and I silently sob while I watch and try to take everything in.

Dally starts crying then gets up and comes to the wall I'm leaning against and gets ready to pound his fist on it so I quickly move. He takes one last look at Johnny then leaves the room. "Dallas, " I say and try to reach out to him but my hand just sorta goes through him and he feels nothing. I run to Johnny's bed and go on the side Dally was on. "Oh, baby, " I do a quivering breath. "Come on, Pony, we have to go." My past self says and leaves the room with Pony.

"Johnny, why, why'd you have to go?" I sob and lay my head by his arm. "I miss you. I'm so dumb for promising you that you wouldn't... You wouldn't die, " I choke out. "I wish you were here. If you were still here then Dally would be too, you were one of the few people he truly loved. I've lost both of you, my boyfriend and brother." After I said that I go back to Dally getting shot and him tumbling to the ground and rolling on his back. I just watched Johnny die again and I lived this! I don't want to go through these traumatic events again!/I run to him and fall to my knees, "Dally, please!" I shake him. "I need my big brother, you can't go!" I cry and her my past self screams. I turn around to look but I end up somewhere else.

It's two days before Johnny and Pony had to run. We were all at the lot smoking cancer sticks and enjoying each other company. Pony and Dally on the grass talking to one another about something. Johnny and I are on the car seat he used to sleep on, his arm is around my shoulders while my head is on his chest and I listen to his heartbeat as he laughs at something Dally says. I want it to be the same again, go back to normal.

After that, I wake up in a pool of sweat with tears streaming down my face, my heart racing and breathing heavily. I look around the small room I'm in, I'm living in Dally's old room at Bucks and I pay for it by working for Buck and a part-time job at a store in town. I get off my bed and pull my baggy shirt up, it's Dally's since I took all of his belonging and most of it is stored in my closet. I put on Johnny's jean jacket that's hanging on my dresser, it didn't get too badly ruined. I walk to my desk and pull out a piece of paper, it's a letter Johnny wrote to me before he passed away, Pony gave it to me because he tucked it in the book. I open it up and start reading it.

Dear Y/n,
I'm sorry for leaving you but saving those kids was worth it, they have so much more to live for them I do. You were my everything, you mean so much to me and always made me feel better after my parents would hit me. I'll miss your beautiful face and your contagious smile. You were truly the one for me and I knew as soon as we started dating I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll also miss the fun nights we had at the lot or at your house and laughed all night. Please watch Dally and Pony for me. Don't shut down either, keep living your life because you have so many things ahead of you. I love you, y/n. Remember that.

-Love, your Johnnycakes ♡

I was in a sad mood and got this idea so I didn't want to lose my train of thought and started writing. I'll admit, I cried while writing this and especially towards the end. Sorry if it's bad but I hope you liked it. 🤧
Maybe star it? It'd mean a lot to me bc im proud of this 👉🏽👈🏽

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