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Did he j-just kiss me?

I stare at him in disbelief as I can feel my cheeks preheat like an oven. I wanted to say something back to him, but the words couldn't escape my mouth. Before I had a chance to even reposition myself, I feel his small hand creep on my hip as he pulls my head closer to his face.

There's only a few centimetres that separate our faces as I feel Junhyuk's warm breaths tickle the tip of my nose.

Oh shit.

I'm sorry mom.

Wait shit I need to get back to my senses. I push myself in a swift motion as I run towards the front door in a panic, so panicked, in fact that I forgot to put on shoes, but fuck I can't go back in there, that'd literally be a suicide mission. I walk barefoot to the nearest store to buy a pair of slippers, ignoring all the strange looks I got.

I slip the newly bought neon pink flip flops and I stride to the nearby park. I walk on the concrete path boardering the field of the park as I slowly remember what had just happened and the sad expression I saw painted on Junhyuk's face as I left in a hurry.

I chuckle to myself as I say out loud "ah, it's a shame that he isn't ripe yet." I scratch my head and say "damn I was getting excited too. No worries though. I have a reputation for always pleasing people," Next time I'm not gonna hesitate.

I push myself off of the ground and I go downstairs in hopes to find Seongjun in the kitchen, but alas, he's nowhere to be found. All there is, is a sink full of dirty dishes, a towel on the counter, and the rest of the kitchen appliances.

I see his shoes still beside the door, but I don't see him anywhere in the house. I go around the house carefully surveilling each room to check for traces of him; it seems that he's nowhere to be found.

I should go outside to look for him.


What did I just do? What did he just do? Why did I rush out? Why did he kiss my cheek? Why did I buy pink flip flops? Why when he kissed me, did I want to turn my head so it wasn't my cheek that he kissed? How are you doing this to me, Junhyuk?

As I was lost in my thoughts I feel my head hit something hard, I look up to see the thing I bumped into. A slim figure, golden hair that was swooped by the upcoming wind. Multiple luggages sitting beside his hip.

"Minjae...?" I quietly mutter under my breath.

"No way... Seongjun?"

A smile creeps on my face.

"Yea—," I get interrupted by two muscular arms wrapping around my shoulders. I'm stunned for a second before I chuckle and wrap my arms around him as well.

Minjae was my childhood friend. One of my only friends. Back then, and now (though I don't see him much). We would hang out everyday in grade school, but when we were teenagers, he left without really explaining.
I couldn't get in contact with him because he didn't have a phone at the time.

Minjae suddenly pushed me back and left his hands on my shoulders.

"Dude, we haven't met in ages! What have you been up to?" He asks with a wide smile on his face. Gosh, I forgot how touchy Minjae is, but his warm aura fills up the awkwardness.

"Nothing much. But let's talk about you. Where did you go!?," I reply, eyeing his luggage. His smile turns into his signature smirk and he says "Oh you won't believe where I have been. Let's go there first!" I see him pointing to a café across the street and I nod in agreement.

He links his left arm with my right arm and he started to pull his luggage with his right hand. We both went into the café and he ordered two iced americanos and then sat down at one of the tables near the window, placing his luggage to the left of himself, me in tow.

He then replies to my question from earlier "I moved to LA... because my boyfriend lives there..."

I get taken back by his reason, remembering what had just happened a mere 30 minutes ago.

"Oh, that's cool! Is he hot, that is the question?," I ask suggestively. Minjae's face visibly blushes but he quickly recovers. "Wouldn't you like to know? Yes, he IS," Minjae replies snarkingly. "Ooo, did you catch a good one? You player," I playfully hit his wrist.

"Haha, real funny. I'm actually serious about this one," was Minjae's heartfelt reply.

"Awe, whipped"

"Bro, I'm not! Anyways enough about me, what about you? Have you finally found a wife?"
Silence filled our conversation, as I don't know what to say.

"Or is it a husband?," Minjae said suggestively with a smirk.

I become flustered, choking on my words. Minjae's smirk becomes even more more apparent before saying in falsetto "Oho.... I see~."

"N-No, that's not... that's not what that meant! I-I don't have anybody," I say with a frantic expression.

"I see you haven't gotten better at lying since back then," Minjae says cheekily.

*After about an hour of conversing about all sorts of things*

"—And that how I ended up in LA," Minjae finished his story while holding hands tightly.

He let's go of my hands to check the time on his phone while standing up.

"I better get going. I have a reservation at a restaurant and I still need to check into my hotel," Minjae says as I follow his lead in standing up.

"Ok, it was really nice seeing you man. We need to catch up before you go back to LA," I say.

"Yes, we do," he replies and then proceeds to pull into one last hug. I immediately wrap my arms around him as well, happy to see my old friend once again.

After about an about an hour of searching for Seongjun, I decided to take a break at a nearby café across the road from myself. As I cross the road I see a familiar face in the café window.

"Seongjun!" I whisper quietly.

I get closer to the café window, and notice him talking to another man.

He has golden blonde hair, big doe eyes, a round face, a button nose. He's lean but also has a muscular side. Overall he is very attractive, not gonna lie. What is Seongjun doing with a hot dude?!

I don't remember Seongjun having any close friends. Or at least from his university. They seem to be pretty close... So I imagine it's just a friend I didn't know about.

As I keep watching, they seem to be getting more touchy. Especially the guy that I don't know. The blonde man seems to be telling a really in depth story as his hands creep closer to Seongjun's before grasping them.

"Oh no he did not....," I say angeredly, using all of my self control to not stomp in there and kick him in the balls. Instead, I clench my fists and continue watching.

After a bit the blonde man stood up and Seongjun shortly followed. As I watched Seongjun stand up, I saw two arms wrap around his waist, and immediately after his own two pair of arms wrapped around the tall man's neck.

That's where I snapped.

Boyfriend For Sale // CASTLE J X WINWhere stories live. Discover now