Headcanon 5

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a/n I just did this for fun, but it might get a little serious at times so thats a heads up. I just really wanna get some headcanons out because they are short so i can make quite a few while working on requests because I have 8 requests i haven't done yet 🥰

tw: yanderes, kidnapping, implied non-con, abusive behaviors    

What kind of yandere would they be?

- Lucifer would be a very strict and posessive yandere.
- He wouldn't see you as a person, but as an object
- He will let you roam as long as his brothers are out of the house, but if you are extra good he might let you roam while they all are in their rooms.
- if he catches you talking to one of his brothers though, you are in for a punishment, weather you want it or not
- will lock you up for weeks as well
- only he is allowed to be near you.
- If Diavolo is around though, he will let you act normal with all his brothers, but just know that if you get too friendly with any of them, you are in for a rough lesson.
- he will take up his pent up anger and stress on you
- just remember, he will be mean and rough because it isn't about you enjoying it, it's about him releasing stress.
- he's and asshole ngl

- Mammon is a very obsessive, possesive, and manipulating yandere
- he won't let you leave his room out of fear of his brothers attemptig to take you
- in the off chance they do, things won't end well for you or them
- he would never intentionally hurt you, he wants you to like him, but that doesn't mean his temper doesn't get the best of his some times.
- if he does hurt you, he will constantly apologise after he's calmed down
- he will manipulate you into thinking he is all you need
- he will convince you that your family no longer wants you and that his brothers want nothing to do with you
- he will make you believe he is the only one that truely loves you
- once you are caught in his web of lies, he will make sure there is no escape
- he will buy you necklaces and other expensive things when he snaps at you as an apology
- will treat you as a queen if you are good

- posessive and in control
- being the Avatar of Envy, he is very insecure and, like Mammon, will lock you up out of those insecurities
- also because he is such a recluse he's generally shy with other people but because you are his he is very in control and controlling (for lack of better wording)
- he will want to be in control of everything you do
- he will have you watch anime with him a lot, he will hug you close to him. If he's in his demon form, he will have his tail wrapped around you as well.
- he adores playing games with you
- he is generally very sweet, but he is controlling so don't expect too much sweetness if you disobey him
- will treat you like and object
- you are like a limited edition figure to him
- one that only he gets

- I think you know where this is about to go
- this man is made of salt so you will have to be VERY careful with everything you do when it comes to him, or he might explode on you
- you fuck up once, you're locked up forever.
- basically Lucifer 2.0 but 10x more angy(tm)
- I literally can't think of anything else
- I'm sorry 😔
- I don't really write for satan so idk how to write this and idrk his character
- I also don't really like him,,, sorry Satan stans 👁️👄👁️

- he is also manipulative and chill
- he will bring back other demons to have sex with in front of you, then proceed to say it's your fault because you don't give him enough pleasure.
- all he really wants is love so he won't force you into anything unless he is worried that you are cheating
- he will blame all his frustrations on you, and bring you down, insulting you and degrading you
- he will then lift you back up, and treat you like royalty and tell you he is the only one who can make you feel good.
- will let you roam, he is very chill about that
- he will even let you befriend his brothers and other demons
- as long as you don't cheat on him, he is fine, but if he even gets the slightest worry about you cheating, he will lock you up for a few days

- sweet and caring
- he isn't like his brothers who locks their s/o's up 90% of the time
- he lets you do what you want, as long as you don't get too content with his brothers (or anyone else for that matter)
- the only one he really let's you get close with is Belphie, if you two get along he will be so happy
- his 2 favorite people getting along? he loves it.
- You and Belphies s/o will also spend a lot of time together. infact you sometimes willingly stay in the room just to keep Belphies s/o company because they are locked up
- if you do over step some boundries your punishment won't be too harsh, but he will need to put you into your place
- all he will really do is lock you up for a week or two, no contact with anyone but him. No belphie, no Belphies s/o. Only him.
- he will always feel bad, but he has convinced himself that it's for your greater good
- he fully trusts you, he just doesn't trust his brothers (excluding Belphie)
-. will never do anything without your consent
- other than that, he is just regular ol' Beel :)

- oh god don't even get me started on this one 👁️👄👁️
- you will be locked up 24/7, he doesn't want anyone except him and beel making contact with you
- the only other person other than him and beel allowed to see you, is Beels s/o
- if he is stressed or upset, he will instantly go to you for cuddles. he can be cruel, but moments like those make them seem worthwhile
- idk. I can't really think of anything thing for him :/

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