Chap 1

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Aoi shoot her eyes open and pant slowly , her body was full of sweat . ' it has been 4 days since my mother death' she walk to the bathroom and took a quick shower . She wear her newly cloths and made her way to the kitchen .

She lit the fire and start to cut the veggies and meats . She was grateful that she learn some of recipes from her mother because  she live alone now . She begin to scoop her meal . She walk outside to have some fresh air for some minutes . Then the bore come to her so she enter her house again . She decided to take a quick nap on the couch .


So sudden i appear on complerely dark world . I saw nothing but only my reflection . It was smiling at me . " ýøų....ķïłł....hěř..." i completely froze there , looking at me on the other sides .

She laughed and melt away . " ýøű bəţţəř wāķə ųp ņøw " And then she completely melt away .




i shoot my eyes open and run outside only seeing a bunch of titans entering the wall . " what happened here ?" I ask my selves . I rush to my bedroom and my mother bedroom to take my weapons . I wore the gloves and my training suits . I wore my mother cloak . I tied my hair to a tight tidy bun and pack my supplies .

The titans run at me with a hunger eyes 

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The titans run at me with a hunger eyes  . I stand on my fighting stand and start slashing their necks . I face the hole and cluelessly enter it . I pull my hoodie up . " No ! Mom ! No !" I look over the voice and saw a 15 or 20 meter  titan about to eat a motherly figured . The woman legs was kicking on the air . I run towards the incident and slashes the titan's neck . Before the woman could fall , i catches her and start running towards the crying boy .

" i...i am...." i look at the woman on my arms and tilt my head . A smile appear on her face . " i am sorry if i am too heavy ." She joked and i went silent . ' she remind me of my mother....'

"No , you're not heavy at all , ma'am!" I quickly exclaim . " w...what is your name , dear one ?" She ask . Again she really looked like her!

" i am Aoi....Aoi leonhart" i now running next to the man who is carrying the two kids . " Mother !"

" Sir , where are we going ?" The man looked at me with a shock eyes . " to a  ship " and little did we know in front of us , there's a 20 meter titan standing there waiting for is to come . It grin to us . The man stop as i stopped . " this is the end for us ...." the man kneel down and i sighed . " sir can you still run ?" The man look at me  , shock by my sentence . " even if i can we can never pass that titan !" I glare at him and said . " then can you carry this woman and run ?" The man caught a glimpse of my glare and shivered . " o-of course , kid hold tight , i am nit going to hold you ." I pass the woman to the man " thank you Aoi " i nodded and headed to the titan . The both of them got their jaw open . "O-oi kid what are you doing ?!" I continue to run towards . " take this opportunity to run away , hurry!!!" The man run but got slowed by the weight . I jump and shot a wires to the titans as it tried to grab me i unsheathed my sword and slashed it neck . The head fall down to the ground and i land safely on the titans body .

I run back to them and when i arrive we all become awkward . "U-uhm , how did you do that ?" The man ask . I shrugged . " is it normal to slashes like that ?" The answer were silent . I grunted after seeing another titan trying to reach us . I do the backflip and jump and slash the neck . 'She did it again!'

After 40 minites of runnings , we finally arrive at the final destinations. We got into a queue and walk onto the ship . " Thank you so much for saving my live , Aoi " The woman bow , receiving a support from the boy . I nodded and head to the opposite way . They watch me walk away and then followed me . I sits next to the blond boy as he stared at me .

" Armin !" I felt his gaze was away from me . I rub my chest in relief . " Eren !" The boy calles Armin said . I look at the Eren boy and yeah that is the boy that crying seeing her mother was about eaten . " Miss , Jaegar . What happened to you ?!" Armin ask and offer his sits . The woman sits and wave . I nodded . The trio start to talk about topics .

" Mother ! Isn't it the person who saves you ?" Eren ask pointing his index finger at me . She smiled and nodded . They were to lousy until the person next to me run away to find another sits . I scoot over allowing them to sits .

" i am eren ! And this is mikasa and armin " I nodded and said . " Aoi leonhart ." He smiled in excitement and sit down .

" so how did you do the clean cut like that ?"

" normal "

" how strong are you ?"

" stronger than you " 

"Where is your family ?"

I become silent and somehow tears began to fall down . I look down gripping my fist .

" dead " eren gasped and apologise .

" i am so so so so sorry " i nodded . I freeze when a hand reached my hoodie . My hoodie fall down . "Y-you're a girl ?" I nodded and about to cover my selves again but someone catch my hand and it was Mikasa . " Don't cover it " i tilt my head to side and ask why . Mikasa pull her scarf under her eyes .

" oh , she probably thought you were her mother a bit " i look at eren's mother and become more confuse . " i mean you look like her mother a bit ." I let out 'ah'.

And more people run away , and i scoot over again . Mikasa sits next to me and kept staring at me . " Uhm ? Mikasa ? Is something wrong?" She stare at me again . " mother" she muttered . " huh ?" She shook her head and face front . I sigh and decided to take a nap .

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