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aliyah's pov

walking into my spanish class for the first time, i was already annoyed. i never really understood spanish when i was homeschooled so i might be in desperate need of a tutor soon.

i sat down somewhat in the middle of the class whilst waiting for the class to start. i didn't know anyone in here besides mar. of course he was here, the guy speaks spanish. there was also a few scary looking guys with the edgar cut, i would definitely like to avoid them, even with the silly haircut they didn't look friendly.

the teacher allowed us to get on with the task independently. however, 'independently' meant talk to each other according to the other students. maybe i'm just salty considering i have no friends in this class.

i thought i was going slightly crazy thinking i could hear my name being mentioned. no one even knew me enough to be talking about me in this class surely? i was snapped out of my thoughts by being interrupted by mar's voice.

"antonio, miguel shut up the fuck up and stop talking about her." he said sternly as the class went silent. i turned around confused. that shouldn't be about me right?

"i see you're already whipped by you're bitch." one of the boys said back.

"what the fuck you just say?" mar got out of his seat.

"calm down, all of you! mariano outside now." the teacher shouted. mariano glared at the pair and then walked out of the classroom. the tension was thick and i don't even know why, maybe they had history? the teacher followed mar outside and i was left sat awkwardly. were they even talking about me?

"hey aliyah," one of the boys said from behind me which made me turn around.

"when you want to get with a real man you know where to find me." he said with a smirk on his face and handed me a piece of paper.

i turned back around disgusted, there is no way this man just gave me his number. i'm screaming internally. where did he think i was interested-

the bell rang and i waited for the two boys to go out first, i didn't feel comfortable walking out with them. i also needed to process what the fuck just happened. mar came back in to pack his things to go to lunch.

"are you okay?" i asked him timidly.

"yeah, are you?" he asked back.

"i'm just shocked, he gave me his number," i replied holding the piece of paper out in front of me. he grabbed it off me and ripped it up.

"don't talk to them they're not worth it." i stood there confused. it's not like i wanted to talk to them but mar didn't even give me a choice.

to my surprise to took my hand and led me out of the classroom. he quickly let go as soon as we were in the hallway. was i an embarrassment or something? it did hurt a little but i wasn't going to dwell on it. i followed him to the cafeteria where we met with his group of friends and kourtney.

"yo what the fuck happened with antonio and miguel bro?" samy immediately asked before mar could even sit down.

"they're bitches you know that samy, we've dealt with them before." mar replied. samy looked a little saddened by that comment but i didn't want to look further into it maybe they were just bad people.

"what did they do this time?" dante questioned.

"i'm sat there tryna do my work and they're talking about how hot aliyah is and about how they want to hit. it was pissing me off." mar said getting a little angrier by the second. the boys all shared confused looks. i sat there in silence i felt embarrassed, i could feel myself going red. why would they even say that about me?

"we'll deal with them another time bro." ash said.

the rest of lunch was a bit quiet, i definitely didn't speak that much. besides what was i supposed to say?

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i'm backkkkk
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