Chap 4

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I was so confuse about why that woman glaring at me and what make me more confuse is , Mikasa . She has been glaring stoic woman since that woman glare at me .

"Aoi , do you know that woman?" Mikasa asked ."fortunately , no" she nodded and continue on glaring . I look at the meal and start to eat it while the girl beside me looking at ny bun with a hungry eyes . I sigh and gave the bun to her . Mikasa snatched the bun and give it back to which i refuse . Mikasa gave the bread to the girl again . I began to drink the soup and yet again the  girl look at my soup . I really feeling annoyed now . Armin just looked at me with a smile . I pour the soup to her bowl as Mikasa pour a some of her soup to me . I want to refuse but she put a 'if you refuse , i'll cry'  and again the girl look at the soup that was given by Mikasa . I sigh and and about pour it her bowl but Mikasa stopped me . " That is enough , she need to eat too" the girl pouted and nodded . I drank all the soup . The girl introduce herself .

"Hi , i am Sasha braus , and you are ?"

" i am Aoi Leonhart " i simply said as the two glaring contest begin . I look at eren and the Horseface , who is arguing about something childish . I didn't care less because i was talking with sasha and Mikasa . And longer we let it be , the louder it become . The fight stop after seeing commander keith standing at the door . " What with all those noise ?!" he ask as Mikasa raised her hand . " yes , Sasha Braus just let go a big and loud gas in front of us " she said glaring at the blond woman . The crowds laughed at the excuse as Sasha pointing at herself in confuse . " you again , at least learn a self control , woman" he exit and all become normal again . I stand up and brought the empty plate to the sink and started to wash the dish. I arrange it and say a goodnight to Sasha . And all of sudden the blond woman took me by hand and just drag me out . Mikasa reach her hand out for me but i couldn't reach it .
I could hear Mikasa yell my name .

I let the woman drag me away so the glaring contest will not continue . She stop at a dark alley and stare at me ." Uhm do you have something to say ?"

"Who is your mother ?" She cross her arm while glaring at me . It make me annoyed .

" step or real ?" I do the same . " real ."

"Dead "

"What is her name ?" She ask . " Kino Kouseki " i answered . " steps?" She lean over the wall . " which one ?" She tilt her head in confuse . " what do you mean?" I 'tch'ed and said ." I have three steps mother ." I said leaning over as well . " tell me all their name ." She tucked her hair behind her ear . " my first step mother is (mikasa's mother) Ackerman , second is , Alice leonhart , and now is Carla Jaegar ." I said deeply hurt when saying Alice name . My tear was almost burst out but i control it .

" Alice" she stuttered . " your what ?"

"She is my aunt..." i widen my eyes . I put my hand up and point at her . " what is your name ?"

" i am Annie Leonhart " i straighten my position and point at her . " so what are we ?" I ask and she shrugged ." I don't know maybe Cousin ?" I nodded . I try to changed the topic and it works .


I laugh while Annie smile . Well i couldn't help it , she is just to funny . Never knew i had a cousin before . Alice never told me once . I close my eyes and put both of my hands behind my neck .

" Aoi !" I open my eyes and saw Mikasa running at me and pull me behind her . She glare at Annie as gulp . The glaring contest has begun again . " Calm down , Mikasa . Calm down . " i rub Mikasa's back and step out . I walk to Annie ." Let me introduce you my cousin ." I said to mikasa . " Mikasa this is my cousin , annie . " i turn to Annie . " Annie this is Mikasa my step sister ." I pull out their hand and let it touch . Ok now , lets get to the dorm .


We reached the dorm and an unknown face . " Aoi !" I look over the voice . "Sasha !" We greet each others . " Ymir , Christa . This is one that i said ." I saw a black hair girl jump off the bed followed by a blond hair girl . " Annie ! Mikasa ! What dorm did you in ?" I ask .

" not here / here " i made an ' ok ' sign as Annie excuse herself . The blond hair girl wave at me   " hi , i am Christa and this is Ymir . " i wave back . " i am aoi leonhart and this is Mikasa Ackerman " Ymir slap Christa shoulder and hug her . "Uhm okay ? Well then i am going to hit the shower " Mikasa and Sasha nodded as the two couple doing their stuff .

I took a quick bath . I wear the bathrobe and walked to the dorm . I arrive and i replace the bathrobe with my night clothing . Mikasa suddenly want jump on my bed and sleep but i didn't mind so i just kind of drift  to sleep . Before i died in those nightmare i gave my step sister a hug , a patted and a song .


I look at aoi who is snuggling to her pillow . I really wanted to sleep with her like us sister always do but it will be very embarrassing if the other saw me like this but....well i don't care anymore !

I jump t Aoi's bed and hug her . She turn her head on me and patted my head like a mother always do . She then open her mouth and sang

I used to shut my door
When my mother scream in the kitchen
I turn the music on
Get high and tried not to listen
To every little fight
Cause neither one were right
I swore i never back then but i was only a kid back then .....

With that i slowly fall asleep while she continue on singging . I sleep on my sister's arm , snuggle to her to get more comfortable .

"Thank you , aoi "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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