Chapter 8

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Grace's pov

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Harry didn't bother me and i was thankful for it. Harry also told me do a some dusting around the house. Surprisingly, he asked me very nicely so I decided I might as well listen to him and not piss him off. Also, I didn't have anything better to do.

I contemplated wether or not to go into Harry's room but I ended up going inside anyways. His bed is neatly made. Not one piece of clothing is laying around on the floor, like i had expected.

I hear the click of a door and I flinch and turn around to see Harry exiting his attached bathroom with dripping wet hair and a towel hanging low in his hips. My eyes rake over the ink scattered gracefully across his toned torso, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks at the sight infront of me. I am not supposed to find that attractive.

Harry clears his throat pulling me out of my thoughts. "I'm flattered by you enjoying my shirtless self but um, I gotta change so um, you can dust here later." he says with a smirk on his face.

" yeah..i'm sorry i uh-i-i'll leave." I stutter out before sprinting out the door.


"Yeah alright but what about that chick we kidnapped? Got anything out from here."

"She's innocent Niall, but I can't let her leave like this. It's risky."

I eavesdrop on Harry and the other guy's conversation who's name i just learned is Niall. So he's the other one that kidnapped me.

"Yeah okay man, but I got a lead. Apparently Ethan was in town yesterday. He was at a bar with two other men. Liam sent me a picture this morning which he found on instagram. One of his cousins had posted the picture and Ethan was in the background with those two other men. Liam instantly went to the bar but he'd left. He called me then and the both of us checked every place possible but he'd left a-"

"What the fuck do you mean he left. You let him go? Do you realise how close you were. Why did you not tell me?!" Harry yells and walks over to Niall, pulling him up by his collar and screaming in his face. I knew what he was going to do and I had this urge to stop him.

"Harry put him down!" I yell, coming out from my hiding spot. Both of them look at me with confusion before Harry speaks up, "You need to stay out of this. This is none of your conce-"

"Yes but you don't need to resort to violence when you don't get things your way! Put him down." I yell and to my surprise he puts him down and I sigh in relief.

Harry's pov

I was really caught off guard by the way Grace yelled at me. I guess she doesn't have the best experience with Violence. Well, no one does.

I sit back down and Niall clears his throat, "Do you want me to continue? I haven't finished." Niall says in a small voice and I nod.

"Okau so um, the other two men that were with Ethan, one of them has been identified as Nick Douglas. He's a pretty dangerous man and I think Ethan's working for him now. So i'm afraid we may or may not have enemies. I say we find a way to get to Ethan without having to go through Nick and the other guy. But if say we do have to go through them. It's best if we're prepared." Niall says.

"Do you have any background on this Nick guy?" i ask. "Um, we told Louis. He's working on it, y'know he's the brains. But all I know is that is name is Nick, he knows Ethan, he's dangerous, and he's very frequent at the bar. So at least we know where to find him, if we ever need to."

I sigh running my hand through my hair, pulling at the ends lightly. I wish I could just let go of this drama and start afresh in my life. But all this will only haunt me if I leave it unfinished. I already feel bad that Louis and Niall got sucked into this and I will make sure we all are free of all this before we restart our life. I made a promise, and i'm gonna keep it.


(a/n) sorry i was M.I.A. but umm here you go ahah. pls vote??????

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