Chapter 1 Garrus...

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After defeating the Collators Hackett didn't punish saying I'm too valuable to be on treason for my actions but Shepherd is grounded till further notice but I defended him the best I can in trails but it's pointless.

   After that  I was sent on a private mission from Hackett but it went south. Studying a Cerberus camp and all. I was captured and I been locked up and held...drugged...tortured...for information. It's horrible here the cuts the burns.
"I'm y/n! Blaze! I served with Commander Shepherd!" I cried over and over.
     Shepherd won't look for one will.

          I'm held in cryo so I can't escape. Cold. So cold.
The clock ticks I've here for months I lost count after the second month. "Help..." I whimper.

I felt warmth around me as I looked to see the Illusive man in front of me. Cigarette in hand. "Ms. Blaze you remember me?" He asked.

    Kai Leng behind him stood.
"Unfortunately." I spat. "A pleasure now tell me where I can find it." I looked at him. What the catalyst? The beacon. "Find what? Don't need to be so vague." I felt a sharp pain on my arm. "Don't play games." Kai eyed me. "I'm not telling you." I hissed. "Unfortunate Kai...make her talk I will be leaving." Illusive man left the cell as his protégé stayed back. "You will pay for what you cause me." I spat. "We will see." He let out of cryo locks as I fell to ground. "Come on now the y/n I heard about falls to ground and coughs like she's dying." I shakily stood up and raised my fist to punch him face but he caught my fist. "You are as violent as your file says." I grit my teeth. I used my biotics and force my fist to contact his skin as I punched him. "Bitch! Don't touch me!" I yelled. He rubbed his cheek. Looking quite amazed. "And a skilled Biotic..." he ran towards me and stabbed my arm. "Ah..." I whimper. "But I need information not to play." He kicked me down.

    Held the blade to my neck. "Where is it?" I spit in his face. "Not very lady like..." he stood up and kicked me stomach. "Damnit" I winced. I tried to crawl away but he grabbed me by hair and lifted me up. "You will talk! I will be back in an hour." He pushed me into cryo locks and I saw the cell fade into darkness.
The cold...frost building around my skin as I fell into a deep sleep once more.

     The cryo cell raised to top. Felt the locks let me go as I fell forward but I was caught. "Hold on Y/n..." the voice was so familiar but my senses came first.
    I pushed back and screamed. "Let me go! Don't touch me! Please!" I push whoever held away and scooted away. "Y/n it's okay...Liara, Shepherd and I are here to save you." I looked at the familiar Turian. "Is it over...?" I whimper.
     I see Garrus kneel toward me. Held my hands and brush my h/c hair away from my e/c orbs filled with fear and shame. "It's over Y/n...I'm here no one is going to hurt you anymore I'll hurt them if they try." I whimper and hugged Garrus tightly. "No more drugs no more pain thank the lord." I was shaking I know I was.
    Garrus picked me up and held my weaken form. "Let's get you out of here quickly." Garrus left my cell and I saw Shepherd and Liara. "My dear oh my goddess!" Liars stopped firing his pistol to look at me. "She needs medical attention now." Garrus told them.
"Joker we need a evac now!" We rushed outside as I felt myself slipping. "G-Garrus it's bright..." I whispered. I felt Garrus shake me. "Stay with me Y/n." He ran faster.
    I hear his steps get heavier by every turn we make. "I'm so tired..." shaken once more. Heard a loud noise of jet as hard shake me again. Garrus's grip tightens as he made a jump. "Hold on." He told me. "Go go!" I heard Shepherd yell.

I felt a cold table under as I looked around. White lights. No no! "No no! Stop please! No more!" I cried. "Hold her down she's need to seductive." Heard a male. "No no! Stop! Shepherd! Mom! Garrus!" I cried.
     I saw Garrus as he held my arm down and saw Shepherd hold my other arm down. I felt a needle in my body that fought back...but now everything relaxes. "Rest Y/n...I'll be here when you wake up." I closed my eyes and finally felt at rest.

     I open my eyes to see Mordin across me and something holding my hand. "Y/n how are you feeling?" I look at Mordin with smile. "Better just what happened?" I asked. I felt my hand tighten as I look to see Garrus half asleep looking happy to see me. "Garrus what happened?" I tried to move but a sharp pain on side prevented me. I winced. "Don't move you have stitches and can't break them!" Mordin warned.
    I saw I shirtless with on sports bra on and shorts. "I see..." I saw Liara come into room and saw tears in her eyes. "Y/n!" She came up to me and hugged me gently. "Liara...what's happening no one is telling me..." Mordin, Garrus and Liara looks at me. "You been unconscious for 4 solar days and your being hunted by Cerberus." I bite my lip knowing that's a target on my head. "Uh m- Liara...what's happening right now...seeing Mordin I know we are curing Genophage." Liara looks at me and nods while Mordin seems confused. "How? We didn't even mention it, future teller? No mind reader! No."
    "She's able to know everything our past who we are and what happens next." Garrus told Mordin. Liara nods agreeing. "Wow...I'm so glad to be safe again...missed this." I smiled as I felt Garrus hug me. "Glad your safe as well." Shepherd walks in and looks relax seeing I'm awake. "Come on Hackett would like to see you." Garrus and Liara help me up as I wince a little bit steadily made my way toward Shepherd.

    "Shepherd help her make sure doesn't....break stitches." Mordin tells him.
I went into war room to see the hologram of Hackett. "Sir." I tried salute but Shepherd brought his hand up and waved. "Don't worry Lieutenant Blaze it is fine." Shepherd looks at me quite amazed. "Sir the mission was worth the cost...Cerberus they found a weapon a bomb on Tuchanka....they are going to use but it didn't say when sir. They also are looking for Catalyst I believe....There's also someone who is dangerous." Shepherd and Hackett seemed interested now.

   "Kai Leng...he's dangerous man uses a sword." Hackett nods and looks like he's writing it down. "I'll keep this noted and thank you Y/n but next order is serve on the Normandy and commanding officer is Commander Shepherd." I nodded. "Yes sir." Shepherd salutes the admiral. "Thank you sir." "Keep me posted Hackett out."
    I look Shepherd as we smiles. "Good to have you back Y/n." Shepherd hugged me gently like Liara. "Good to be back." Liara comes in and looks at Shepherd and I. "You told her yet?" Shepherd asked. "No I haven't we talk about it your cabins in private. After Mordin changes her bandages first." Shepherd nods as I shrug off what their talking about and head back to Med-bay.

Mordin changes my bandages as I seem okay just can't go into active fighting he told me. "Thanks Mordin." He smiles. "A pleasure easier then dealing with Wrex." I giggle as I left the Med-bay.

I went into Main battery to see Garrus calibrating. "Maybe take a break to see me for a little?" Garrus looks at me and didn't hesitate to stop. "Wasn't sure on call of reunions but when you sent that last message and painful call of help. I knew it was serious I began to worry. Then idiot I was I called to make sure you were safe and placed you in more danger..." He held my hands and look at cuts in my arms near my neck along my hands. I smiled at him then I kissed him gently with a smirk. "That's the reunion. I haven't forgotten our time...glad to be back." Garrus leaned in but stop mid way to. "Y/n, Shepherd needs you in his cabin." I scoff in annoyance. "Are you spying on us?" I asked Joker. "No not at all." The sound of sarcasm. "Best to not keep him waiting." I agreed and left Garrus to the cabin.

  I stepped into see Liara and Shepherd. Holding hands and looking at with smile. Liara seem more interested.

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