Chapter 11 - Cold War... Sorta...

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Ame walks into classroom on Monday. All sorts of people start cheering for her. She went to her desk, and say down. China walks towards her, smirking, "Ame, baby, what do we owe you for the table dance?"

Ame rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair, Russia enters the classroom. They make eye contact, and he noticed she's wearing contacts. She looks away, and he sits down and looks down, feeling bad. Mr. Brasília walks into the classroom, "Alright, class, not that I care... But how was your weekend?"

China smiles, "I dunno... Why don't we ask Ame?"

Brazil looks at China, "Unless she beat your dumb ass, I don't want to hear about it."

China scowled and stayed quiet.

Brazil continued, "Alright, turn to pages 73, sonnet 141..." He wait for every one to turn to the page, then recited almost rapping, "In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, For they in thee a thousand errors note; But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise, Who, in despite of view, is pleased to dote!"

Everyone looked at him, surprised at the rap, made from the sonnet and Brazil continued, "Alright, I know William Shakespeare is a dead white guy, but he knows his shit. Now, I want you to write your of version of this sonnet."

Almost everyone groaned, Ame rose her hand. Brazil, used to Ame doing that, answered, "What? Miss I-Have-An-Opinion-About-Everything?"

Ame asked, "Do you want this in iambic parameter?"

Brazil was confused, "You're not going to fight me on this?"

Ame shook her head no, "No I think it's a really cool assignment!"

Brazil looked dead at Ame, "Get out..."

Ame looked at her teacher in confusion, "What?"

Brazil repeated himself, "I said, get out!"

Ame was surprised, "All I said was that I think it's a-"

Brazil shook his head and pointed to the door, "Out out out out out out out out out out out!" Ame quickly got her stuff and walked out the classroom, confused to say the least.


Poland stands at her locker, drawings of space and Shakespeare are magneted onto her door. Germany spots the drawings so he walks up to her, "Hey that's cool! I bet space would be cool to visit! I definitely would like to drink some milky way!"

Germany laughed, while Poland looked at him confused, closed her locker and started to walk away. Germany saw the William Shakespeare drawings before she closed her locker so he said, "Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart-"

Poland turned around to face Germany, "courage to make love known." Poland had finished for him, while she stood in shock. Germany thought for a moment, " (Macb- Macb- Ma- sorry I'm a theatre nerd so I hate to write or even say this word) MacBeth? " (😭🙏I'm sorry theatre gods forgive meeeeeee!!!!)

Poland looked at Germany, with new admiration, "Yea..."

Germany smiled and held out his hand, "Germany..."

Poland took his hand and shook it, "Poland..."

Germany smiled again, "Hey so listen... I have this friend..."


Italy instructs people on how to arch. Canada is in the class. Shes aims at a target, and China walks up to her, "Hey there Cupid~"

Canada rolls her eyes and ignores him. China continues to talk, "I see your concentrating hard, considering its gym class..."

Canada turns, and as she does this she lets the arrow go, a cry is heard, "Can I help you?"

China smiled, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the prom with me?"

Canada sighed, "Well damn, I can't not if Ame goes..." She made a face like welp.

China smiled, "I'm working on that..." He turns and walks away. Canada signs and walks away in the opposite direction. Italy is on the ground crying out in pain, for there is an arrow in his butt.


China hands 2 $100 bills to Russia, "Here this should take care of everything..."

Russia tries to hand it back to him, "I don't want your money..."

China frowned and forced it into his hands, "Take it..."

China walked off and Russia stated at the money, feeling horrible.


Russia walked around the music store, he spots Ame, she's wearing headphones and playing a guitar. He comes up behind her, she's playing a song that he thought was familiar. He goes to touch her shoulder, but turns away. Ame looks up after Russia left, looks around before going back to the guitar.


Russia walks up to a pudgy kid, who is standing near his locker. Russia hands him some money and whispers something in his ear. The kid nods and Russia walks away.


The kid, Mexico, was the drum major in the band. He asked the band director for scores of a song. After school, he had the band practice it. Ame didn't question it, seeing as how they might be practicing for next year. The band worked on new sets, and everything.


Chapter 12 is going to be my favorite!

Chapter 11 is done!!!

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