Chapter 4

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He clears his throat and rest his elbows on his knees. Lacing his fingers together, boring his eyes into mine before speaking.

"Where's Ethan?"


My heart drops and my throat runs dry at his question. How does he know my brother? Why is he asking me this? Did my brother know him? A kidnapper? A criminal? Ethan might not have exactly been the best brother or person. I wasn't exactly close with him either but i didn't think he would have associated with outlaws.

"Wh-what?" i stutter. He chuckles and rolls his eyes at my response. "You know exactly what i'm talking about. Where is Ethan?!" He raises his voice now walking over to me and I move back in my seat. Terrified of his mood at the moment.

"I-I don't know. Really, I have no idea where he is" I say trying to convince him. He clenches his and lets out a breath. He puts his hands on the armrest and comes closer to my face. His breath now fanning mine.

"Okay answer this. Why were you running away from the foster home? Hmm? To meet Ethan?" He asks. His face dangerously close to mine. "Wh-what no. Trust me. I haven't heard from him since he left the house four years ago. I left cause i wanted to. I wasn't going anywhere specific. I didn't think it through very well. I just- I just wanted to leave so i did. I'm telling you I don't know where Ethan is believe me" I say. Finding courage to speak louder.

"You won't speak up liks this" He says, more to himself than to me, before grabbing my forearm. Yanking me up and dragging me up there stairs. I'm positive i'll dislocate my shoulder sooner or later. Seeing how he's always yanking me up everwhere.

He busts open the door in one of the rooms and throws me in as i let out a scream. I crash on the floor on my knees forearm. Groaning, I help my self.

"I suggest you spill everything when i come back, or it won't be good" He says right before slamming the door and locking it from outside.

I look around to see there's a small single sized bed in the corner of the room. A side stool with a dim lamp. The walls are painted a light grey, but with no windows. There are two small vents in two corners for air. A rectangular carpet spread out in the middle of the room.

Sighing, I come to terms with my current unfortunate situation. Here I am, in the middle of no where. Held captive by a rather intimidating man whose name i have yet to find out. He wants to know Ethan's whereabouts which I am truly clueless about.

Even if  he lets me go, which I doubt he will. Where would I go? I can't go back to the foster house. I'd be lost again, and I certainly don't want to go to another foster house, or possibly be kidnapped again. I don't have any family of mine whom i can contact Trying to contact Ethan doesn't seem too appealing at the moment. There's no one who would possibly come looking for me and rescuing me out of here.

So, that possibility is out the window. I guess I should just go along with how things are, and just hope he doesn't kill me.

Actually, now that i think about it, I have a thin chance of survival any way. I don't have anyone caring for me, and there'll be no one to mourn. Guess dying will just be the easy way out.

I just never thought it'd be like this.


(a/n) Hi, this is a shorter chapter, but there'll be some action in the next chapter. Also you have to understand that Grace is a hopeless case, she has absolutely no one looking for her. No one caring about her well-being . She is alone. So she really has no hope that someone will come rescue and coz she knows no one will. So that's why she isn't panicking as much as anyone else would. She also is just done with the world. 😗✌🏻

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