The Date

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'Im so glad we did this Kate.' Rick said leaning over to Kate and pecking her cheek. 'As am I rick.' She replied kissing his cheek. 'Where are we going first?' She asked looking out of the front windows. 'That is a surprise.' He replied with a cheeky grin. 'This left Martin.' He told the driver. 'Seriously?' She asked him. 'What? I like this place.' He said defensively. 'But isn't 'the old haunt' a little cheap for 'Richard Castle?' She asked smirking as they go out of the car and started walking into the pub. 'Well. Acctually, this is my bar.' He said as the sat down at a booth. 'Wow. You own your own bar?' Ah asked looking around. 'A string of them acctually, there's one in Paris, one in the Hamptons and this one in Brooklyn.' He said unknowingly sounding big-headed. 'Seriously?' She asked rolling her eyes. 'Yeah. What wrong with that?' He asked. 'Nothing. You're cute wen you get defensive.' She said with a smirk. 'And you're cute always.' He replied pecking her lips. 'Always?' She asked. 'Always.' He replied. They smiled as rick leaned in and kissed Kate. Kate smiled into the kiss, leaning in and putting her hands around ricks neck. As she did that, he put his hands around her waist and manoeuvred himself so he wasn't straining his neck.
'Hey! Mr C what can I get you?' A scruffy haired 20 something year old said. 'Oh hey pi! Can we have two of my specialties and two light beers please.' He said turning to him. 'Whatever you like sir.' The scruffy haired boy went away and castle looked back at Kate. 'Sir? Mr?' Kate asked sarcastically. 'Yeah. He's new.' He said leaning back in. 'You know.' Kate started pulling away, 'I had a feeling when I saw you.' 'Oh really? And what was that?' He asked 'I had a feeling like we've met before.' 'Well. That's because we have.' Castle said 'last week you came in here looking for someone. I remember because I looked at you and I said to mark. See that woman. I'm gonna meet her. And the next thing I knew you were gone.' Kate looked an smiled. 'Your food mr c.' Pi said. 'Thanks pi.' And they were alone again. 'Wanna eat?' He asked Kate. 'What are we having?' She asked. 'My speciality. Pasta.' They began eating. 'This is delicious' Kate said.

*10 minutes later*
'Are you ready to go home?' Rick asked. 'Uh yeah.' And they went home. 'Moma!' Cosmo screamed as she came through the door. 'Cosmo! Buddy! How was your day?' Kate asked picking him up. 'I had fun with Lexi and Stana banana.' He said and Alexis blushed. 'Cosmo is funny.' She said jumping into ricks arms. 'Did you have fun with Kate, daddy?' Alexis asked placing a peck on his cheek. 'Yes. We had some pasta and talked for a bit. It was fun. I had fun.' He looked at Kate an they smiled at each other. 'I had fun too.' They leant in and pecked each other on the lips. 'Ok guys. Bedtime.' And they took the kids upstairs. 'Night guys.' And then they went back downstairs.

*A/N- should I put an m-rated scene in next or not? I'm nobsure*

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