Headcanon 6

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MC Turns into a baby (like 2 y/o)

- ffs this man does NOT have the time to deal with a baby, so he calls you for help
- then he soon finds out you are no where to be found, eventually he will put 2 and 2 togeather and realize you are in fact the child in his arms
- F u C k
- he doesn't trust his brothers with you at all
- mammon would kill you. levi won't even pay attention to you. satan will also, probably kill you. asmo... we won't go into that. Beel would eat you. Belphie would probably forget you and go take a nap, or kill you.
- he's stuck with you
- literally freaking out on the inside but is calm on the outside
- is actually good with kids??????
- yeah I'm shocked too
- will never admit it, but kinda enjoyed taking care of you ngl, it reminds him of the good old days
- the fact that you cling to him like no tomorrow and refusing to be put down, lowkey make his ego sky-rocket. Very lowkey tho (not that lowkey)
- If Diavolo were to be visiting at the time of you being a child, he would freak out for 2 reasons
1. holy shit you're cute
and 2. holy shit Lucifer has a kid
- Diavolo would lowkey love this tho
- Lucifer has to explain the he in fact does not have a kid, you just happen to be turned into one (probably has something to do with Solomon ngl)
- he might want kids after this tbh
- he will tell you too
- won't do anything about it unless you want some too tho.
- over all 10/10 would go to for a babysitter

-  Literally sobbing
- he has no clue on what to do
- "do I play with it? what does it do?? WHY IS A CHILD IN MY ROOM??"
- also calls you for help only to find out that you are the baby
- Lucifer is pissed lowkey thinks you and Mammon had a kid and is ready to beat the shit out of Mammon
- if your a dude or nb, don't question Lucifers logic, he is FAR too mad to have logic atm
- Mammon will probably run away w/ you in his arms
- "When will this end??"
- if he wanted kids before, he 100% does not now
- might ask for help from one of his brothers (not Lucifer tho)
- overall bad babysitter 10/10
- everyone is surprised you survived through that
- you are surprised you survived through that
- when you turn back Mammon literally clings to you while sobbing, begging you to never do that again
- overall 0/10 never trust him with kids

- "Um?? what is that? why is there a child?"
- unlike Mammon, Levi won't freak out, he is just confused
- sits and stares at you for 5 minutes
- he probably doesn't like kids, they're too much work
- freaks out when you start crying
- if you try to touch is ruri-chan figures, he will not hesitate to drop kick you
- will eventually warm up to you, give it 2-3 hours, but it will happen (most likely after he finds out its you)
- after he warms up to you, he won't mind holding you while he plays games
- will share snack w/ you just to keep you quiet
- might start to like kids a little bit after this ordeal.
- but thats a big maybe
- if you get bored he will turn on pokemon, YOU CAN'T TELL ME HE WOULDN'T
- Lucifer will be a little nicer to Levi than he was to Mammon if he finds you before the 'spell' is over
- not too nice tho
- "fuck you Solomon" LOJIHUGYDFS
- probably fell asleep w/ you on him while watching some pg family friendly animes
- 10/10 the cutest thing ever
- when you two wake up you are back to normal
- Levi will complain about how terrible it was
- secretly liked the attention
- secretly enjoyed taking care of you
- he will NEVER admit it tho
- overall 6/10 good job but doesn't like kids

- "Solomon why did you do this?"
- He knew it was you right away (big brain)
- ok ok hear me out
- Satan probably likes kids
- I know call me a monster for saying that, but I stand by it
- let me rephrase
- he can tolorate kids more than his brothers
- there we go
- he also knows how to take care of kids because he probably read a book on it, just in case y'know
- he's glad that book came in handy
- you can't tell me this man doesn't have at least 10 fairytale books
- he loves a happy ending
- oh? you're feeling tired? he will let you climb into his lap and cuddle into him while he reads you some fairytales
- literally so wholesome
- tries to control his temper more while you are like this
- while he doesn't want this to last forever, he wouldn't mind if it lasted a few days (like 3 days max)
- will still probably kill solomon for this
- overall he is a good dad 10/10 have kids/adopt kids with this man

- umm would probably love this
- realized instantly that it is you (claims you are too cute not to recognize, even as a baby)
- takes this chance to dress you up
- "Oh this one would be so cute on you~ we have to have you try this one on next~!"
- would probably be a pretty ok 'dad'
- surpisingly good at keeping his horny in check during this time
- if it's only a few hours, he'll be fine, but if it lasts a few days, he won't be too happy
- he is the avatar of lust ffs he can't go too long without being a horny little shit
- I still love him tho
- anyways thats all i can think of
- 6.5/10 he would be okay, but not the best.

- Lets be real, he would try and eat you as soon as he saw you
- he's just a huny boi
- but  he doesn't eat you, because beel would recognize you right before he did
- he would share his food with you, but not a lot, only a little
- probably would have you nap with belphie
- they both think your v cute
- probably carries you on his shoulders if he has an armful of food
- "Can babies eat this? Probably..."
- he may set you down for one second to get more food, come back and you're gone
- he loses his shit
- once he finds you tho you are not allowed to leave his arms
- probably v good with kids but tries to feed them shit they can't have
- overall 8.5/10 please teach him what kids eat, he's already learned his lesson abt leaving the child alone,,,,

- he is shit with kids, prove me wrong.
- he honestly will most likely be asleep whenever you get turned into a kid.
- he falls asleep with a very much teenage/adult MC and wakes up with a child
- v confused
- will probably recognize you tho, he's not dumb
- he will leave feeding you and entertaining you up to beel,but as soon as its nap time, he takes you back.
- he will hold you while beel makes weird faces or reads you a story.
- overall 5/10 he can easily put you to sleep but sucks at everything else

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