Hickey girl ??!

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I wake up to small rays of sunlight in my eye that made it pass the curtains , I rub my face and look at my phone that was next to me to see that it was 10:20 AM . I was going to to get up when I feel I warm arm around my waist , I turn around to see Carter behind me sleep . That's when I noticed that I wasn't in my own bed , I try to get up but I fell a stronger pull around me . "Stop moving " he says as he pulls me closer to him stuffing his face in my neck . "Carter..." I whisper trying to get him to wake up . "Carter " I say louder getting annoyed , "CARTER " I screamed making him jump up surprised . When he look at me he calms down but still looks irritated " what the fuck is wrong with you " he says . Not long after that he gets up and to come rap his hands around me from the back , I look up at him surprised before breaking out of the hold that warmed me . " I need a ride home " I said I live a couple blocks away from here so if he didn't want to than I would just walk . I turn and realize the banging head ache I had also seeing I had on the same clothes from yesterday . I break out of my thoughts as he says " you ready " . I look around and said " yea " . We get in the car to only hear him bust out in laughter , I look at him not knowing what he was laughing at getting mad . "Calm down hickey girl " he says between laughs " hickey girl?? " I say before pulling out my phone and going to camera to see lines of hickeys going up and down my neck . ( picture above) I said nothing as I go to my camera roll to see hella pictures of me drinking and smoking . I put my phone down and start shaking my head " what happened last night " I said before he start laughing " after the little kool-aid thing you got to being wild twerking on people , getting super high " he stops to laugh as I shake my head faster in disappointment .
After he dropped me off I got into the shower and etc . I decided to call my best friend and see what's up with her :

BEST 😚🥺🌈 : Hey best wyd .

BEST ☯️🌍🌈 : Nun where did you go last night ?? I left out for a min to talk to Shawn and I came back and you was gone .

BEST 😚🥺🌈 : Awl Carter took me to his place ig , But do you want to go to the mall today ?

BEST ☯️🌍🌈 : ok I'm on my way be ready .

I left her on seen as I went to my closet to pick out something to where . I decided that I would where a till shirts with my ripped jeans and till crocs to match , I put my hair into a slick back ponytail and found some diamond earrings to put in .

 I decided that I would where a till shirts with my ripped jeans and till crocs to match , I put my hair into a slick back ponytail and found some diamond earrings to put in

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I heard a horn beeping so I grab the rest of my stuff and headed out side , when I reached the car door I was blew back by the smell of weed as it filled up my lungs . I get into the car to see my best in the driver seat passing me the blunt , we was going to pull off before I heard my name being called and I look to see carter heading our direction . We gets to the car and gives us a cheesy smile before speaking " you left you necklace at my house earlier " he says as he retrieves my momma necklace from his pocket . " Thx for giving it back to me " I say as we was about to pull off he waved goodbye before going back to his house .
We was at the mall minding our own business when I saw carter going into a shoe store , I stopped in my tracks as I started to walk towards him when I finally got into the store I was shocked to see him with another girl . I was going to walk away when I heard my name being called " hey Jazz wait up for me " oh great ...
I get a clear look at the girl with her hair braided into box braids and she has on a half shirt and booty shorts on . She looks me up and down and I do the same back , Carter clears his throat to speak trying to ease the air .  " Jazz this is Brianna , Brianna this is Jazz I just met her in the Gucci store " he says looking at us back and forth as we eyed each other down . She scrunched up her face and mumbled something , Oh two can play that game " that sounds like a hoe name " I whisper but loud enough for her to hear what I said " Bitch wanna say that again " she says but just in time for my best to come and stand next to me , " Y'all not finna fight " he says in a serious voice . " So wassup bitch my best friend here now " I say before punching her in her face making her nose bleed " JAZZMINE " he said calling me by my full name " That bitch started it " I say giving my best friend a high five " go home..." he says making me scared a bit " WHAT " I screamed making people look our way " GO HOME " he yells as his voice booms throughout the mall giving me shivers I wanted to say something back but the look on his face told me to back down , I scoff and walk away telling me best friend we was out of there .
We decided to go out to eat at a new restaurant that opened last week , we get out the car to see a man blocking the door way in the restaurant , " Can you move out the way " I say making him turn around . The face that I saw shocked me " Jazz ? " my ex says as he looks at me and smirks ... this man broke my heart when I was 15 and I never loved anybody again . " Bitch ass nigga tf do you want " I said " So your still I lonely , and sad little bitch that nobody wants and even the people that do want you .... you won't even give them a try " he laughed . I kick him in the balls then punch him telling him to never speak to me again , Then something made sense I realized that I really do care for carter and that he care about me too . It was about 8:54 and carter would be home by now , I tell my best to drop me off at home so that I can "chill" she said ok and pulled off .
I just got home and I take all my bags in my room and start to put everything where it belongs and take a shower . When I got done doing everything it was about 10:48 I sit on my bed and started to cry thinking about everything that happened today and I cried even more because my grandma is never here to comfort me she always go on trips or at bingo . I decided that I really wanted carter so I put on a hoodie and running shoes to walk to carters house . I was halfway there when the same bitch from earlier pulled up in a truck with fighting clothes on . " So wassup now bitch , your best friend not here to save you . " she said as she ran up on me I instantly but my foot to her stomach talking out all her breath and started swinging her all the way down the block . I started stomping her when she started screaming I quit so I stop and continued walking to his house . I walked on his porch and rang the doorbell I stood there for 5 mins before her opened the door and my jaw dropped . He had an a towel like he just got out the shower , water was still dripping down his chest , his natural curly hair was blocking his view a bit . Before he could say anything I jumped on his waist and kissed him rough . He took a couple steps back surprised by what just happened before he start kissing me back . He took a couple steps forward to kick the door slamming it and locking it back carrying me up the stairs ....

Hello my loves my bad I took so long to update but what will happen next ??!
Will one girl come back for round 3 ??!
Will Jazz and Carter fall for each other ??!
Will Carter feel the same way towards Jazz ??!
I don't even know so don't ask  me but ttyl folks 💛

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