Chapter 38 Yesterday

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the screenshot above brings me joy

"The world constantly challenges us, and this is normal,but these challenges are different for everyone, and everyone handles them differently. Some people hide their feelings behind a mask, others won't say a thing and wait for the people around them to notice, still others blow up in an explosion of emotion when things get out of control. Human emotions are different and hard to predict, some people keep to themselves so well that no one even notices they hurt inside till the stress and anxiety become too overwhelming. The problem with many people is that they tend to only care about their feelings, 'empathy' is a word that many people should learn the meaning of, empathy is a virtue that the people of our world need more of in our lives. When you feel consumed by darkness just remember that there are people who you can talk to, and people who understand, there are people who want to help, and there are people who can help"    

                        ~Diana Hull

(so let's just say that stuff happened and i will reveal that later)


She was right beside me. We were surrounded by reporters, the flash of the cameras and the murmur of their voices. Out of nowhere a gunshot, and with it everything vanished. I stood there encompassed by the cold, damp, darkness.

"W-who's there?" Bella's voice whimpered. I turned and saw her standing only ten meters from me, her eyes darted around paranoid by fear, her hands were folded and held to her chest,"W-what do you w-want from me?"

 I took a step forward but as I did a gun sounded, one, two, three times. Isabelle let out an agonizing groan and crumpled to the ground. I was running now, seven meters, five meters, two, at one my foot got stuck on something, no I was sinking. Bella was nowhere to be seen now, the floor had turned into a pool of crimson, a vast sea of blood. I struggled to keep my head up, but before I knew it I was completely submerged, sinking as if my shoes were made of lead.

I bolted upright, panting I looked around. I was kneeling by a hospital bed, I probably had slumped myself onto it.

"Are you okay Saguru?"Bella's soothing voice asked,"I should be thanking you."

She was lying in the hospital bed.

"If it weren't for you I would've died of blood loss,"She said looking up at me.

"N-no if I had just been there with you, then this wouldn't have happened," I said burying my face in my hands.

"Do you even know what exactly happened? Trust me we'd both be dead, no one would've noticed," She said taking my hands in hers.

"Bu-" her eyes pleaded with me to say no more,"I just feel useless, they won't let me do anything."

"You've been setting your expectations too high, you need to remember that everyone makes mistakes. You see things no one else sees, you are reliable, your words of advice motivate and inspire people, and you help everyone around you understand themselves a little more because you help to slow everything down. In just the little actions you've done so much, you've done more than you think," she smiled weakly, I nodded.

A knock came at the door,"It's me Ran, is it alright if I come in?" 

"Yeah come on in," Bella said. 

I turned around and sat on the floor. Ran walked in holding a collection of Edgar Allan Poe, Conan followed with a bouquet of yellow roses, his tiny head barely peeking over the top.

"Hehe, need help with those Conan?" I said getting up to fill a vase with water.

"Wha, Why  is this guy here!?!" A vaguely familiar voice whined.

It was Hattori Heiji he had his friend kauzaha with him as well.

"What's my business to you?" I said placing the flowers I had brought in earlier.

"Look I was asked to work on a case involving this girl, and I don't think we need this many detectives working on it,"He said.

"I'm not working on a case,I can't even if I wanted to."

He looked at me confused,"Alright then if you have no reason to be here, then why don't you leave?"with a twinge of annoyance in his voice.

"I-I can't leave."

"Well then tell me why you're here," He was really annoyed now.

"W-well, I-I um, well I uh mm-"

"Just tell me already."

I looked over at Bella she was having a conversation with Ran,"Well, i-if you really want to know, well I guess you have to,"I could feel my face heating up," Well uh you see this girl, her name's Isabelle, is... girlfriend."

"You do realize that you could've saved us twenty seconds by just saying 'she's my girlfriend' right?"

I stared at him completely unamused.

"If you'll excuse me I'm going to get some tea."

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