Buzz light year

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Raeesa's pov

I jumped up onto the wall to start my climb. They were surprisingly light. I was quickly able to make it to the third floor. "Do you know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of that scene from toy story 2. Where buzz climbs in the elevator shaft with all of the toys." Stephanie chimes. "What are you doing with your life Brown?" Damian asked as I dug my sais into the walls. Then Stephanie's phone rang. "How the hell do you have cell service?" Damian shouted. "You know I am wondering that myself," Stephanie answered as she picked up the phone and put it on speaker. "STEPHANIE WHY HAVEN'T ANY OF YOU BEEN ANSWERING YOUR PHONES?" Jason yelled. "Well, I am pretty sure Raeesa's phone is broken, Right Raeesa?" Stephanie asked. "Hmm yup," I answered as I felt my broken phone in my pocket. "What about Damian or Barbra?" Dick asked now. "Umm hey babs, is your phone broken?" Stephanie asked. "Well jeez, I don't know Stephanie. Do you think my phone is broken?" Barbra said with extreme sarcasm. "Okay yes her phone is broken and Damian's phone has no service," Stephanie informed. "Why does Damian's phone have no service?" My father asked. Suddenly my hand slipped and my sai started to fall. I quickly put my foot out to catch it. The sai then went through my combat boot and my foot. "Oh MY GOD RAEESA ARE YOU OKAY?" Stephanie gasped. "Yes I am fine Stephanie just give me a second," I said as I pulled out the weapon from my foot. "What is going on. Where are you guys?" Jason asked nervously. "Oh, just a second. Raeesa what floor are we on now?" Stephanie asked me as I continued to climb again. "Just...a..second...we are now on the seventh floor," I responded. "Okay crazy story. So as we were riding the elevator right. It kinda becomes the elevator ride of DEATH and like we crashed, but because of Raeesa's combat boots, we lived. So then she told us her other alter ego and how she was going to get us out of the elevator shaft. So now Raeesa is scaling the walls of the shaft with us hanging behind her on a titanium cable, soo yeah." Stephanie finished. "WAIT you mean to tell me that Raeesa has you guys on a cable dangling behind her as she climbs and is holding you guys up?" Jason asked. "Hey guys the elevator is not working," Tim shouted from a distance. I now was at the doors of the eighth floor. "Hey, Barbra is the cameras off?" I shouted. "Yeah, Why?" She asked. "Okay good." I climbed onto the beam of the eighth floor. I saw the doorway and slammed my sais into it. "Ahh what the hell." Tim screeched from the phone.  I started to part the doors open, but my arms were sore and my injuries weren't helping me with my exhaustion now. "Uggghh," I grunted as I parted the doors. "Raeesa what the." Tim stuttered. I forced the doors opened and now started pulling the cable up. First came Damian, then Stephanie, and finally Barbra. Now exhaustion started climbing in on my vision. "I told you to have faith in me," I said. "Raeesa are you alright?" Jason asked as he held me by my shoulders. I nodded my head as I was too tired to say anything. Jason now hugged me. "Hey come on Alfred is waiting downstairs. Bruce and Slade can take care of Sheva." Jason said to me. I nodded my head. We started down the stairs and to the limo. We plotted down in the seats. I stared out into space. "Princess?" Jason asked. "Hmm," I asked as I was snapped back to reality. "You should sleep in the car it is going to be a while since we are stuck in traffic," Jason whispered to me. I felt myself fall into his lap and felt my eyes droop shut.

Jason's pov

I could tell Raeesa was spent. She climbed over 400 pounds eight stories after fighting Lady Sheva and Superman. Her head fell into my lap as she fell asleep. "Aww, that is so cute." Stephanie chimed. I started to gently rub her scalp. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled closer to me. "Todd, you hurt her and you will be in a world of pain," Damian said to me. "Don't worry Damian. Raeesa has had enough with people letting her down." I whispered. I smiled down at Raeesa. "Hey, can you guys do me a favor and stay away from the backyard tonight?" I asked. "Yeah sure. Anything to help my little wing." Dick sang too loudly. "Shhh." Damian and I said simultaneously. 

Time skip.
Raeesa's pov

"Hey, good afternoon princess." Jason cooed as he shook me awake. "Hmm?" I questioned tiredly. "We are here. Don't worry we brought all of your stuff to Wayne Manor." Jason said quietly. I smiled at Jason and saw the elderly butler start to pick up my bags. "Here Mr. Pennyworth, I can get my bags," I said as I rushed over to collect them. "Oh no Miss Al Ghul, I insist," Alfred stated. "Nonsense, I will feel personally offended if you don't expect my gesture," I said with a soft smile. "Very well Miss Al Ghul," Alfred replied. "Oh and do please call me Raeesa. I would have preferred to stay as far away from the name Al Ghul as possible." Raeesa said. "Of course Miss Raeesa. Oh and I do believe Miss Gordon has an outfit for you tonight." Alfred said to me. Tonight what was tonight. Oh my, Jason's date. "I shall lead you to your room," Alfred said with his soft smile. He leads me to my room where sure enough a pair of clothes sat. I unpacked my clothes from my suitcase and then unpacked my duffle bag. I quickly washed in the shower and then changed my clothes. By the time I was ready, it was 7:30 pm. I opened the door and saw a trail of rose petals. I smiled to myself and followed them. They lead out the back door and into the backyard. Soon I was lead to the hidden grove. I walked into the grove and saw Jason sitting there with a picnic set out. "Haha, I thought you said beach," I said with a smile. "I decided to keep you on your toes instead," Jason said. I let out a soft chuckle and smiled. "Well, I see you are as gorgeous as ever," Jason said. "Thank you. You look quite ravishing yourself." I replied as I sat down. Jason pulled out the food and suddenly my stomach growled menacingly. "well someone is hungry." Jason commented.

This time skip is short

Raeesa's pov

"Hey, Jason?" I asked as we laid on our backs looking up at the stars. "Yeah, princess," Jason answered back. "What do you think about when you see the stars?" I asked. "Well, I think about how small we are incomparable to the universe. What do you think about it?" Jason answered. "Well, when I was younger my aba ruwhi told me that all the people who Allah felt deserved to be in the heavens were in the stars and that they look down upon us to see through our actions and thoughts. So that one day we will join them." I answered as I looked up at the stars. We sat in silence for a while. "You know what Raeesa. I have never met anyone like you in my entire life. For some reason when I am around you I just feel complete." Jason stated. "I feel the same way beloved," I said hoping he doesn't reject the nickname. Instead, he rolled over and kissed me gently on the lips. "Beloved are you sure you wish to court me? I fear the league will be going into a civil war." I said with the fear of Jason's departure. Jason sat up and I followed his actions. He grasped my two hands in his. "Raeesa, when I decided to date you. I made a promise to myself to always be at your side and to be your partner. I will not leave your side even if we have to fight in a civil war." Jason said as he held my hands. I leaned my forehead forward. Jason met my forehead with his. We stayed like this for a while. Our breathing was in sync. We finished our evening by cuddling together under Jason's tent.

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