Headcanon 1

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A/n !!PLEASE READ!! OK SO Hello readers, new and old, I will be redoinf this chapter because looking iver it, this is NOT my best work, and it could be WAY better, so, Feel free to read this if you are new, but it just contridicts other headcanons and it's just plain bad <3 I will keep this one up for the time being, but I will be redoing it in the near future

When they find out they like you


At frist Lucifer is extra nice to you, just to make sure he is on your good side. He doesn't know why he was being nicer to you, he just got the urge to. He honestly doesn't even fully unerstand the feeling, he just accepts it. He also asks you to be with him in his office while he does his work, you can't complain because its nice to get away from the craziness of the other 6 brothers every once in a while, you'd also be lying if you said you didn't like spending the time with the demon lord.  Diavolo will obviously know about the crush and he will make plans to try and get you two togeather, he will even go as far as to ask Asmo for help, sadly for him and Asmo, none of them work. Lucy here is a very territorial demon, so he doesn't like it when you and Beel hang out so much, but he doesn't say anything because he doesn't want to seem jealous.


Mammon refuses it, he denies liking a human it goes against everything he knows (which isn't much). He will be mean but if you catch him in the right moment, or if you are upset or stressed, he will be a sweetheart. While Mammon may not know what he's feeling, he will know he doesn't like it, especially when you hang out with his brothers. You are close with Asmo, so every time you go to hang out with him, Mammon insits on coming with. The clingy avatar of greed gets on your nerves, but you do enjoy the attention. If you are lucky enough he will even let you hold Goldie, but not for very long. After finding out his crush on you, his 3AM texts become a lot more frequent, and if you are asleep, he will spam you until you wake up and answer him.


Bless this poor weebs soul, he instantly becomes more selfconsious around you. Every time you two play games togeather, he gets so destracted and almosts loses (though sometimes he will let you win). Levi becomes super grumpy and sulk if you pay too much attention to his brothers instead of him, but of course he would never admit that that is why. When you two cosplay togeather, he will not stop staring, he just feels so lucky to have a friend like you, even if you never feel the same, just being friends with you is enough to make him happy. Some how Asmo caught word of Levis little crush on you, and he will subtlely drop little hints about the poor weebs crush, but your dense ass doesn't get the hints, but Levi does and he will instantly get mad at Asmo and start sulking.


Satan has read enough books to know what he's feeling. At first he would be a bit frustrated at the newly found flutter in his chest, but he eventually copes with it. When you are doing your homework, or any other activity, Satan will ask if he could sit in the room and read, if you ask why, he will make up a very believable excuse to sit in there, but you would accept even if there was no excuse. Satan LOVES it when you just go on a tangent about literally anything, he just enjoys hearing your voice. He would be lying if he said he didn't get jealous when you hang out with Levi, but he doesn't stop you because he doesn't want to be too obvious about his little crush, yet.


Asmo is already a flirt, after all you are a female living with the avatar of lust. Oh but may lord have mercy on your soul, because the flirting only gets a lot more frequent and a lot more sexual from here. Of course all of the brothers notice how Asmo is flirting with a lot less women, but a whole lot more with you, so they catch on fast. You on the other hand, you are too busy being embarrassed due to the flirting 25/8 to notice the change in Asmo. While he may be the avatar of lust, and he may flirt with you a ton, if you two are hanging out one-on-one he will constantly compliment you and he will just be an overall sweetheart. Asmo isn't one to get jealous, but if he thinks you are getting to close with one of his brothers, he will drag you away and claim he wants to hang out. He makes sure he sits next to you at dinner, and whoever takes his spot next to you will be faced with the anger of our lovely little avatar of lust.


This snackie will be willing to share some of his snacks with you. Since you enjoy cooking and baking, you will always ask Beel to be your taste tester, and ever since the first time he had your cooking, he was in love with it. Beel will always ask you to make him breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts, if you decline (wich you almost never do) he will not ask for an hour or so before asking again. This little sweetheart will do just about anything to be in the same room as you as much as possible, so be ready for that. If Beel is hungry and doesn't have any snacks left, he will go to you. You are always ready to make him something, but if you aren't feeling up to it in that moment, you have and entire dresser dedicated to snacks for Beel.


Sleeping beauty here is willing to stay awake for you. Belphie doesn't quite understand why, but when you are around he has the largest urge to cuddle you then and there. When you two hang out, he often asks you to read to him, he enjoys falling asleep to the sound of your voice. Belphie will often be asleep on your bed while you do homework. Due to being so close with the avatar of sloth, you are also fairly close with the avatar of gluttony, so the three of you usually are found hanging out togeather. You and Beel usually have a conversation while Belphie sleeps, though sometimes Belphie will throw in a comment here and there.

A/N AAAAA I'm sorry if any of them are OOC, I am like,,, really bad at this lmao. Anyways, feel free to requests some headcanons, oneshots, or even any other character I should add :)

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