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"Shit, you scared me Seongjun!"

I see Junhyuk naked in front of me. Oh shit, he's fucking cute. I try to bow, but then something catches my foot, don't tell me, it's the fucking carpet. (Top ten anime betrayals.) Oh shit, I'm gonna trip. What have I done to deserve such bad luck? (Or good luck *wink wonk*)

*Insert flute cover of the Titanic song here*

I trip and my body lands right on top of Junhyuk's small frame. Right now I'm pinning him to the soft gray carpet of my washroom. I can feel his soft breaths fall against my lips and I notice how small his body actually is compared to mine. His slightly parted pink coloured lips, so close to my face that I could kiss them easily if i wanted to. His soft pale baby skin under mine, it feels like I'm in a dream right now. Junhyuk gets flustered and so do I, seeing as we haven't moved for the past minute.

Junhyuk takes some deep breaths and he raises his hand, he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. He coughs then says "ok, I'm ready, go ahead." He opens his arms, closes his eyes and opens his mouth. Shit, he is so fucking hot right now.

I want to, but now is not the time. I didn't mean to fuc- I gently cough then say "ah I didn't mean to do that-." I get off of him then I pull him up using my hand (without looking at him obvs.) I turn around so that Junhyuk can change, but he rests his head on my shoulder and wraps his thin arms around my waist then he whispers in a sexual voice right into my ear

"you should do that more often, but let's go all the way next time~"

My cheeks turn a bright shade of red at the statement and I rush out of the bathroom in a hurry, closing the washroom door as I make my way down the stairs. I hear Junhyuk yell from the washroom "hey, it was only getting interesting, come back!"

I feel my heart pounding. I think I do love him. It's so confusing.

Junhyuk comes down the stairs (fully clothed this time.) He says "why did you leave in such a rush bitch ass? I was getting hard!" I roll my eyes and say to him "I didn't want to do that, hoe and also did you call your elder a quote on quote 'bitch ass'?" I hold my heart to look like I was really hurt and I see Junhyuk roll his eyes from my peripheral view.

I say to him "anyways~ Where do you want to go?" Junhyuk says back to me "arcade?" I smile at his response and I grab all the stuff I need. We then head out.

We stop at a nearby arcade and we play some different games. Gun shooting games, Mario Kart, etc. We stopped at a dance game. Junhyuk grabbed my hand and forced me to play as well.

We start playing and we both get good scores. Junhyuk picks out a duo dance and it ends up being a slow dance.

Junhyuk says "I know this'll be awkward, but let's do the slow dance because we'd be wasting money." I know that we didn't spend much money for this game, but I want to slow dance with Junhyuk.

I wrap my hands around his thin waist as he gasps at my sudden motion. He puts his elegant hands around my neck and we slow dance until Junhyuk says something. He says "this is really nice." I nod in agreement.

I say "hey, I think I lik-." Junhyuk puts his slender finger on my mouth and he says "don't tell me this now. I want a fucking bouquet of flowers and a romantic instagramable landscape." I roll my eyes and I rest my head on his, successfully closing the space between us without getting invasive. We slow dance quietly, after we finish the dance we hear a couple of people start clapping from behind us. We both smile and we bow to the crowd.

We go to the counter to get more tokens, but something pops into my head. My LGBTQ+ project. Oh fuck. When was that thing due again? I check my phone.

'LGBTQ+ project due in: 1 day'

Oh frickity frack and up my ass crack.












I scratch my head because of the overwhelming stress and I turn to Junhyuk. He says "hey what's wrong?" I say back to him "FUCKING HELL, I FOROT ABOUT MY FLIPPING PROJECT DUE TOMORROW!"

Junhyuk puts on a worried look then says "it's fine. How much have you done?" I look at him and say "oh I've done a lot!" He sighs in relief then says "why did you worry me then? How much is a lot though?"

I look at him with a dead serious glare and say back in utter defeat as I place my hands on his shoulders "Junhyuk. I haven't even read the whole page about the project." Junhyuk stares at me with his mouth gaping open and says "homeslice, I'm afraid I have to say it. You're officially fucked." I say to him in despair "Hey let's go back home. I need to finish this project."

He nods his head and we Sonic dash back home.

When we got into the apartment, I quickly took out my laptop, some paper and some random pencils I found on the floor.

Junhyuk watched me as I opened my laptop in a frantic mindset and quickly wrote some shit down to make myself feel better because I had absolutely 0% of the project done. I don't have any thoughts on the LGBTQ+ community, bitch I don't even know what I am clearly yet!

I want to help Seongjun, but right now it just looks like he's panic writing. I scoot beside him to get a good peek at what he's writing about.

The LGBTQ+ community, huh? It doesn't look like he's writing about anything. Maybe I can help. So I say "I have a way to help you!" Seongjun then says "please help me!"

I pin him down on the ground and I stare at him. He stutters out "h-hey what are y-you doing?" I say into his ear "it doesn't look like you have any thoughts about the LGBTQ+ community, so..." I look at him then lick my lips and say "I can give you thoughts that you will always remember."

Immediately after I say that, Seongjun grabs my waist and flips us around so he's the one pinning me down and says "I can't." Ah I knew he was going to do this, it's a good thing I have a plan B. I lift my body up from his grip for just a moment and I slide a soft kiss on his warm cheek. A slight blush creeps its way to his cheeks and he says "why did you do that?" I smile then say "so you can work better silly! It's a good luck kiss!


Did he j-just kiss me?

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