Chapter 5 - Deal

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Ukraine and Germany walked into woodshop, where Russia's current class was. Russia was currently holding a power drill, and was working on something.

Ukraine walked up to Russia, confidently, and smiled and said, "How are you? Listen I..." He didn't get to finish because Russia had just drilled a hole in Ukraine's beloved French textbook. Ukraine got scared and went with Germany out of the classroom.


(Sixty Nine)

Germany and Ukraine were staring at the hill in the French book. Germany sighed, "So, how do we get him to date Ame?"

Ukraine set the book down and rubbed his temples, "I dunno, maybe we could pay him? But we don't have any money..."

Germany thought for a second, "What we need is a backer!"

Ukraine raised his eyebrows and looked confused, "What's a backer?"

Germany answered, "A person with money, whose stupid." They look at each other pensively.


China and his friends, are sitting at their usual lunch table. China is drawing inappropriate things in the lunch tray with a sharpie marker.

China snickered, "Oh yeah!"

Germany walked up to them, nervously. He sat down next to China, who had just noticed him. "Can I help you?"

Germany answered, "Actually yes, yes you can." I

China raised his brow in confusion, while Germany continued, "I wanna run something by you, a deal you could say."

China grabbed his sharpie and began to draw on Germany's face, "Talk."

Germany stuttered as he began to speak again, "You want Canada, right? But she can't date because her sister is a bitch that no one will date."

China continued to draw something inappropriate on Germany's face as he asked, "Does this conversation have a purpose?"

Germany continued, "What I believe you should do, is to hire someone to go out with Ame, someone who doesn't scare easily." Germany then motions to Russia, who is sitting with Romania. Russia is stabbing an orange, while Romania stabs an apple.

"Him? " China questioned, while finishing the drawing on Germany's face, "I heard he killed his dad."

Germany said, "Yeah, I don't think the found the body... Clearly, he's a solid investment!"

China nodded, "But what's in it for you?"

Germany said, "Well, if we see each other in the halls, I say hi to you, you say hi to me."

China nodded, "Yeah, cool by association, I get you..."

Germany sat with them a little longer in awkward silence, before China says, "You can go now!"

Germany awkwardly gets up and goes to Ukraine, who is on the other side of the cafeteria. "He took the bait."

"That's good, now we have a backer," Ukraine says, patting Germany on the back, " Let's go. " Ukraine turns and leaves.

Germany gave an awkward smile, then asked, "I have dick on my face don't I?"

Ukraine nodded.


After school, on the football field, the band is practicing. Ame is in the band playing a snare drum, while marching in formation. Russia is sitting with Romania on the hill leading down onto the field. China approaches him.

"Hey, how ya doing?" China asked, getting no response, so he continues try ing to break the ice, "I had a great time killing my father last night..."

Russia looks up and furrows his brow at China, "Do I know you?"

China said, "Look, I will just cut to the chase... See that girl?" He tried to point to Ame.

Russia looked at where he was pointing, "Which one? They all look the same down there... It almost looks like a cult."

China looked confused at the band's formation, "Yea it does..."

Russia and China exchange confused and slightly scared glances when they heard, "Alright everyone! That sucked! We will most likely get a three! Study your music and the sets! You are dismissed!"

They watched as the band kids set their instruments down and drank water. China pointed to Ame, who took her snare off and laid down on the ground. Russia looked at where China pointed and pointed at Ame, "Her?"

China nodded, "Yes, that's the girl I want you to take out."

Russia and Romania laughed and said sarcastically, "Yea, sure I'll take her out."

"Would you if I was willing to pay?"

"Depends... How much? "

"20 ."

"20 what?"

"American dollars..."

Russia looked down at Ame, who just attacked a football player who made fun of a band member, "50 American dollars."

China hesitated, but complied. He handed Russia the money then walked away. Russia say with Romania, who had been texting Moldova the whole time not noticing what just happened. Since Russia had nothing else to do, he watched Ame.

Ame had taken a drink of water from her water bottle, with a strange feeling of someone watching her, but she shook it off. Her friend, Iceland, who was a blue red and white country. She had a blue background, with a red plus on her face, outlining it was white. She wore shorts, like all the band kids, and the band shirt. She also wore marching shoes.

Iceland went to Ame, "Gather all the percussionists, we need a sectional." Ame nodded and began to gather the percussionists. They all out their drums on again, and began to work out cadences. Russia, not need knowing a thing about band, thought it sounded awesome, Ame on the other hand cringed at the horrible tempos. Iceland and Ame, the co-section leaders, nodded and began correcting the wrongs.


After the sectional, Ame had put up her snare and started walking across the field with her fellow drummers. Russia walks up to her, "Heya... How are you doing?"

She looks at him with a weirded out look, "Sweating like a pig actually, but who wants to know?"

Russia smiled a smile, that would normally make girls hearts melt, it it didn't work on Ame, "Russia, and you are...?"

Ame scoffed, "Not interested..." She tried to walk off , but Russia followed her.

"You know... I don't really understand what the band does... Care to explain?" Russia asks.

Ame sighs, but continues to walk, "We play music that gets the crowd hyped up at concerts, football games, and basketball games. Basically we entertain people, more so than the sport teams."

Russia thought that he would have to pretend to be interested in what she said, but he really was, "That sounds interesting... Mind if I pick you up on Friday?"

Ame stops and looks at Russia while raising an eyebrow, "Fridays are late band practices, and I said not interested..."

Ame walks off, while Russia stays behind watching her, confused about what happened.


All done with Chapter 5


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