5|| Feelings Part Two

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"You made it, finally." Tati hugs me as I walk into the skating rink area.

"You didn't mention it was ladies' night."

"I didn't have to."

I look at her. Her hair is in a slicked-back puff and her eyes shine. She's a little slim, but it doesn't matter. She's still gorgeous. She smiles at me.

"What you lookin' at?" She laughs.

"Oh, nothing..."

We walk up to the area where they sell skates and Tati pays for us.

"What size are you?"

"8 and a half."

"Alright. Can I get an 8 and a half and an 8?"

"Alright, mamas," The guy smiles at Tati and my face scrunches up.

"Your friend okay?"

"Yeah, she's- what happened, babygirl?" Tati turns to look at me and asks.

"Nothing, I'm just ready to skate," I say looking down at the pavement.

"Oh. Hurry up and stop worrying about my friend here. Chop chop!" Tati barks.

"Okay, okay, sorry." He goes to the back to get our skates.

"It's okay, I told you I don't like guys like that, okay?"

"I'm just ready to get on the rink-"

"No, you're jealous. It's okay. He needs a haircut anyway." She rubs my cheek with her thumb.

She grabs my waist and we wait for the guy to come back.

"Here. Next!" He yells at the girls behind us.

Me and Tati go and sit at a nearby bench to change our sneakers.

"Tati is that you?!?"

"Kimora! My girl!"

Tati gets up to hug her and soon other girls come over to hug Tati. I just sit and continue to slip on my skates.

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce you to my best friends from school," Tati helps me stand with the skates on my feet.

"Girls, this is Nia. Nia, this is Kimora, Evelynn, Yassie, and Imani."

They all wave at me.

"So, this is your girlfriend, Tati?" Yassie asks.


"Is it?" Yassie laughs.

"Let's just go skate," Evelynn says to Imani and leads her to the skating rink.

"By the way, Lynn and Imani are dating. In case you couldn't tell." Yassie tells me.

The rest of us go onto the rink and Tati helps me get used to the skates.

"This is hard," I fuss.

"Don't be like that. You'll get it, Nini."

Tati laces our fingers together once I can stand by myself and we start to skate.

"Left, right, left, right. Just say that in your head."

Soon, I'm able to skate and even do a couple of tricks on my own. Tati goes over to the DJ and requests a song. Suddenly, Summer Walker comes on the big screen walking around a pole.

"This is my favorite song!" I hear Evelynn yell from the other side of the rink. She starts dancing with Imani.

"You don't have to stare, we all know they're couple goals," Yassie says to me as she passes by.

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