Chapter Two- Dale

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Sorry about the short chapters and how long it has been, but it is all I can manage right now with school and a gazillion sports. Also, this is all written on a tablet, without a keyboard. The picture is of Brandon, Layla and Trent's son.

Please do not read any further if you are under the age of eighteen or cussing/swearing bothers you.


       I don't want to be a restless soul

        Running on empty, burning up the road

        Never knowing what I'm trying to find

        While the wheels keep turning in the back of my mind

        I don't want to take the long way home

        Sleeping in a roadside room alone

        Head in the clouds, foot on the gas, living my life too fast

        Living my life too fast

        - Jason Aldean

         Dale was talking with Trent, Layla's husband, and holding a sleeping Brandon when he heard the door squeak open and then slam shut with a bang. He turned to see a scowling Layla stomping in with some grocery bags. she placed them on the table and began unloading them of vegetables and fruits, along with a package of chicken that was probably meant for dinner. Dale immediately knew something was wrong, as Layla only cooked when she was angry. Trent seemed to realize the same thing and walked up to her.

        "H-hey, um, Layla how did uh th-the interview g-go?" He stammered, just realizing the full extent of her anger as he spoke.

        "I didn't get it. The needed someone with 'more experience' apparently." She seethed, "Like do they want a freakin' grandma or something? How am I supposed to get 'more damn experience' if I can't even get a fucking job?" She ranted. She sighed, rotating to back around to face Trent, "I'm sorry," she said,"I am just so pissed right now."

        "It's okay, baby. I know you didn't mean to take it out on me." Trent replied, hugging her close.

        Layla turned around to face Dale. "I guess this means we can go, huh?"

        "Go where?" Trent asked, a confused look on his face.

        "Anywhere." Layla smiled, her anger forgotten.

        "How about we pack up now, and drive to this anywhere?" Dale interjected.

        "Sounds great," said Layla, "I'll go get Brandon's things. Do you want me to pack up yours as well?" She asked Trent.

        "Sure, baby. I'll go pack up the big stuff... Could you help me, Dale?"

        "Yeah, okay. Right after I pack up my personal belongings." Dale replied, stealing a look over to where he kept his possesions in a small box under a loose floorboard.

        "Oh, I can do that for you!" Layla beamed at him, glad she could do something to help.

        "Um, no, I got it." He answered, looking away before he could catch her face falling slightly, "Thanks though." Layla nodded, taking Brandon from his arms and walking to the room she shared with Trent. Trent walked over to the other side of the kitchen/living room area and started mumbling to himself, probably deciding how to pack away the nice-ish furniture.

        Dale stepped to the cabinet next to the loose board. Pretending to check out something on the small shelf, he shifted so that his body hid his hands and the floor. He then grasped the floorboard between his hands, lifting it smoothly out of the wood floor. Dale placed the board lightly in the cabinet, then turned his attention back to the contents of the hole. He gently picked up the wooden box, gliding his hands over the polished surface. He took the tarnished silver key out of his pocket and slid it into the lock with careful precision. Just as he was about to twist the key and open the box, Dale heard Layla coming back into the room. He swiftly removed the key and deposited it back in his pocket with his left hand while with his right, he replaced the floorboard. After securing the key, his left hand then scooped up the box and hit the cabinet closed. He quickly went to his room and rounded up his few clothes and possessions. Dale packed all of it-- including the box-- in an old leather briefcase, his only form of luggage. He picked it up and ambled back to the kitchen, where he placed it on the counter. Then, he turned to Trent and smiled.

        "How can I help?"


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