headcanon 8

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(I am adding the undatable (but now dateables) bc I love them 🥰 LMFAO IVE BEEN GONE A LONG TIME IM SORRY)

MC gets jealous/Boys ignoring MC

- let's be real, it's probably Diavolo.
- Lucifer is once again putting Diavolos happiness over yours
- of course Diavolo is the prince so you can't do anything, but the least Lucifer could do is talk to you
- that's right, he hasn't talked to you in almost a week.
- He actually said one thing to you, but it was about Diavolo
- You were the one ignoring him, but he didn't care, well let me rephrase, it does bother him, but his pride gets in the way of doing anything about it
- it pisses him off,but he won't do anything
- He refuses to apologise, again, because if pride
- you two could honestly go days of ignoring eachother
- it takes all the brothers annoying Lucifer about you being upset before he will actually apologize
- when he does though, its super sweet and you can tell he was just as upset as you
- not to mention the new bags under his eyes
- you will accept,but not without payback.
- he has to stay home and suffer with his brothers while you and Diavolo go out and try out restaurants in the Devildom

- oh boy, this one,,,
- he spends more time with Goldie than he does you
- a damn credit card is more important
-  you've tried hiding it, but you're no Lucifer, so he easily found it
- you get scolded every time he finds it
- stupid mf
- the only thing he talks about is Goldie and it is getting on your nerves
- so you start to ignore him
- he doesn't realize it at first
- he only truly notices once you start leaving as soon as he enters the room, even if you're having a conversation
- he decides to try and make up for what he did, the only issue is
- he has no idea what it is that he did
- he finds you and forced you to stay in place by hugging you, and he gives a halfassed apology
- it wouldve been more elaborate if he knew what he did wrong
- if you continue to ignore him i will literally cry on spot
- pls talk to him and tell him why you're upset, he's slow and cant figure it out on his own
- will try his best, but he is the avatar of greed so itll be a little hard for him
- give him time and he will eventually get the hang of being greedy with you instead of goldie

- omg please
- he literally ignores you for his games
- whats worse is that a few of them are otomes
- i mean you play them too, so youre not mad that hes playing them
- but the difference here is, you dont ignore him to play them, you play them when hes busy or when you have time to yourself
- so yes, you're jealous of a stupid little anime girl
- but its justified
- so one day when levi finally decided he had enough time for you, you weren't having it and ignored him to talk to mammon
- obviously he wasnt happy because "why would you want to talk to mammon of all people!?" (his exact words)
- finally after a week of him moping around because you're ignoring him, you finally decide to talk to him
- "so now you have time for me?"
- as soon as you said that he knew why you were upset
- sincerely apolohizes
- you accept and for payback you play your otomes in front of him while yall cuddle

- This man reads
- like a lot
- we know this
- but as of late hes been locking himself in his room to read instead of hanging out with you
- normally this wouldnt bother you
- but its been 2 weeks
- You've tried going in there, and you've tried talking to him
- but the door is always locked or he's shushinh you
- after a week you get fed up and just quit trying
- at first he doesn't notice, but after a few days he notices how you've yet to come to his room
- so finally after another day or so he leaves his room to see what you've been up to
- he instantly notices you and lucifer having a conversation
- he storms in, obviously upset with what he found, you choosing lucifer over him
- but then you explain to him that you're tired of being pushed away so you went to Lucifer to see what you could do to make him stop being an ass
- he was quiet after that
- Lucifer, sensing the tension, leaves the room
- you amd satan sit down and talk it out, he apologizes and you forgive him
- after that he doesnt ignore you for books, instead he lets you in with him and when you say someting he listens and replies

- lets be real
- Asmo won't cheat on you
- he may be the avatar of lust, but he has self control
- and the stress of makibg you upset isnt good for the skin
- but that doesnt mean he wont go out and party
- and lately hes been spending more time at parties than with you
- he always offers you to come with, but you hate parties, so you always decline
- of course he notices your lack of presence when he gets back, but he just assumes your busy and doeant go looking for you
- until he realizes he hasnt had an ounce of attention from you for 3 whole days
- so finally he corners you, grabs you, goes to his room, and interrogates you
- you explain to him your half of the situation and he completely understands
- he promises to go to less parties, and spend more time with you
- you promise to come to him with your problems instead of running from them
- there were lots of cuddles from him after that

- beel loves eating
- this is a well known fact to all of the Devildom
- beel has been in the kitchen more recently and youve hardly seen him
- he's obviously not doing it on purpose
- been woyld never do that, hes too sweet
- but that doesnt change the fact that you miss him
- you wander into the kitchen, about to get a snack, when you see beel
- "oh hey beel :D"
- the two of you sit in the kitchen and snack togeather
- once your finished you get up to leave, beel grabs some snacks and comes with you
- once back to his and belphies room, you 2 sit on his been and cuddle while he snacks

- this mf has been sleeping and not inciting you
- rude
- anyways
- when beel started to notice your sadness, he went to belphie and talked to him about it
- Belphie was unbothered at first, but then beel started inviting you in, and he saw first hand how bad it was
- you wouldnt even.look at him :(
- Belphie decided to say fuck it to his pride and decided he wanted to make you feel better
- so the next day, he left his room to look for you
- when he found you, he asked if you wanted to go nap with him
- instantly lighting up, you agreed
- the 2 of you spent the rest of the day cuddling

- mf has been extra busy with Diavolo as of late
- its not really his fault, but you still felt lonely
- so when he finally got a break and saw how upset you were, he instantly felt bad
- being him, he apologized, you asked what for and he told you bc he was so busy all the time
- you tols him not to worry about it
- and for the rest of his break, you two drank tea and talked together for the first time in a week
- you instantly felt better and barbatos himself seemed to be happier as well

- Diavolo has been busy with more paperwork (because he actually decided to do it)
- you're happy hes finally doing what he needs to do and not goofing off, but now you're regretting being a good influence
- so that night when he came to bed you snuggled into him
- now diavolo may be a little dense, but he knows you better than anyone else, so he knew something was up
- "What's wrong, dove?"
- "I miss spending as much time with you."
- Diavolo laughs at that "Weren't you the one telling me to do my work? dont get me wrong, i miss you too, but its ironic."
- he sighs. "as soon as im done we can spend as much time as you want togeather, ok?"
- Agreeing to that, you both fall asleep

- Simeon decided to spend a little extra time with Luke recently
- he offered you to come along, but you didnt want to interrupt the boys time together, now you're regretting that decision
- you love Luke, and your dating simeon, so it wouldve been great to hang out with them both
- but for some reason you said no
- ok i see you 🙄
- after Simeom comes back to your room after hanging with luke, you suddebly become clingy, not that hes complaining
- he asks whats up and you explain
- he laughs and you both cuddle
- the next day you join him and luke for some baking

- solomon has been hiding away doing gods know what
- he has locked himseld in his room, presumably making more potions
- but well, you dont really know
- it doesn't help that hes not letting anyone in
- i cant think of anything lol
- you knock on the door and tell him how bored you are and how you just want to hang out with him
- so finally after a week of trying, you get in
- as soon as the door opens you throw yourself at him and whine about how bored you've been without his chaos
- you also explained how annoying asmo has been, but he brushes that ofx bc this isnt about asmo
- he just laughs at you and once again yall cuddle and hang out the next day
- i havent written in so long please ignore jow bad this is
- tons of angst coming soon tho

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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