Chapter 17 - Resolution

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I think this is the last chapter 😶

Im kinda sad now, but i almost feel as though i should make a different book, but i dunno


Ame is sitting on the porch with a sketch pad, drawing the natives, whom are playing a game called spud. Canada comes out of the house with two cans of soda and stands next to Ame, "You want?"

Ame looks at the can of soda, and shakes her head, "I'm good."

Canada sat down, "You okay?"

America nodded, "Yea..."

Canada and Ame sat there awkwardly, then Canada looked at Ame, "Are you sure you dont to go hiking with us?"

Ame looked down at her drawing, "Nah... I'm good." Ame turned to Canada and gave her a small smile. Canada gave her a concerned look.

Ukraine came running up to them, smiling til he saw Ame. He turned to Canada, "Um... You ready?"

Canada looked up at Ukraine, "Yea..."

Canada got up and walked to Ukraine, and took his hand. She looked back at America, then turns around, and left with Ukraine to go hiking.

When Ame couldnt hear them, Ukraine asked Canada, "Is she okay?"

Canada looks down, "I hope so..."

Few moments later, UK came out of the house and sat on the porch next to Ame, "Wheres she going?"

Ame says, sarcastically, "Shes going to meet some bikers, full of sperm..."

UK isnt amused, "So how was the dance? Was it... VSCO?"

Ame looked at her dad, stifling a laugh, he tries to be as he calls it... "Hip". Ame sighed, "Parts of the prom were pretty great..." She smiled to herself.

UK looked at her, "Like what?"

Ame laughed, "Canada beat the hell outta China..."

UK choked on his tea, "She did what?!"

Ame looked at UK, "What? Are you disappointed that I rubbed off on her?"

UK shook his head, "No... I'm impressed and frankly... Relieved.." Ame looks at her father, surprised of his approval.

UK continued, "You know... Fathers hate to admit it when their daughters can lead their own lives... You know independently..." He pauses to see Ame's face which was like, "I know independence..."

UK sighs, "Its like..." He stopped again to think of a way to make the American understand, " Baseball... You're the captain, or coach... The more independent you become, the more of a spectator I become.. Like, Canada lets me play a few innings still... You've kept me on the bench for years... When you go to Art School... I wont even get to watch the game... "

Ame stared at her father, "D-did you just say... When I go?"

UK sighed, "Don't tell me you changed your mind! I already sent them a fat check!"

Ame hugged her dad,and her dad hugged back.


Mr. Brasília goes to the front of the cass with an open book, "Okay... I assume every one has found time to finish their poem..." He smiles, " With the exception of China... "

Everyone look at China, who is wearing Ame's sunglasses, which he bought for like 100 American dollars. Ame looks at her poem, anxiety killing her, she wasn't wearing her contacts. Brazil smirks at China, "Take them off bucko..."

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