Chap 3

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Its been for three months now since i adopted Aoi and Armin . I was worried about eren and others . I kept hearing that they want to join the scouts . I become nire worried because now i was sitting on the hospital's bed .

"Miss jaegar , how are you doing ?" I jolt in a sudden visitor . It was Aoi . " Aoi , i already told you that you can called me mother " she nodded and sit on the chair . She inhaled  and exhaled .
"Miss-i mean mother , tomorrow all four of us will be joining the cadets training ." And with that i froze . I could tell that my face is now making some kind of expression ." I just want to inform you about that . And please keep this secret because eren doesn't want you to know . "And there again i become cold . I hesitated to open my mouth but i force it to . " c-could you love me alone for a day , please ?" She looked hurt but trust me i don't know what i will do if she stay here any longer . She nodded and bow to me . " have a good day , mom " she walk out and close the door . I walk to the window and stand there for a while . A tears roll to cheek and slowly dripped to the ground .

'Why must they scouts ?'


I walk out from the room and heard my new step mother crying . Fuck , i really should follow what eren said . But it will hurt her more if she didn't know . I exit the hospital and walk to a market with a stoic face .

I pick some veggies and meat . I want make a spaghetti for her . " how much is this ?" " it is $$$" i handed over the money and grab the supplies before walking away . I enter my house that we four live in and quickly make the noodles .


i washed both of my hand and face using the water and continue on cutting the veggies . I boiled the noodles and cut the meat .


i put the spaghetti on a small fat container and wrap the container with a purple wrapping . I put the another spaghetti in the fridge .

I walked to the hospital and arrived . I open my pocket watch . " 6 p.m" i ebter the hospital and go straight to my mother wad . I saw her sleeping so i put the container on the table . I kissed her forehead and head out . I return home and saw the spaghetti was no longer in the fridge.

I sigh loudly , " they didn't even left it for me..." i said with a tint if disappointment in my tones . I began to take the egg out and make omelet . I began my meal and head to shower.

I enter my room and saw Mikasa sleeping . I wear my cloth and join Mikasa .


i saw the door slowly open so i fake a sleep . The door opens revealing Aoi with a box on her hand . She sigh and put the box on the table . She kissed my forehead and leaves .

I touch my forehead and smile . "This is the first time Aoi Kisses me ." I will sure i treasure it . " i wish you a good luck " i took the box and unwrap the cloth . A container ? Is it a bento ? I open the container and it was SPAGHETTI ! it really smell delicious ! .

" itadakimassu!" I said and start eating it . I squeal about how it tasted like . She finally decided to show her true colour . A minute pass by as i tried to slow down .

I smile again, remembering about Aoi .
"Thank you , aoi"


I open my eyes and saw Aoi adjusting her uniform . She turn her back to greet me . " How's your sleep mom?" She ask , still buttoning the button .  " very good . Thank you for the spaghetti , Aoi" she nodded and sits on the chair again .

" when are you going to the training?" I ask . Before the watch reach the ten."

" how long will you all be training "

" three years . If i didn't mistaken ."

" Where is Eren and Others?  "

" they already there "

I told her to stand , she stand up . I push her away with a grin . "Then get going , Aoi , you don't want to late didn't you " she nodded and exit . " lonely for 3 years ." I stand up and saw another box . I open and saw omelet . It looks really fluffy .


I walk to the training and saw the trio chatting . I walk closer." So , is the instructor arrive yet ?" " not yet" Armin smile . I saw a bald man walking over as i pull all of them into a queue . He reached the top . " I am Keith Shadis . And i will be the one who train you for this good three years !" The bald man exclaim . " Do you understand ?!" We satules and answer yes .

The bald man walk closer to me and point at me . " Who the hell are you ?!"
" i am Aoi Leonhart , sir !" I replied with a loud voice . I put a stoic expression . " Why did you join ?!" 

" Because i want to help humanity to rise back !" I exclaim . " i can't hear you , louder!"

I take a breath in and shouted a bit . " Because i want to help humanity to rise back ,sir !" He twitches his eyebrows and walk to another cadets . 

I heard his yelling again but i didn't pay attention on it because i felt an uncomfortable gaze on me . I look at the aura and saw a blond hair woman with a icy blue eyes glaring at me .  I tilt my head and face front .

" whats wrong , Aoi" i look at Mikasa and shook my head , Mikasa gave me a concerned look . "Now !" I jolt in surprise .i saw a brown hair woman run around us with a mashed potato in her hand ? Why did she have it ?. The first day has gone very well , well at least for me . We walk to the hall to take  a meal and again i felt that gaze again .

" what is her problem ?"


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