Part 16

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Clarke's POV

"Promise me you guys won't do anything stupid. If any of you end up in a hospital you are all in serious trouble." My mom said, making eye contact with each of us.

"Don't worry mom, we will be safe." I responded, walking over and giving her a tight hug.

Me Lexa Indra and Lincoln all walked outside with our stuff, loading it onto the bus Bellamy and Octavia rented.

"Hurry up!" Octavia yelled, leaning her head out the window.

"We might be faster if you get off your ass and help us!" Indra yelled back.

"Blah blah blah. Just hurry up." Octavia said, sticking her head back in the bus.

Once all of our stuff was loaded up, we got on the bus and took seats in the rows. Bellamy was driving and the rest of sue were spread out in the seats. I sat in a row with Lexa, snuggled up against her under a big blanket. The ride to the cabin was a few hours and we knew it would be cold, so there were blankets spread out all along the bus.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked, drawing me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah Lex?"

"Do you know that I love you?"

"Yeah Lex, you told me a few times already." I smiled, looking into her forest green eyes.

"Well good...I just wanted to make sure." Lexa smiled back.

"You know what's funny Lex?"

"No... what's funny Clarke?"

"I love you too." I then leaned back into Lexa, burying my head in her neck.

"Awww" Octavia and Lincoln chorused, peeking their heads over the back of their seats, watching and listening to me and Lexa's whole conversation.

"Shut up." Lexa told them, taking our blanket and covering up our faces, so that we were fully under the covers.

"Hey no fair... now we can't see you guys." Octavia whined.

"Take the hint O." I joked, snuggling even closer to Lexa.

"Whatever Woods, your relationship's cuteness shows even with the blanket covering you two." Lincoln said, turning back around in his seat to face forward.

I fell asleep quickly, with the comfort of Lexa's warm body against mine and I think Lexa fell asleep as well. Before I knew it, I had woken up to yelling from the front of the bus, and I sat up quickly and looked around

"What is happening?" I asked drowsily, still waking up from my nap.

"It seems we have a bit of an issue Clarke." Lexa responded, although for some reason she was smiling so whatever the issue was it must have been funny.

"What do you mean? Wait why have we stopped moving?" I asked now curious as to what had happened.

"Because Bellamy didn't check the gas to make sure we had enough to get to the cabin." Raven explained, so clearly annoyed at his mistake.

"I'm sorry everyone. How was I supposed to know that when you rent a bus it doesn't already come with gas?" Bellamy asked defensively.

"That's why you check the gas on the dashboard idiot." Indra yelled back at him.

"Geez my bad." Bellamy replied, shooting his hands up in a surrender.

"What are we supposed to do now Bell?" Octavia asked.

"Well we can't tow the thing because we have no cell phone service, but it seems we have enough space and blankets where we can stay warm and safe while a group goes out to look for food, water, and gas." Bellamy suggested.

"A group? No way Bell you messed up so you are fixing this." Octavia replied.

"I'm sorry O but I don't trust Bellamy to go fix this on his own. How about you, me, Lexa and Indra go out?" I asked, hoping to get the problem solved.

"Sound great lets go." Octavia said, grabbing her jacket and zipping it up.

"But-" Bellamy started about to protest.

"Don't fight it Bell. Just sit." Finn whispered, making Bellamy shut up.


Me, Lexa, Indra and Octavia have been walking for a while now. We decided to just walk along the side of the road in hopes that we'd find some sort of a gas station or restaurant, however we haven't had any luck yet.

"Hey what's that over there?" I asked, pointing towards a light way in the distance with an orange glow.

"Bingo bitches." Octavia smiled, quickening her pace to the new found light.

"What do you think it is?" Lexa asked, looking at me.

"Hopefully some sort of store or restaurant or something." I said smiling at the light.

The closer we got, the easier it became to see. The light was coming from a giant roof top sign that was lit up with the words 24/7 diner.

"Wow that was lucky." Indra said, walking towards the glowing diner.

When we got to the door, Octavia tried to pull it open, but it was locked.

"What the hell?!" Octavia shouted " So much for 24/7."

"Well I guess we should head back to the bus." I said, turning around. I could hear Octavia grown, but we all turned back around to the diner to see the door swing open, as a man stood in the door way.

The man was probably in his early 40's and had a very surprised expression on his face when he saw us.

"Hi do you work at the diner? Also is it open?" Lexa asked the man.

"Yeah, sorry about the door, no one usually shows up this late during winter break."

"Cool, you got any food?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah of course, please come in."

Once again this was a bit of a filler. This particular chapter was just to make Bellamy look like a dumb f*ck up cause thats always funny.

IDK how ... or why ... but this has 425 reads which might seem like not a lot but for me thats more then I could imagine so thank you all.

*Good frequent chapters on the way*

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