Mirio | Yellow Paint | Green Paint pt2

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It was lunchtime at UA, when the students would normally go to the cafeteria and eat, but y/n and Mirio had planned to hang out in the art studio where y/n normally spent her free periods and lunches.
Y/n was already there from her free period before lunch, so she was just anxiously waiting for mirio to arrive.
Did he forget? He's gonna end up not showing and I'll feel like a right idiot.
There was a soft knock at the door. The h/c girl almost gave herself whiplash from Turing her head so quickly.
It was the one and only Mirio Togata at the door.
"Hey." Y/n stood up from her seat next to her latest project.
"Hi, sorry I took so long." Mirio told her standing in the doorway.
"It's alright, this is the studio, it's a little bit of a mess at the moment." Y/n told the hero in training. Through he was experienced enough to become one at this very moment, she feels honored that he would spend a lunch period with her.
Mirio noticed the organized clutter in the room. White but paint splattered sheets were on some areas of the wall, stools were placed around but far enough from each other to walk around. And there were tables with clay sculptures on them and paintings hung off the walls. Looks like a great place to spend some time, casual and cozy.
He saw the painting y/n was standing beside, a close up of a tree with green leaves and pink flowers, yellow highlighting complemented with a blue sky.
She saw him starring at the piece, the way he was looking at it, anyone could tell he was analyzing every aspect of the painting.
"I finished it earlier, it's still drying though, why I hate oil paints." She laughed dryly.
"It's beautiful, I've never been able to draw or paint or anything like that." He told her.
"Well yeah, you're in the hero course it's not like you need to do much else but save people which actually sounds pretty difficult, it's easy to tell where things go with my quirk." She told him.
He remembered her quirk, photography placement. A little like photographic memory but whatever she can remember, which is everything she pays any mind to, she can sculpt or draw or paint.
"Cool quirk if you ask me, you're a great artist." He told the girl as she stood trying not to blush to hard at his complements.
"Yeah, after I graduate I'm going to teach art." She told him.
"You'd be really good at your job." He told her.
"Thanks, I actually have a piece that I think you would like." She said pulling him over to a closet labeled. 'Y/n l/n' there were a few others with students names on them, since there's only 4 students in the elective, they all have a place to store their work.
She walked in and after a few seconds she pulled out a canvas with the bubble letters. "POWER!!" Painted on it. The actual letters were yellow with a black outline and underlined with red and a blue background.
"Since I hear you say this so much, I originally painted it for a fonts assignment but it's been graded and I don't have a use for it anymore. I want you to have it." Y/n handed the medium sized canvas to mirio, which now looked small compared to his rather large hands.
"Thanks, you know whenever I say it, I imagine it In my head just like this." She said looking at it and uncontrollably smiling, not that he doesn't smile all the time.
"It's not a big deal really, I know we've never spoken to much before, but it's really cool how you are with people, you inspire everyone in the school." She told the blonde boy.
"Yeah, people tell me that but it's kinda hard to grasp the idea of so many people looking up to you, I'm just like any other person really." He laughed.
Y/n l/n isn't starting to fall for just any person, she's falling for Mirio Togata and there's no way she has a chance of stopping it.
"Well I don't usually bring people to the studio, so I guess I think you're pretty special." The girl told mirio.
Oh I just flirted with Mirio Togata.
"Well I think you're pretty special too, I don't just run into anyone in the hallway." He joked.
Is he flirting? Oh of course he isn't! I'm sure I'm just a friend to him. But he did say I was special.
"I have an idea." Y/n told Miro pulling him to a seat.
"What kind of idea?" He asked sitting down as the girl tossed an apron at him.
"Since I need some teaching practice, I'm going to teach you know to paint!" She told him with her hands on her hips.
And that glint in her eye that Mirio seems to be so uncontrollably drawn to.
"I told you I wasn't much of a painter, I could probably make a bush." He told her. And as in bush he meant a green blob of paint. Not an actual thing that looks like a bush.
"This is very similar to a bush mirio, it's a tree." Y/n told the boy slapping down a picture of the tree y/n took earlier that day.
She then made her way back to her closet and pulled out a large canvas and putting it on the easel in front of them.
"And don't worry because if we mess up we can let it dry and paint over it with white." She told him with crossed arms.
Mirio saw a completely different girl in her then what he's seen before. She was always friendly, but she also seemed caught up in her little world. Not only did she seem she was actually paying attention at all. She was completely committed to painting this future mediocre at best tree with Mirio Togata.
It's a wonder she even passes her classes with all the day dreaming she does, sure her quirk comes with a photographic memory. But she actually has to be paying some sort of attention to take it in.
They were trying to actually make the tree look decent in the beginning, but soon enough y/n threw that out the window and took the largest brush she had and plopped some green on to the canvas. Mirio did the same but with the sun, causing a small splatter of yellow paint to hit is face. Y/n let out a small giggle causing a chain of laughing then laughing at the others laugh.
Eventually why looked at the mess they now called a tree on the canvas.
"See, art." Y/n told him wheezing.
Y/n realized that no one that she's even known since childhood has made her laugh like that, not even the people who she's the closest to now. But a simple painting, covered in a splatter of yellow paint, splattered by Mirio Togata, has.

Thanks for reading! I got a little lazy near the end but I hope it was readable!

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