Agents in luv 1

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Agents in luv
Part 1


"Y/n. You are expected to be reported in the headquarter in some minutes." , hearing it from your earpiece you groan slightly.

'Now. Now. How am I supposed to get out of this specific class.'

You glance at the teacher and an idea pops in your mind.

"Teacher! Can I be excused? I don't feel well.", You say whilst raising your hand.

He raises his brow not buying your answer, "Is this your another excuse to bunk class I suppose?"


You croach down grabbing your stomach slightly, "No, teach. I'm not not lying. My stomach hurts. You see I ate something greasy today morning."

You are finally out after convincing him for the nth time.

You sneak your way out of the Uni and enter a small alley.

Throwing your clothes in the bin, you put on your mask. The tight leather which were inside the uniform, now being your outfit.

You pull out your tracker and inform them that you are about to reach there.

Running above the roofs you increase your speed, as the roofs of the houses are pretty close which benefits you to not fall down.

And the HQ is not even far from here.

Reaching the headquarter, you scan your fingerprint after taking off your glove of your left hand.

As soon as you open the door you're greeted by Muffin jumping on you.

He licks your cheeks through your leather mask. 

You can't help but giggle as his actions gives you tickling sense. You pet him happily.

Several intentional coughs make you snap your attention towards your surroundings.

Feeling embarrassed when you see that there's more than one person here.

You pat your dress standing beside the still excited dog.

"Good to see you, Agent S.G", he smiles with his dimple.

"Same here. Mr.Kim.", you mock him with particular purpose.

He laughs and glances around the room and looks at you with a stern expression, "You see. You're here to be assigned a mission. Not just you but us."

His voice booms with the authority throughout the room, you look at the other agents who have their masks on.

10 men and 1 woman.

That one woman who you hate specifically. But that story's for another day.

Namjoon gestures his assistant to bring a box in the centre.

He opens the box and motions you all to come closer which we obidiently do.

He opens the box and there are several miniboxes. As you assumed, he gives them all to each one of you.

"This new mission is not just a mission but also a test for you all. The seniors are gonna supervise while you're on it. But you are not revealing your identity to each other yet. Later you'll be selected for special works and that'll need your identity reveal among the selected ones.", He goes on with the plan and all you do is nod and yawn suddenly feeling sleepy.

You had some dramas marathon the night before.

Barely an hour for sleep.

One of the main advantages of the mask and glasses is that you can hide your expressions and not even get scolded.

"Okay. The suspect Kim Sungwoo is suspected to be in Krian University." Namjoon purposely glances at your direction because it's the collage you're attending.

"Be careful. He maybe teacher or student or any staff." He flips through a big file and looks over to us.

"Your first mission is to discover his identity and in the meantime investigate his underground world's doings."

After some minutes, you all are dismissed and you immediately run to your university to not miss the classes more which you already did.

+Timeskip+ ('Lucky charmmmm!' guess the show)

It's actually lunch break and you head towards the cafeteria searching for your friends.

"Mina!!" You run towards the particular table. She immediately snaps her head towards you.

"Where were you? I went to your class but you weren't there."

You take a seat ignoring her questions and stuff your mouth with the fries from her plate.

"I asked you something, missy."
She huffs and smacks you on the shoulder.

"Oww. I skipped my class because I was having a stomach ache. What's so bad about you not finding me? I'm here now. Did you miss me that much bish?" You wiggle your eyebrows, hand sneaking to grab those fries again.

"Jungkook was gone too. So I thought..... Were you with him?" She shrugs, smirking when she sees your shocked expression.

"I wasn't with him." You pout feeling sad. Wendy adverts her eyes away from the phone, "Do you seriously think that she'll be able to even hold a conversation with him for a sec without even being nervous?"

You glare at her feeling offended.

"I can actually. It's just..itsjustthatidon'twantto." you slump on the chair when they both start laughing at your panicked state.

"Oh. Speaking of the devil." Wendy whispers eyeing at a certain direction.

You glance where she's looking and you follow her sight.

You feel your heart freeze when he looks at you in the eyes.

Shit. Snapping (snapping snapping(~‾▿‾)~) your head forward in a blink of an eye, you sigh trying to calm your heart down but you can't stop the smile in your lips.

"Woah. Y/n, this is like another level of crush." You look at Wendy who has a smug look on.

Mina speaks next, "I don't think this is just a crush. Love is just in the air."

You scoff and laugh pushing your head back, "I just like him as a person. You know? Something like a role model. Damn he's good at everything."

"But y/n, I think he'll remain forever your crush and nothing more." Mina gestures you to look at your back.

And you see him talking shyly with the school's so-called Kind angel -aka- Shin Gayeon.

Your heart sinks at that but you shrugg it off and look back at them,

"It'll change anyway...." They look confusedly at you, "I said my crush'll change anyway."

They both look at each other with a look that says- 'woah-forgot-bout-that'.

You stand up from your chair when you remember about the mission. You excuse yourself from them and run down the hallway.

'Damn. Jungkook's a distraction.'

I'm thinking of watching Vampire diaries
But idk.

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