Am I Gay?

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AHHHHH 81 reads and 15 votes! Thank you all for this i don't deserve it! Enjoy the next part of 10 years apart: Am I Gay?

Kakyoin's POV:

I shouted, " SMALL, SMALL? IM OVER THE AVERAGE HEIGHT DUMBASS! It's not my fault you are THAT tall, is it?"

"Calm down, i was just kidding... Are you ready?" His voice seemed to be the same tone all the time.

" Oh yeah, i just need to get my coffee," I ran to the kitchen and got my bottle and said goodbye to my mother.A we went out the door, Jotaro told me we were going to meet his brothers and his friends. I remember his brothers, Joseph and Josuke. When I was 7, Joseph admitted that he loved me and he asked me out but I of course said no, because I loved Jotaro, and i still do. Wait, WHAT? I like Jotaro? Am I gay? NO...No...Maybe?

"Hey Jotaro?"

Jotaro looked at me, " What's your type?" I felt awkward asking this question

"Well,  who I fall in love with, I guess..."

" well have you fallen in love with anyone before?" I wanted to know... If he loved someone...

He said something I would never expect him to say, " I like this guy on instagram,I guess... i'll show you him later because we're here."  Jotaro... Is...Gay...

Jotaros POV:

I told Kakyoin im gay and that i like a guy I follow on Instagram... and that guy... is... Kakyoin. I've followed Kakyoin the second i got myself a account, it was easy to find him since his username is NoriakiKakyoin. I've loved him since around the time my older brother confessed to him. Its his face, his personality... i feel like  i can tell him things i can't tell others. His smile brings me happiness although you cant see it i feel happy around him.

"Hey big brother!" i could see Josuke waving at me while Rohan was hugging his chest. Rohan reminded me of kakyoin alot, they both had cute hair they were around the same size and they were both really good artists. Kakyoin's art is amazing though, he posts it regularly on his account. Everyone looked over at us as Joseph and Caesar came up to me and Kakyoin with grins spreading across their faces.

" So is this the cutie you've been telling us about, Jotaro, hhm?" Joseph's face was covered with a smile.

" First, did Jotaro really call me cute and seco-"Kakyoin tried to speak,only to be interrupted by the rohan who dragged josuke over to ask him a question.

"yes jotaro called you cute.on the groupchat all he did yesterday was talk about how cute and gorgeous you are, he's not wrong," I pulled down my hat trying to hide my blushing face as kakyoin satard at me with a wide smile. "Also i feel like i've seen you before... Hmmm... Great fashion sense,great looking hair...HEAVENS DOOR!" 

Kakyoin's POV:

Jotaro stood behind me holding me by my shoulders as my face flew open.

ahhh sorry your gonna have to wait my little shipers,anyways i have to sleep.

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