Aizawa x soulmate reader (requested)

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I'm in tumbler too much

Ever wonder why aizawa always wears long sleeve shirts? Because his soulmates super artistic and loves flowers.
Everyday a new few drawings show up on his arm in light purple and pink pen and there's no way he could ever let anyone at UA see, because that means he's destined to be with someone totally adorable.
Why universe, why.
Y/n l/n was the art teacher at UA, that happened to always be wearing a jacket unless she was alone by pure coincidence.
She was the teacher students would go to if they were having a hard day, she'd always let them hide out in her classroom. Even if teachers were looking for them.
A student, denki kaminari, was hiding from Bakugo, she's not sure what he did but her doors always open.
But guess what? Aizawa was looking for him, and she wasn't wearing her jacket. You see a connection here?
Aizawa walked into the open art room door, to see denki kaminari in the fetal position in the corner.
"You can come back Bakugo's calmed down." Aizawa said, not even noticing y/n, she was busy doodling anyway.
"Are you sure? Because I called him pop rocks and he seemed pretty pissed." Denki said as aizawa finally saw y/n, most importantly her arms. And even more importantly then that, the doodles on her arms. He stood frozen.
"Sir?" The student asked again.
"Get back to class." His teacher told him quickly, unmoving.
"Alright, thanks for letting my hide here Mrs    l/n!" The student said speeding out the door, over joyed that aizawa didn't yell at him for causing trouble again.
"Eraser? Something you need?" She asked capping the lavender pen she was using to draw detailed and very realistic flowers on her arm.
Both of her arms were covered, and since she was Ambidextrous both arms were equally well done.
"Yes, Uhm." He stuttered before pulling up his left sleeve. The designs were exact, no mistaking that they were in fact, soulmates.
She froze, she had really been drawing intricate designs on her arms in hopes to find her soulmate easier. For her soulmate to always wear long sleeved shirts. It did technically help her find her soulmate though.
"You're my soulmate." He told her finally. Before this exact moment he thought "soulmates are dumb, I have better things to worry about." But she's literally right there, at his workplace he couldn't not point it out.
"Holy shit, you are. Woah." The women said leaning herself back into her chair, astonished. Of course it was the caterpillar of a man.
"You seem overjoyed." He said sarcastically, pulled his sleeve down.
"No I am! It's just I never expected to have worked with you for so long and like, you be my soulmate." She told him quickly.
She looked over to the pen on her desk, she had never thought of drawing on her face. Hehe.
Both teachers saying there goodbyes. The both of them wanted to talk longer but aizawa had a class to teach.
Y/n however, didn't.
She looked in her phone camera and drew a heard at the corner of her forehead. He's gonna freak but honestly, worth it.

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