Jamie 3

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Jamie's flight was hours long and she was completely exhausted when she got in. She took a cab out of the airport and picked out the nearest cafe she could find. She didn't even know where she was going, she let her feet guide her. She needed to think. This is why I don't do spontaneous. Where would Kieran Dillahunt be and how could she hope to find her without making a very creepy idiot of herself?

Jamie came into the Black & Gold Cafe just past noon toting a hastily-packed weekend bag and limp hair. She didn't want to think about small planes or cramped seats or being thousands of feet above ground where people died for at least a day.

The woman manning the counter of the cafe reminded her of a younger Tracy, save for the fact that she had dark brown skin, locs down to mid-back and an undercut. Her smile made Jamie feel immediately, instinctively at home.

"You look dead on your feet. Kick 'em up." She pointed to the nearest bar seat. "What's your poison, hon?"

"Caffeine and any kind of pastry you've got. I think I'm dying of starvation as I stand here." Come to think of it, Jamie hadn't actually eaten any of the surely scrumptious vittles Tracy had provided her. She'd had butterflies filling her stomach and keeping the hunger at bay. Now, she was sure she'd digested the butterflies.

"Bless. I'll rustle you up something sweet short-order and then bring a menu so we can get something savory in you. Espresso good to start?"

"Make it a dirty chai?"

The woman, with the name Sonny emblazoned on her name tag, threw her an 'okay' sign and jotted her order down on her notepad. "Back in tick. Really, I mean it, sit. You're wobbling like hell and it's making me nervous. Want me to put your bag in back?"

Jamie had almost forgotten her carry-on as soon as she set it down on the chair beside her. "Please, yes. I never want to see it again."

"Leave it sitting there like that for long and you won't. I'll lock it in the office. Just give us a shout when you need it back."

Jamie hefted her bag over the counter for Sonny to take. "Is Wonder Woman your secret identity, by chance, because you're my hero."

"Regrettably no, but now I know who I'm dressing up as for Halloween." Sonny winked and disappeared through the swinging doors to the kitchen from which mouthwatering smells were emanating. They made Jamie hungrier and think more fervently of home.

Another dark-haired woman, this one Latina, appeared at the counter with Jamie's dirty chai. Her name tag read Esme. "You must be the cute one my girl was going on about."

Jamie made a confused face. She'd spent several hours on the plane agonizing over what to do to get her soulmate's attention. She didn't have much mental energy left for anything else. Not until she was at least half done with her drink.

"I'm a definite maybe," she agreed after her first sip.

"Babe, you didn't say she was the sarcastic one," Esme called back toward the kitchen.

Sonny appeared at the pass. "She looks like a lemon. She's adorable. Sit down and shut up."

Esme snagged a plate from the warmer in the kitchen window and joined Jamie on the customers' side of the counter. "You heard her, I've got my orders."

Jamie raised an eyebrow. Esme smirked. She had smoky, hooded eyes and a sort of rough demeanor that reminded Jamie of her last ex. It wasn't the worst view in the house by a long shot.

"So, what are you here for, business or pleasure?"

"Pleasure. I hope so, anyway."

"Surprise trip." Soul journeys were the stuff of legend, the kind of stories you told your children, the most epic of which were taught in schools. Jamie had given up on having a story to tell when she had given up on love; all it had taken was losing her parents young. Guess I haven't entirely given up, after all.

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