Vampire SSJ4 Goku x kidnapped Saiyan reader x Vampire SSJ4 Vegeta

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Description: Walking home late at night was a bad idea especially after waking up seeing Vegeta and Goku staring at you hungrily.

No-ones pov

You groaned as your f/c tail swayed lazily behind you as you stretched your muscles "man! What a work out I'm so tired!" 

You chuckled when your stomach rumble and you patted it "easy there" You mumbled.

Hearing a swoosh sound you turned and stopped walking "huh?" Shrugging you continued walked until a sudden force hit your neck "wha-" then darkness.


Opening your eyes you groaned as pain flared in your neck. Looking around you gasped seeing two Saiyan's you know very well.

"Goku, Vegeta? What's going on here?" They grinned at you showing there long and sharp canines that were bigger then yours. Flinching as Goku traces his finger up your chest.

"Oh Vegeta his little heart is racing" Goku purred and you shivered moving away from him until the chains pulled on your wrists.

He then proceeded to lick your neck gently before he growled "I can't take it anymore I need to taste you" 

Looking at him confused you said " what do you-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" You screamed as he dunked his fangs into you and you struggled.

"Get off me now!" Pulling away he moaned licking his lips clean as his tail swayed happily.

 Seeing movement behind you turned and saw Vegeta grin. Before you could speak he appeared in front of you and bit into the other side of your neck and you groaned in agony.

Feeling faint you stared at them as they pulled away and smirked Vegeta chuckled "oh is our little y/n sleepy?" 

You grunted and sound found yourself in darkness e/c eyes closing as your f/c tail fell limp.

"Sleep tight little y/n your ours now".......

Edited on Tuesday 20th August 2024

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