A much-needed break

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Amoriel woke at a table at a sidewalk cafe.

For a second, she thought she was still dreaming. It was a sunny morning. The air was brisk but not unpleasant for sitting outside. At the other tables, a mix of bicyclists, business people, and college kids sat chatting and drinking coffee.

She could smell the eucalyptus trees. Lots of foot traffic passed in front of quaint little shops. The street was lined with bottle-brush trees and blooming azaleas as if winter was a foreign concept.

In other words: Amoriel was in California. She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Her friends sat in chairs around her-all of them with their hands calmly folded across their chests, dozing pleasantly, apart from Piper, who was sitting in her chair, grumbling. And they all had new clothes on. She looked down at her own outfit and gasped.

"Santa mierda!" (Holy shit!)

She yelled louder than she meant. Jason flinched, bumping the table with his knees, which woke Leo and Hedge up.

"What?" Hedge demanded. "Fight who? Where?"

"Falling!" Leo grabbed the table. "No-not falling. Where are we?"

Jason blinked, looking around. He then focused on Piper and made a little choking sound. "What are you wearing?"

Piper blushed. She was wearing a pretty turquoise dress, with black leggings and black leather boots. She had on a silver charm bracelet, and an old snowboarding jacket, which amazingly went with the outfit pretty well. "It's nothing," she said. "It's my-It's nothing."

Amoriel hadn't been left out. She was now wearing an adorable black baseball tee that said No 1 Love Angel with golden letters and a black leather jacket, with ombre wisteria pants, black converses that had golden details, her ring and charm bracelet was still in place but there was a new feathery heart-shaped locket around her neck and her raven hair had been fashioned into cute space buns. "I look so cute!" Amoriel said. Then she turned to Leo, who was sitting next to her. "Look at me, Aren't I look adorable?"

 "Look at me, Aren't I look adorable?"

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