Chapter 4 How I started

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Shepherd chose Garrus and me to assist with the bomb threat. Victus (I may have spelled that wrong.) he gather up his remaining team and heading to location where the bomb is.
We left on foot in a rush because they got there faster then us. "Thermal clip!" Shepherd yelled. We were pinned down trying to hurry over to the team.
I tossed a thermal to Shepherd and we all rushed down the field.
Got hit a few times but I'll live.
We got to the bomb location seeing it afar. "We have to hurry...this time he won't die." Shepherd stopped and looked at me. "What do you mean?" Garrus was as confused. "He dies after this to defuse the bomb...he has to manually fix it." Shepherd nods and looks at me. "Tell him that." I nodded and we rushed to team. "Shepherd!" Victus greeted messing with the terminal. "It's a waste...try fixing it manually." I told him. "Excuse me?" Stopped and eyed me down. "It's a waste I'm telling won't live and your team will die if you don't fix it manually. I'll slow the timer but get your ass up there!" I ordered. "She's right Victus." Shepherd agreed. "Alright good solider." He climbed up. His man was shot by a sniper seeing Cerberus. "Handle the timer Y/n!" I nodded and got to timer.
I stalled it as much as I can. Bullet whistled pass me. "Shepherd keep them off me!" I turn around and shot the bastard in the head. Got back to terminal and coded and hacked firewalls but still this thing is a bitch!

Shepherd and Garrus got in the platform as Victus tried to get the bomb to fall. "It's stuck!" He yelled. no. "Hey down here!" I yelled. Think Y/n think fast! I used my biotics to yank the stick piece off. Falling off successfully. Victus slipped though. I was being too rash! Damnit!! This might get me killed. I lifted him up held him there and walked backwards. "Y/n!" Victus shouted. I safely laid him on the platform. "Shit..." I stumbled back, luckily Garrus caught me. Victus looked at me in disbelief. The bomb went off. Garrus picked me and held me like a bride. I laid my hands on my stomach and relax because damn that was exhausting. We made our way to shuttle. Garrus laid me down on the seat as Victus eyed me. He seems shocked that he lived. I was so sleepy...I blacked out after that.

I woke up to Mom over me saying something. "Mom?" She looked at me in disbelief. "We lost you..?" I sat myself up with Mordin look at me. Wires hooked up to me. "Lacking bio-amps...too much stress on the heart. Should have died! Did die!" I look at heart monitor to see it flat but beeping again. "Where Victus, Garrus, and Shepherd?" Mom smiled and hugged me. "I don't know what I do if I lost you." I hugged her back and saw Garrus behind her. "I'm okay..." I told him. Mom backed away and Garrus hugged me too. Their acting like I just died. "Don't do that again." I giggle and hop off the bed.
Mordin checked me and cleared me to go.

Went down the battle room to see Prim arch, Victus and Shepherd talking. Then Wrex walked over oh no.

I walked over to see Victus looking at me like I was ghost. "They said you passed." He spoke up. I shook my head as Shepherd hugged me. Whoa okay this was new! "Liara would have killed me if you died!" Shepherd broke the hug and apologize. "It's okay Commander." I told him. "You place a bomb on my planet!" Wrex (it's autoed to weed.)
Yelled. Primmarch said something. Till Shepherd spoke up. "Wrex Y/n nearly died if you didn't know! Liara kid! Primarch what you did with bomb was extreme! WREX if you were the Turians you do the same damn thing!" Wrex look at me then Shepherd. "That's Liara kid now? Thought you be with Turian first." I awkwardly laugh. "Funny but He was bit too slow." I answered.

   "Yes Commander we get it we have bigger enemies to face." "Damn right now break up the fight." They nodded but Victus raised his talon. "Thank you Ms. T'soni. You saved my life." I smiled and crossed my arms. "It's Y/n and don't mention it, it was nothing..." nearly died but that's fine this is changing and now to save Legion.

    We left planet to citadel to see this Dr. Bryson?
Shepherd wanted me to accompany him. Which I didn't disagree. We walked into nice little office then it hit me! Shit...he's going to die. 'Mess with it too much people will suffer.' The voice in my head told me. Damn it's right. Sorry Doc.

I admire the office as Shepherd and Doctor talked.

This is so cool to see in person...never thought it look so. Heard the click. "Get over here!" Roughly grabbed and gun held to my head. "Y/n!" Shepherd called out as we walked into the room. He shot Dr. Bryson.  about to shoot me but luckily I pushed my head backwards and stumble back letting me go.

    I grabbed his arm and bend it backwards and held him in lock he couldn't get out of.
"Y/n get back to Normandy and I'll have EDI help me from here thank you." I obeyed and left Shepherd once C-sec showed up.

I went on to Normandy and went to star board deck. Where Kasumi stayed. I laid down on couch. "This is comfy..." Garrus walked into my room. He seem surprise to see me. "Hey." I smiled. "Heya." He went to bar and mixed drinks for me and him. "Thank you." "We need drink to unwind every now and then." Garrus added. He came to couch and handed me a purple drink. "It won't hurt you I promise." I giggle and sipped it. He sat next to me and faced toward me. "So where are you really from?" "Earth." He chuckles. "So why did you come here from 2018 or even how?" Garrus asked.

"I made a deal of sort a sentinel I think it was Reaper..." Garrus seemed more interested when I said that. "Why you say that?" "Well the noise it sounded like Sovereign." Garrus nods understanding.
"It asked if I can change this outcome...this world this idea of you and everyone here was a video game. But now it's the future. Garrus it told I can change things. Victus was suppose to die next Mordin will! And I haven't figure out how to save him without betraying Wrex...." I felt the tears slipping from my eyes. "Legion will too...I'm able to make peace with both Krogan, Salarians, Turian. Then Qurians and Geth too. But I'm scared Garrus if I mess up and something happens that wasn't suppose to happen or I change it to fast that it messes up....I'm still lost I wish my Biological mom was here she know how to cope." Garrus leaned over and grabbed my drink and place it on coffee table. His next to mine on the right.
He pecked my lips and pulled me closer. "Y/n you may be very sweet, honest, loyal, and very brave but most of all your next badass human girl I've met. You showed this old Turian that it's okay to love even with another species. I'll promise you this..." his trails to side of my ear. "No one or Reaper will get in middle of cross-spices relationship." I smiled and sniff as I hugged his tighter. "Thank you Garrus that means a lot..." he pulled away and kiss my cheek, while kiss his too.

  "Now that's the Blaze who's going to leave a fire after she's done with her kill." I giggle as I playfully hit his arm. "Now let's finish a good drink!" He grabbed the drink on the left and handed me the right one. "You have my drink." He chuckles nervously and we traded drinks. "To new beginnings." He said. "To the ones we love dearly." Toasted and drank away the night.

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