chapter 17 With a Little help from my friends

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two days later

Edoka high school class 2-B

Isbel's pov

When I walked into the classroom there were two flowers on my desk and Saguru was sitting in his desk next to mine. One was a yellow rose and the other was a gardenia. The yellow rose had a note folded across it, I unfolded it:

There is a challenge I have accepted,

I will be there after Irene's performance,

 and will be looking forward to see sherlock there too.

Kaito Kid

"Hakuba? Did you by chance see who left this flower here?"I asked.

He looked at me,"Which one?"He asked with his face pink.

"The gardenia,"I said. By now almost everyone was in the classroom.

He turned red,"I-I have no Idea both were here before I came in," he said clearly lying,"Say did you read the note, I  didn't for obvious reasons."

"Oh um, its from kaito..."I began,but was interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.

"So you got a boyfriend, eh?" A woman's voice said taking the note from my hands.

I turned around to see the teacher,"Ma'm I can explain,"I said trying to get the note back.

She looked at it,"Saguru is this real?" she asked handing it to him.

He took one look at it his eyes widened,"Yes ma'am, if you may will you excuse us from school today so we may visit the inspector,"he said with urgency in his voice.

"Is it really that important?" she asked.

"Um, yes,"Saguru said.

"Oh alright,"The teacher said.

"Come on Bella we've got to go,"He said,wrapping my hand around the gardenia,"Mustn't keep Nakamori waiting."

We walked over to the door and before we exited I could hear the teacher say,"Children really shouldn't get involved into police matters."

When we got outside of the school Saguru called the inspector and hailed a taxi.

We climbed in the back saguru looked at the flower in my hand,"The gardina represents a secret love or a crush as some people call it. From this knowledge I can deduce that whoever has given you that flower is in love with you, they also might have known you for a while," Saguru said.

"You do Know that you're saying that it could have been you who put this there, and how do you know Kaito Kid didn't put it there. It's almost like you knew who put it there,"I said twisting the flower in between my fingers.

"Well I ... uh noticed that one was yellow, it would have been far more simple to get a yellow rose with a pink edge to show a friendship that longs to be more, the yellow rose was also a tea rose witch is a token of chivalry and kindness. The two flowers you received symbolize two different meanings therefore they must be from two seperate people," Hakuba explained. 

"And now everything has come to light,"I said in a deep voice.

"H-hey I don't sound like that," Hakuba said nudging my shoulder.

"That's what you were going to say right?"I asked.

"I only say that if i'm correct,"He said.

"Also Saguru since when did you Know the language of the flowers,"I asked.

"Since you made fun of me for not knowing,"he said blushing.

"Why do you keep blushing, am I really that awkward to be around?"

"What?! No your not awkward at all it's just I don't know, I'm sorry."

"Jeez It's fine I'm not mad about it," I said.

"We're here," Saguru announced as the cab stopped.

"Thank you captain obvious,"I said.

Yellow Roses (a detective conan and Magic Kaito fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now