chapter 27 paperback writer

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The officers walked into the apartment.

"Aoma Naomi, femail, age 17, approximate time of death is 4:40-5:00. The body was found inside the washroom at 5:32 pm, the person who found her was myself." I said greeting the inspector.

"Eh, who are you? I thought it was Hakuba-cun who called," The inspector said.

"I was the one who called, Miguire,"  Hakuba said walking over.

"Oh so did, you investigate without us and told her all the details," Inspector Miguire said.

"No, I didn't do the investigating," Saguru said.

"If you didn't then who..."

"I did the investigating," I said.

"And you are?" The inspector asked.

"I am most commonly known as Rose Adler, the magician's detective," I said shaking hands,"I've solved a total of 1,000 cases around the globe 800 of which are locked room murders, hence the name The Magician's Detective, they say it's like magic when I solve a case."

"Alright Miss. Adler, can you please take me to the room with the stiff."

I showed him to the bathroom,"It appears she died of suffocation, how ever we won't know for sure till an autopsy is performed," I said.

He went into the room with an group of officers who began checking for fingerprints,"It looks like she was given a poison that blocked her airways leading to suffocation."

"Sir we found this in her pocket," One of the men said handing the inspector a glass bottle with an amber color liquid in it," It's completely odorless, sir."

"She could have been given VX, hard to find now days but will give the victim respiratory problems, killing them in a matter of minutes," the inspector said.

"We should question the neighbors to see if they saw or heard anything, I know that her parents are on their way here," I said walking over to the shelf.

'why are there aerosol cans in the washroom' I asked myself. I stood next to saguru.

The girl's mother came in,"Where's my little girl?" she cried. She ran over to the bedroom.

A young man about 18 years came in the room after.

"Are you the boyfriend?" I asked him.

"Y-yes, and you two are?"

"Oh, me I'm no one you should be concerned about, as for him he's Saguru Hakuba," I said.

"Oh, the detective shouldn't you be with the cops at the crime scene?" The lad asked.

"Oh I'm not working on this case she is, and i believe she's just waiting to hear the questonings,"Saguru said nudging my shoulder.


"Alright, after investigating the crime scene it looks as though she committed suicide. So I'm going to ask you if you know of any motives at all, however there is still a possibility that it was murder so I'll be asking for an alibi as well," The inspector said.

The inspector had Naomi's mother go first.

"Alright ma'am, where were you at 4:30- till about 5:00? Are there any known motives?" The inspector asked.

"Well at I was at a friends house from 4:25 till 5:20, as for motives she's not that kind of person at all. She would never do anything like that, I swear,"The woman answered.

"Do you have any witnesses besides your friend?" I asked.

"Well the neighborhood kids saw me come into her house, and they were also there when I left," She said.

"That'll do ma'am," The inspector said dismissing her,"Alright sir your next, Where were you at 4:30-5:00?"

"I was at the gym with a friend till Mrs. Ayoma called," He said calmly.

"And as far as motives go?" Miguire asked.

"Well now that I recall it when I was here at 3:00, she was acting strange, she told me to leave, and so I did,"He said.

"Well it could be she was feeling depressed and decided to end it all," The inspector said.

'why are there aerosol cans in the washroom' I asked myself again. It hit me like a rock.

"Ma'am was Naomi allergic to artificial fragrances?"I asked.

Everyone stared at me in confusion.

"Why as a matter of fact yes, yes she was. How did you know?" The woman said.

"Well it would be all the allergy medications for people with asthma problems, that and when I looked at all the soaps and detergents in the washroom, they were all fragrance free," I said.

"Okay Rose, please explain to me is  why it is relevant now of all times," Saguru said grinning.

"Well an allergy is when your immune system mistakes a foreign substance as toxic or poison. When an allergen is the air it may cause light-headedness, watery eyes, and the most common symptom is swelling of the airways, these symptoms come in what people call asthma attacks because they may happen suddenly. If a person does not seek medical aid or use a rescue inhaler they can die due to suffocation, taking about an hour's time," I said.

"What are you trying to say?" The mother asked.

"I'm getting to that,"I said getting up and walking to the crime scene, natrally they followed.

I stepped into the room putting on the gloves Saguru gave me.

"Alright inspector if she were poisoned then why are the fan and vent covered with tape, and tell me why there was a strip of rubber underneath the door? I'll save you the trouble of answering. They were there to stop air circulation so that the aerosol wouldn't escape the room. Like i said it would've taken a hour or so for her to die so the killer sealed off the vents and cracks to make sure she would die," I said.

"Alright that makes sense, but aren't you forgetting about the fact that it could be suicide?" Miguire said. 

"No not at all, when you think about it, it doesn't make sense at all. If you wanted to end it all, wouldn't you use a faster method. That and if she did do it that way then why would she take the time to move all of her allergy medications to the other room? It doesn't seem worth it does it?" I said with a chuckle.

"If that's the case then the murderer was here an hour before we expected, we should verify their alibis," Saguru said.

"While your doing that I'll be looking into how the murderer locked the door," I said walking out of the apartment.

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