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Things that are said when my friends and I play roblox at 1am
audrey: she can jump higher than your future

gil: wanna hear a joke funnier than sliced bread? Toast Malone

ben: the #1 president who can suck my left pinky toe is Obama

jay: i want to stab someone

evie: i like HoEiNg too

dizzy: i want the knock off brand of cheezits
esmé: this turkey is ripped

isadora: stop speaking in noodles

duncan: booble milk

quigley: in my swamp, people are ghost peppers. one bite and you're dead

olaf: go choke on a thumb tack

sunny: you probably need a fruit loop to aim
josie: you inconceivable rat, listen to me

marilla: put away your cake

anne: did you pee on me?
jerry: yes

rachel: you've been deleted from church

gilbert: no one likes you and your sports addiction

anne: my dads going to be pissed if i dyed my hair pink... let's do it
wynter: what the FiRk

zed: i'm the cucumber from veggie tales

lacey: heaven would have green bean casserole

addison: i'm a human timer *flips hair*

bonzo: plot twist shrek is a girl

eliza: i don't give a CrAcK
Word Count: 196

you're welcome

Abby is out

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