Purple Lipstick

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AHHHHHH We got 139 reads and 21 votes! Another ship is rolling in tonight people....

Kakyoin POV:

My face flipped open as Jotaro stood behind me holding me by my shoulders. " I KNEW IT! YOURE NORIAKI KAKYOIN! I'm such a fan of your realistic art~" the green haired teen shouted in excitement. He was excited to meet me?

" Rohan, love, leave kakyoin alone..." Josuke said calmly as the shorter boy admitted defeat, walking over sadly back to his lovers arms.

"A fan? And anyways, Jotaro, who are these people? I asked my taller friend.

"The one who opened your face was Rohan, Josukes boyfriend."Jotaro started.

"Is he a stand user?" My eyes widened

"Everyone here is, anyways that's Caesar, Joseph's boyfriend. That's Narancia and Fugo-" A boy with blonde hair and a boy with a fork in his head waved at us only to resume what they were doing.

"Why does Narancia have a fork in his head?" I was really, really confused.

"Let's just say, maths lesson with fugo..." Jotaros head tured to a boy with a hat and another blonde boy.

"That's Giorno and mista, and tha- WHERE ARE ABBACHIO AND BRUNO?! " Two boys walked over from a nearby building, one of them covered with smudged purple lips,

"Sorry were late, somone just HAD to make out with me before we left..." the blue haired boy who was coved in kisses shot his head at the taller boy.

Everyone swapped phone numbers with me as Jotaro added me to the group chat. Son it was time to go home... Jotaro walked back with me, since we lived next to each other.

"Hey Jotaro, text me tonight, please." I felt a light shade of pink brush my cheeks.

"Sure, why not."

*After dinner on the groupchat*

Kakyoin: Hey mista?

Mista: yea?

Kakyoin: you know you keep your gun in your pants, what if someone pulled the trigger?

Giorno: yea, wouldnt your dick get a hole in it?

Rohan: Or maybe his dick would come right off...

Mista: idk, but I'm NOT gonna try, I'm saving it for someone...

Giorno: Who you saving it for, Mista?

Mista: None of your business, Giovanna.

Narancia: Hey, guys, you know that polnareff guy.

Jotaro: Yes

Joseph: Isn't he that really loud French man?

Josuke: With that really ugly hair?

Abbacchio: Look who's talking?


Rohan: love, calm down,dont kill anyone today, anyways about polnareff?

Narancia: Oh yea, if he wore a hat, would he wear it on his head or his hair?

Bruno: There are unfortunately many questions that cannot be answered....

Rohan: Hey Kakyoin how do you make your hair do that?

Kakyoin: Oh I only use a curler in the morning and that's it, anyways we have school tomorrow we should sleep, night!

Jotaro: Night Nori

Josuke: Good night!

Rohan: Night love!

*in the morning in jotaros room*

Jotaros Pov:

Jojo... a voice sang to me in my dream. Jojo wake up...
JOTARO! I felt a hand hit my face, I shot up and saw Kakyoin staring at me with an angry expression on his face.

"Jotaro look at the time, its 7:30. We have to be at school at 9 and it takes over half an hour to get there!"

Yes another cliffhanger I might aswell sleep now since I have nothing better to do so bye my little shippers!

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